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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Rob, Man, contrary, you are saving me from further disaster if i continue unnoticed. We have been thru with this many times and I state always, that this kind of cooperation IS fruitfull in science etc. Only one person work has ultimate disadvantage in way if focused on one aspect if leasing wrong IT Can end Up wrong. We played Devils advocate in numerous times questioning usage, photographs, forecastle heigth, experienced etc which proved amazingly. I Can be only thnakful fór that. Speaking of your rig i didnt have múch tíme to watch IT in entirety thru summer, and IT IS blessing fór me to have it dome before my eyes if i need to. More I rig now I am shaking head upon what you really do in your favoritke scale even hooks fór chains and how cleanly. appreciation fór your achievementust be understood AS im ať limit with my scale. Moving forward. Frankly i mušt say i like glory rigged, watching head feat. She looks more completeand real to me. I added to head feat what was missing so far and yes its starting to get busy . Bowsprit ia double guy rigged being 2000 tons +. Third guy fór jibboom added. I know even martingale backstay should be taken by catheads - crazy what those withstood, but i left them Allittle below. I hope you Could swallow this l didnt want to pack it terribly. I didnt make new baplancer AS Well. I Also made Anchor windlass mechanism and now will continue with main and fóre shrouds before moving Up. I ditched blonde lanyard fór stanfing rigging AS per Robs experience and i realised its nôt true depiction of how boats looks in real. Its more distracting so i like IT Dark with blonde wood deadeyes etc....oh and sorry fór bulleyes those are myself Made nôt such pretty as previous. Thnaks múch enjoy and stays tuner fór upcoming i will leave pics speak. V.
  2. Rob, Rich, First Rich, please spare praise words, my work IS merely mediocre and i mean IT seriously:) We All know our glory had special feel in our hearts. Really thanks for your effort to pinpoint inaccuracies. You know I am basically blank page As far as this point of build and this IS my first real rigging. I know Rob knows most but i prefer to build not to bother asking everything in advance. . You saw i only recently realize rope thickness IS measured in circumference not in diameter. Please Keep in mind its not any bother to me if you have to intervene. Im not any concerned quite contrary... it doesnt devaluey progress in my eyes ať All. Im thankful fór whatever IS easily redoable better sooner than later i was so múch overwhelmed in underhill book I forgot to realise that Glorys jibbbom Could be rigged still slightly different AS its different... and didnt check Miachaels draw. Im already making addituons Rob which IS easy peasy to add third jiboom guy etc.... As far as Anchor chain i removed IT completely AS Well. Be assured my friends my ultimate goal IS to have glory AS much true AS you wish She would be. AS i would like to say She still IS vety múch untill now. From now with rigging I believe there wont be much crucial error as i will double check both, Underhill and Michael Mjelde and I hope IT will be pleasure to watch , i Can imagine I caused slight discomfort to Rob especially recent tíme . Meaning slightly humorously of course .. @Rob, i usually try not to bother with slight innacuracies but with properly studying head feat now looking ať your jibboom coincidentally, i found misplacing middle jibbom band and chain , but to be me i wouldnt bother. If you see glorys jibboom photos and Michael draw, band, and stays, inner jibstay jibstay, topgallant flying stay and royal jibstay, band between jibstay and topgallant stay IS clearly not right in center but in 2/3 of its length far nearer towards royal stay and bands. I already just now Made mine...and you Can see i cpuldnt unfortunately narrow boom behind band. Maybe i will rework IT to look more realistically.
  3. Bowsprit. Bowsprit rigging of these later éra ship it seems to be rather easy fór modelers comparing to earlier rope rigging boats. It seems glory had double Bowsprit guys fór that i have eyes premade on deck. Seems i will have to add that and ropewalk IS not yet ready. Hearts vs "bulleyes" polemic is nit opened :)). Some pics. Thank you. za
  4. your sails are to own a medal alone Bruma! I see you are shaping her catching wind at full speed. usually all rigging dissapears under sails but not in your case. joy to watch.
  5. Thank you folks for kind words and encouragements. @ClipperFan Rich, exactly. I particularly chose this scale for this reason, to show other derailed aspects of ship, and nowadays there is possibility to to with astonishing details specially in rigging event with clippers due to better materiáls than in the past etc... Therefore my rigging will be very light compared to Robs astonishing knowledge and miniature mastery, its not my strong side really so I will to very light on running rigging, showing no sails most likely to state cutty sark IS rigged today and event that will be enough of force fór me. AS far as fuzzy lines thanks, but i believe i finally found simiarly usefull way with prvá glue mixed with water...i will show outcome...:) @Boccherini Thanks much Grant, Im thriller by your works with machinery indeed. ... @Alex-Ks1 Thanks you Alex. ... There is no Massive update at this point, I last time returned to whats left to secure at deck. With recuperation traces and hole under catheads from Rising deck. To update. I will use black lanyards fór deadeyes not light color. I realised IT only draws atention and its not true to tarred weathered lanyard anyway. I still need filler to make those wedges under catheads. impossible to see.... Thank you. As far As blackening. AS múch AS I hate painting and painting brass, I will never ever try to chemical blacken glued brass. Impossible of course... I am reaching tweezers and magnifier territory of 1 mm chain eyes. This size IS new fór me though :))) Decisions decisions. This IS Macro closeup magnified enormously. So. - asi far as Bowsprit rigging and so on, I believe im not bothering with trying to make any shackles od ridiculouspu amaller size just to suffer with no scale accuracy. Wired eye will IT be AS at the pics below
  6. Here we go with circumference divided its 1 mm thickness for mizzen mast.There is slight fuzzines on served ropes, not sure how to eliminate it yet. Lines are not yet fastened indefinitely as i leave them to settle. Poly ropes are very stretchy compared to cotton. But amazing to work with. Mizzen mast is getting first beating. Moving from back forward. Im glad i shifted rail inwards.so that lanyards Could follow straight line up.still toucjing rail a bit though.....
  7. I agree Rob. Thanks for honest opinion, your experience of rigging many of them pays off clearly. Im Also bothered visually that thickness of ropes IS inapropriate in respect of everything else. Silly of me i only now realised that size or ropes IS in circumference not diameter. I have to divide IT by 3.14 to get diameter. All will be different and all IS making múch more sense now. Will i fór Once read that book carefully and not making fool of myself ? Gosh, how stupid. V.
  8. Many Thanks for clarifying Rob. In Michaels book its written shrouds were hemp but maybe later wire was most likely used. I remember back from CS shrouds there IS considerable difference in thickness from wire vs hemp of same size. 11 " hemp us ridiculously thick hemp nôt being accepted by any deadeyes of reasonable size so I diminished those sensibly. I am about to use black ratlines though natural lanyard byť nôt white at all. I will use black seizing than. Will post prototypes. Thanks much for insight.
  9. @rwiederrich Rob, I hlave question to ask, heading slowly to mast rigging...Was shrouds and possibly All seizing of big ropes tarred meaning Dark or white AS per english CS fashion? I suppose IT was black IS IT correct? Im looking ať some glorys photos nôt clearly visible though in detail. Thanks much V.
  10. Thanks for correction Rob. Not pure artistic license hovewer I briefly read thru boston article 1869 upon which we are building this mammoth and its a bit confusingly written at first sight counting pump boxes together which amounts 6with miselading sentence "thus she has in all six pumps for the hold" ... my bad I didnt pay closer attention to it ...but no harm whatsoever. right, 1 wheeled and two standalone pumps of iron. Thanks again for correction.
  11. Pumps. There was 6 Small ones around entire Boat, Up and downdecks and oné large wheeled around main mast. I found several pics about design of single handed ones around 1850 of Americas design, but AS We really dont have pics there IS at least little place for fantasy. Not in measurements but in design and shape. Even strange world in modeling. Seems wood got definitely substituted by metal and fancy ornamentals followed rigour of i Guess Victorian era in England, fashion that dip Down into technical world As Well but im no expert of states history. I found few beautiful pics of bilge pumpa in web. Still not blackened. I am waiting fór birch cassey substance.....:) Will follow later on. ... ..thanks. v.
  12. Its few years now Rich, it healed but i need to be careful with agressivr glues as skin is nie extra sensitive. Thanks for likes folks. I Continued with Anchor release working mechanism. Im not expert in this field nor history buff or aspirating one I hope and believe this is the correct pattern from the era as per similar vessels of that tíme. Design relies not on pulling the release bar which i suppose would be impossible fór mens muscles anyway to pull Iron upon which hangs on chains weight of some 6000 punds. Its working by turning bar on its own Axis, bar that ends IS shaped like half shaft hollowed at which top of rests opposite simple Iron bar that moves around its Axis as well. AS release Turns. Bar slips from its mesta and chain with Anchor drops freely ať the other end of bar there was aj eye i believe to secure its end when necessary somewhat ať the deck so noone would attempt to release IT accidentaly or fór weather conditions sake... I hope ili got IT right though. Its still not secured and blackened as few more things. I also made Iron tip of skid to prevent wood from damage from lifeboats. With this done and anchors and boats secured I will be finished with last deck works and its a milestone long awaited as rigging journey can start aplenty. Thanks for watching comments, remarks etc...
  13. Small update from todays rigging preparations. I continue with making Howes cranes on topmast caps. These needs to be 3 made, each for every lower topyard. Since my solder skin poisoning axident I derailed from soldering at All trying different methods of joining cut and shaped brass mostly by wires thru holes..thanks much for watching etc...
  14. very neat George. all ropes tight and nice around deadeyes. It must hqve been quite a work. its interesting aproach to rise all stays first. my plan is to step up together with yards meaning lower mast atraching yard than topmast etc.... will see how it goes quite nervous. Keep great progress. amazing. V.
  15. Thanks for interest and comments Folks. @Rich, sorry to hear unfortunate setback, those are regretful occurenes where little helps ať least maybe that no injury was involved thankfully. I hope for the best with compensations etc... AS far as last updates i only observe what folks are doing mostly in rather mediocre fashion ... To follow @ Dolphin Strike revision etc ... I continue detailing after underhill..spent enough tíme with brass to get me entertained. Im glad i dont follow only usual 1:96 plans as there IS rather simplified solution with using simple hooks etc. This IS magnifier work applied. I though have one problm folks. I really have issue how to blacken already constructed brass on wood surface lie topmast tops etc. m not sure painting would be satisfying fór me at least. But i dont know of something from chemická Arsenal to blacken it AS already attacjed to wood. If you have satisfying solution i would be thankfull. Nôt fully moving to both Axis but sufficuently enough to one for our need. Some pics.
  16. I continue with something else. Rigging of lower yards. Tried with served rope of scale thickness for entire length for stability of roofrope will see if to continue with this fashion. I believe this way will be doable fór me Up until upper topyard not thinking od topgallant and higher up as of now. I follow underhill general view...
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