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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. some continuation... started from opposite sides...bowsprit hole 28degrees, and masts resting holes..main mast is going right thru bulkhead so i had to think a bit... thanks for stopping by. till next time ...i hope bulkheads will be faired. so far so good though i guess i lowered stern profile 5 mm down though I will see how many problems arises when fairing hull...i intend to measure curvatures with blank plank...
  2. Hello, I finished half of hawse timbers kind of ..."mimic'. its probably overkill for pob, but im satisfied with outcome enough. I cant imagine comfy planking wirhout this structural part. only half yet though , im quite done. firstly I made bulkheads no0 and from there jig for it. I made bulkheads removable from one another, so when finished i will glue those together. and hole for bowsprit of fourse. thank you for watching etc. it will take some time to finish second one so i will post afterwards. what do you think? )
  3. It should take no more than week or two until I get bulkheads. Im thrilled waiting. I little continued on stern...first making planking grove and transom planks.. next massive ornamental piece that attaches to the skeleton. im not good at scraping but i tried to make- modify pattern out of comercial one to mimic prototype....photos to say more. transom will be black but i intend to leave ornamentals natural boxwood so far. I should cover it at this stage not to smudge it much. thanks.
  4. Thank you for likes, views, comments ... i have small update from another chapter. rather poor carving nameplate attempt. well, here is it...im not sure how am i going to incorporate this into that carved blanket that hasnt yet been started...
  5. Transom wings? or whatever those are called. well, finally little weekend time. I was thinking what sort of filler to apply ..but, i realised i wouldnt be able to guess curvature without making proper pieces. Im making these, but had to though out how. Surely its quite easier than pof builders have to endure, but i dont have any sort of mill anyway...after checking against plan its not quite there yet but tweaking along. Thankfully i had to sand off only backside of them. I made jig mimicking center piece where they will be. offset by 2.5 mm according to plan right next to vertical post fastened to center line. they will be secured nicely along centerline as sticking surfqce is quite long. im still working on them. two in middle are shorter i have to adjust that.. thank you for looking in, comments , likes, advices etc...
  6. congratulations for lovely ship and presentation as well.
  7. Rich, im certainly glad this story is getting back to normality. what is clear is that you are excellent story teller and writer, among other things for sure. Im very much looking forward to the article ..and pleased to hear from you indeed. all best in 2024 V.
  8. Thank you. Yes I found it difficult as well. there is probably far more ways to make it more simply or easier it one is building counter jig with curvature bed so legs could be under control, and making it from pear wood without laset cut precision requires utmost effort to maintain accuracy otherwise it gets soon cramped. but it is main structural part so it requires attention. I was finally happy I strenghtened it as much as possible as it required fair amount of sanding for final correction so it needed to be stiff...but lots lots of work there for me.
  9. Took me week to work the skeleton. though I will have to figure out how to drill cannon holes at later stage. maybe i will do it at this point sometime. Thanks for looking in. Im glad this extremely difficult part is behind me. windows sills inserted and polished..
  10. Very nice preplanking preparation Kenny. I intend to "steal" some tricks for my future working :)). good luck with planking. milestone indeed.
  11. Good day fellow scratchbuilders. Bulkheads are in making so im excited. I decided not to waste time and made stern structural backbone. ride is on.
  12. Many thanks Rob. Tell the truth, I was just plain beginner when building cutty sark not capable of making glory at all around that time so it was good decision to wait a bit. sure this build was not piece of cake due to fact that we hurried up building after having sortrd out hull structurd as well as part of excitement and curiosity. and we discussed along ...yes we came into funny part when both had to lift forecastle, but it all was just hell of a journey. I would say we know her from bottom up at this point. Cheers to Mckay !
  13. Thank you folks. many of it certainly is part of your supervision under winchelsea aprenticing learning project. :)) as well as part of learning to be humble and to use tighter tolerances.:) many thanks V.
  14. End. ride is over folks . new year new projects.I cant believe that after 3 years, its concluded. I wont post many pics as everything is in log. I just wish to thank among all others who were looking into this build Rob and Rich, without whom would this never materialised. That collaboration holds special place in my inner side, and brought me quite a eeal of satisfaction and joy. hanks everyone and be inforemed that if you want you can look into my new build of my first period advanced attempt. french frigate. peacefull 2024 to eveyone. Id like ti change topic header to FINISHED but cant see how. probably android phone not showing all buttons ...anyway...cheers everyone.
  15. I made them myself Brian. Had it copied to get it into pc and worked it on pc.
  16. Good evening. I will start new log for 24 pdr french frigate Egyptienne starting new year 2024. There has been some intensive work ongoing as Im finishing pob bulkheads work from monograph plans. This is my first ancre build, but hull seem pretty straightforward, yet it is very difficult subject due to intense and advance carving at stern. Anyway, I wont go in detail about her history, however, its so little of her here for many reasons. Im fan of napoleoninc era etc. Its important to stress, that this magnificent vessel carried famous rosetta stone from egypt to england alrrady under english flqg as been captured in siege of alexandria and became english afterwards. designed by Faro, Two vessels were similar. I see one or two logs on her so there will hopefully be a lot to discuss . I already started but unusual. backwards so I have most difficult part behind me. I hand carved stern plate on boxwood, and painted black so its different that colorless prototype. you can see slightly simplified ornamentals as those acanthus leaves are beyond my skill. thus even with this omission I hope I stayed true to original as well as with female figure with mirror palm trees and pyramids. Floral element below is not yet fyluply completed but almost. Bow elements are verybdifficult but i hope to obtain some machinery in next year or so so I can simplify work. I intend to plank her with boxwood so light tone with black wales. But many to discuss later :). I will apreciate any comment suggestion remark etc...Sure im learing from more experienced builders here, and with experiences I already have. So excited to enter my first french territory. I count few years until completed, planned full with rigging and sails. Good productive week to everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS, good health etc... Vlad
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