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Posts posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. 1 hour ago, rwiederrich said:

    Vlad....you're doing a fantastic job faring out those bulkheads.  Adding and subtracting material to make sure your angles of clination are just right.


    Love the attention to detail.    I found myself doing exactly the same thing.....however.....I tend to augment that with the addition of external compounds on the hull that I sand in.     I check...add...sand...check...add...sand....until I'm satisfied.

    Much of the hull will be covered in copper tape...treated to look like Muntz metal.....so I feel I can allow some very minor blemishes to remain in those locations.


    More unorthodox methods are upon me.  I will add the preassembled bulwarks(Up to the main rail) to the planksheer .  Starting from the aft, moving forward from the poop.  I can easily bend the precut veneer bulwarks with the framing added.....to the planksheer...forming along the hull, easier then if I simple add the framing, then lay strakes, as most kit processes outline.


    I've done and gone against my original notion of NOT adding a sub deck and I added one of thin maple veneer.   I gathered there would be too much flex in the deck between bulkheads......so to prevent minimal gapping and flex of these deck timbers....I went for it.


    The addition of the thin veneer sub deck is very minimal any way.


    I'm prepping for holiday to the coast, so I will not be working on Glory till next week...but I will take a pic of the new additions when I get home from work today.



    Yes Rob, all good points there, thank you.  

    but to tell the truth, im still not decided on finish and therefore on process. I saw nice brigantine today with all wooden finish that apealed to me not painted at all. I think you liked it as well. I have to think it over again and again. All i know I want to use boxwood for molda and sheers. Im not sure i want to go with coppering this time.... so even without paint it can go pretty if i palnk her with dark wood and light wood for contrast. 

    there are basically two ways and aproaches for me. going with true colors or going with wooden contrasts.... Im ready to plank her properly if going with wood . well... i have to think. not decided yet. 


  2. 16 hours ago, gak1965 said:

    Looking great so far. Pretty big hull at 1:72. If I'm calculating correctly, it's about 900 mm, right? Going to be an awesome model when you are done!

    Thank you. yes it might be about that size with bowsprit and bobstays even more. I would definitely not want it bigger though. thank for comment. V. im doing it looking at fish plane and watching yours guys. Vlad. 

  3. 15 hours ago, ClipperFan said:


    Thanks. It finally feels like my body is on its full way to recovery, Thank God! I'm glad to hear you had a nice Father's Day get together with family. I never asked. Do you have kids or grandchildren?

    By the way. Do you know if Michael's been able to see these pics of your impressive 3rd model? I would be thrilled to see images of your and Vladimir's completed projects in his 3rd book. Probably not possible due to production timelines but it never hurts to ask.

    Meanwhile, on your vacation, due be careful. I hear riding in the surf can be very tricky!

    I am happy for your recovery progress Rich. Nice to have you back here. V. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, rwiederrich said:

    Vlad.....One thing I adhere to.....is.......if you're going to paint it....who cares what it is made of?  I also plan on using styrene strips because they bend oh so sweetly and once painted.....they look just like wood strakes.  so my thought is.....use whatever you can to get the job done.

    Steaming planks......?  I don't need to steam no stinking planks........   Heeheehee LOL....


    Sorry....I got emotional.



    Guess what? I was thinking today about damn useless proper planking not speaking of tapering etc. what for - if all ends up painted black... still having time but i dont see another option than planks atm . instead of proper size i can use way thicker to speed it up... 

  5. 4 minutes ago, rwiederrich said:

    Indeed...glad you overcame the issues.  Once I finish sanding the hull...I will begin carving the mid deck stern portion just beneath the poop deck.  I think I will carve it instead of trying to bend planks around to get the right curve and camphor.


    I'll keep an eye out at your log as well for any updates I can glean from.  fingers crossed....



    Wow thats interesting approach i may try ti mimic. I ll watch closely . 

  6. 6 minutes ago, rwiederrich said:

    Take extra time to verify that all your bulkheads are fared and are transitional.  I noted that bulkhead #3,, #5   and I think #9 or 10 have some issures with their widths.  Run some string along the bulkheads to validate their true flow from one to another.  I had to make some drastic mods to correct these issues.  I hope they did not translate to your scale.


    And yes..the waterway is the most difficult to bend at the bow.....   Cut sections are probably your best bet.


    Good luck and let the fun begin.....



    Rob check my log its all there. yep i confirm around 10 bulkhead strangely i had to diminish it and no 4 as that one was slightly narrowed for smoother arrow ...but i had to add to it finally to go smoothly. its all even. next i will go making waterways, stern profile and knightheads and rabbet and keel - seems it all will be some important fun. ill inform along. lets hope i will guess stern curvature right. fingers crossed :) V.  

  7. 22 minutes ago, rwiederrich said:

    I've been watchin.  It's kinda fun to be building the same vessel from the same bulkhead design...but being a fully scratch built model as well at the same time.   We can glean from one another.



    Yes and with quite different approach :) . so far a bit hassle with evening bulkheads but once done should be straightforward. waterway and sheer would take me longer though. good luck. V. 

  8. Issues. 


    Dear clipper afficionados, 

    I had fantastic time today working on glory surprised how much work ive done even it was not planned. 

    I was surprised how many issues was with evening bulkheads. Much work - youre correct Rob. first, there is no advantage to have not many bulkheads because every attempt to fasten them misalign centerline. But there is no workaround i guess. Second. These bulkheads were offset from book so it was to be that there will be some issues. What i was suprised those were in middle ! . I was pleased how bow and stern played well. No issue there. But there was quite a lot  i had to add or remove for at least 3 bulkheads . It was slow work as i had to align with plank over entire hull...but  I enjoyed all the process, much easier to sand the poplar. Voila. She is sanded already ! And even im pretty satisfied. I want to build her to my best so there is no time to rush me...only planking will show sharpness of my eyes, and evennes but i intend to plank with thicker as usual so i can even her after planking to extent needed. 


    There was issue with bulkhead no 4 as I expected as I derailed from Michael Mjelde and drew it less sharp on the too side so rail and topgalant profike from above is smoither longer arrow - different from his design. There had to be fillup in center of bulkhead however which i issued and corrected. You can see the pic. 

    Bulkheads 10 and 11 were pain as well those seemed to me thicker than should be giving hull strange bump so i had to even thst bump. But considering last stern bulkhead curve  is basicaly guess and also bulkhead i am really pleased watching Robs iteration and also eirh mine after alignments and sanding. Cant wait to plank her. 


    Another thing was i made pattern for waterway , so i can cut it straight. It alsi shows if curve of bulkheads  is smooth band elegant enough i can go further. 

    I added some plywood on the deck fasterned it by two naips and run thin strake along bulkheads so i could draw pencip line to the plywood of that pattern of waterway will be cut basicaly. ...i think line is pleasingly even. Many pics to fillow. Thanks for any comment etc. This time i wleven didnt break bow upper forecastle bulkheads extensions. Strange. New lt i guess i will add keel,  make knightheads ( that will be important fun and stern profile.



































  9. On 6/10/2021 at 8:06 PM, rwiederrich said:

    Here we go....blocking it up and making its bulkheads true......


    Guess the bug bit ya hard Vlad......  Glad you're making a go at it too.  I'll be watchin closely.



    Rob,i hope  it will be fun and interesting to watch two very different styles and approaches on same model. one for sure , you will be miles ahead though. 

    i am about to work waterways out. there is no way i can bend such big timber thus  in this matter with my scale i have to first draw line over hull into some thin plywood to make pattern than appy pattern to some 5 mm thick wood and cut or sand down as bueatiful curve as possible but to make it so narrow it will be challenge. looks like same will go for sheerline. so challenges on every step will hold me back a lot. ...no rush there. :) 

  10. Slight progress inhere....


    Preparation work for planking is not very exciting works at least for me nothing looking dashy yet it is very important one. I finally kicked myself into it, and glued bulkheads first and than I  had to stiff and rigid the hull as bulkheads are way apart of each other. I cut same cubic pieces of   wood and worked with many leftovers so they fit it the place.  It looks pretty simple but one must check if the centerline is straight all the time and so i glued pieces in three sections

     Yet still i managed to derail bow but there is perfect easy way to return the tide. I cut those inpieces parallel in the place of turn and was able to turn it stright i inglued a wedge to one side and voila. Im now getting closer to sanding the hull which is slow important task. I also checked keel timbers assembly rhough i will have to work scarfs ij them.  One disdvantage ship  is quite heavy  now but those big pieces glued give me assurance it is stiff. the skeleton is now very rigid itself which i like Till next, thanks for watching etc...

















  11. 1 hour ago, ClipperFan said:

    Rob, you do such amazingly fast yet beautiful work. I know it must have felt like an eternity over this past year but it now looks like our group's concerted efforts are paying off in big dividends. "Glory of the Seas" has never looked better. Her sleek , fine entrance finally reflects the images of her at Seattle and other scenes. Even more noticeable is that her previous over large, sort of dumpy exaggerated Stern is much more refined reflecting the hard work we did in getting that area accurate. What's more is her superior carrying capacity is very noticeable too, from your overhead shots. It's immediately clear what Donald MacKay was aiming for in this refined nautical design: a vessel with very strong clippership qualities yet with significant carrying capacity too. I am so looking forward to watching your progress on her.

    very well put! 

  12. 13 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Rob, with all the patient research and background work invested in getting her true form accurate, I predict this will be the most exciting build you've done so far. Already I can see a more refined Hull with a much sleeker, fine entrance of her prow without even seeing the enhanced Cutwater and Stem included. Great work as usual!

    all agreed, :) Rich Rob I am really suprised how Sharp tip of the bow looks already and its even half of the most agressive curvature installed ! and stern looks awesome sweet already doesnt it? Rob nailed circle pattern of stern i think. 

  13. 1 hour ago, rwiederrich said:

    I spent a little time on the hull last night after a busy day of church and picnic.   I began to install the strakes and plank the hull.


    Like as in the Flying Fish build Log,  I first added the waterways and the planksheer.  My metal clamps work very well too.


    I'll work on it again today for a bit and will provide some images then.



    cant wait :) 

  14. 1 hour ago, rwiederrich said:

    Thanks for asking Vlad.  I've been so busy with the garden and house work...that I only had time to check them out.   They look wonderful....and if all goes well....tonight, after work, I will cut them free and dry fit them and then begin the assembly.    I will post images of my progress....and hopefully...We, or (I) can move away from the planning and get right into the construction of the model and let this build log get started again.


    Like you....I'm drawing heavily from the boys over in the Flying Fish kit log as to some building steps and techniques....because you designed the bulkheads in accordance with the Flying Fish kits design.  I'm feeling quite confident.....moving forward...since this build is in 1/96 or 1/8"= 1ft....I can use scale lumber I am milling myself.


    I'll post images tonight of what I get done....I still have to go to the dentist too.........blah......



    Great Rob, 

    I anticipate they fit fine as laser guy is very precient and he knows his stuff. There are distances to be set when laser cut so i trust him it worked for mine always im quite confident in this respect. He was soing extra work as well as i insisted he maintains 1:96 ratio he had to recalculate for thickness of wood. he  even asks now if everything is ok. ...cant wait 

    only thing i maybe regret now  is i changed waterway beam thickness measure to make it bit smaller than original. but im thinking of workaround already together with flying fish plan. its good help to do it that way. im glad you and Rob and Michaels guy sorted out bulwark size...


    by the way im reading thru crothes American built clipper ship. I learn pelnty regarding understanding hull structural essentials and vocabulary as well reasoning....probably best book in this resepct.



  15. 5 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Rob, Vladimir


    Gina Bardi came through big time for me! Here's the series of images she took of "Glory of the Seas" nameboard. I've enhanced the one image of the entire board so it can be seen close up. Details I noticed are that it appears like both ends of the board with the lovely oaken leave scrollwork were damaged. The fore end lower innermost section looks like it was detached but somehow saved to be reattached at a somewhat awkward angle. Upper fore section appears to be unmarked. Sadly the aft section didn't fare as well. The bottom seems to be missing some parts and there is a large double crease in the center. Still, all in all for having survived possibly from 1869 until 1922, potentially 53 years this artifact is a wonderful tribute to the durability of the cedar it was crafted from. My impression is that this port Bow nameboard is the original device but Michael Mjelde said it couldn't be verified if it had ever been replaced. With the close ups thought, you can clearly see that it was all hand chiseled. He described this as remarkably difficult work due to the somewhat rubbery aspect of the nautical cedar.








    my goodness this can be digitaly rendered to utmost detail. well if thats someones aim...precious work 

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