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Posts posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. 57 minutes ago, realworkingsailor said:

    that doesn’t look to be a particularly tenable position for the telescope. It wouldn’t take much of a roll to have it leave the table and land with a crash… 

    Excellent observation.  The figures are awesome, but the telescope would not be sitting like that (at least not for long).

  2. On 6/1/2024 at 7:36 AM, chris watton said:

    Not sure about adding a bomb or mortar vessel, never gave that type a single thought. And, to be honest, I have very little passion for that type of vessel.

    Wich' being one who's building a Granado - I'd encourage add'n a bomb vessel to the Vanguard Fleet 😃.  When it comes to armament, maybe bigger is better 😉


  3. 18 hours ago, Jorez de Saint Nazaire said:

    Hello Brian,


    Glad to see your work! Your choice of black is unique and very effective in revealing details. what means "a little international science and adventuring"

    Hey Francois, 

    Thanks for your kind words about my color scheme.  I’m trying my best!  What I meant was i will be flying to Madrid, then driving to Salamanca for a scientific meeting.  After the meeting is over, I will drive to Porto for a few days, then to Coimbra, and then to Lisbon for a while, before flying back to the US from Lisbon.  My niece lives in Lisbon, so it will be very good to see her again (last time I saw her was when I visited her in 2016 when she was living in Moscow).  Looking forward to a few weeks of business and pleasure near you!!!

  4. Well, it has been a long time since I have updated my build log.  That doesn't mean I haven't been working on the Granado, but it does mean I am slow as molasses (particularly with things I have never done before).  I have been working a lot too.  However, enough of the excuses, and a wee bit of an update on where it all stands at the moment.  Here are two photos of my progress with the preparation of the masts, yards, bowsprit, gaffs, etc for the rigging of Granado:




    I still have things to touch up, and the mizzen mast needs some Danish Oil wiped on it still....but it is progress.  We are heading inland for a short time, and I will work on the Sphinx while there and send some pics of that soon.  Then back out to the Island before I eventually head to Spain and Portugal for a little international science and adventuring.  Hope all is well with everyone, and thanks for stopping by!!!!

  5. 29 minutes ago, Jorez de Saint Nazaire said:

    Stern fascia and stern counter doned and also the famous quaterdeck bulkhead.

    My friends suggest to paint the bulkhead in red instead of the french blue and to paint the decal in gold.

    Nicely done!!!  I really like your approach with the decals too!!!  I wish I had thought of that…

  6. Anyone who has read my blogs knows that I tend to worry about the "correct" procedure that should be used in building a model ship.  One of the things I have been worrying about lately was how to step the masts on my Granado in a way where I could guarantee they would be aligned relatively straight (albeit with the required rake), and whether I should use  wood glue (PVA) or the time control CA I have been using a lot of lately.  In the process of worrying over this and other things, I ran across one post where an individual had a laser line system and used that to make sure his mast was glued in place with the correct orientation.   That seemed like a high tech solution, but I don't (yet) have a laser level system....so I just kept worrying, thinking about having my wife help me eyeball it, etc.  (I know, I need mental help).  But it finally occurred to me that a simple *plum bob* might just be the most cost effective solution.  So my questions are: 1) how many individuals have actually used a plum bob to step their masts, or what other techniques might be suggested for me to consider/worry over to get the mast stepped the first time; 2) what glue do you recommend for this endeavor.  PLEASE HELP ME STOP WORRYING ABOUT THIS (so I can worry about something else =).

    Best regards, and happy holidays,


  7. On 9/23/2023 at 9:43 PM, toms10 said:

    There are a lot of lines hanging from the blocks under the tops and trees  all coiled up and labeled. It is much easier to thread the blocks when the masts are off the model. It gets a bit scary looking now but since each line is labeled it is actually pretty easy. 

    Do you just use excess line all coiled up?  I’ve been thinking it should be easier to do the blocks under the tops before installing the masts, but I’ve never done it before…

  8. I agree, the net is an amazing help for communities like model ship builders.  I'd be lost without it, and my boat building efforts would look much more pathetic!  I look forward to seeing your work with the stern fascia, bending it and getting it in the right place, etc.  I am considering whether I want to paint the hull on the Sphinx now that I am making some progress on it, but I have a long way to go before I really need to worry about that part.  I'll be getting back to the HMS Granado in a few weeks, and I will make sure to send some pictures of the modest progress I have made as of late.

  9. Chris Watton at Vanguard is so clever he includes safety gates parts whose entire purpose is to reinforce areas that are prone to big thumbs.  However, I must admit, I had a wee bit of an mdf framing part succumb to the brute force of my fingers.  It was going to have to be removed much later, but lets just say I "jumped ahead" =/

    Sorry Chris, **it happens, even to the best of designs when I get involved 😃

  10. Happy belated Thanksgiving to all the US MSWers, and greetings and best regards to everyone else in the community.  I had  a couple of presentations to give recently, so my time had been focused primarily on work and slides for the last few months.  I am glad that is done for a while, and am now delighted that I can take just a wee bit of time to focus on making some progress on the Sphinx build while away from HMBV Granado.  I'll reiterate what everyone already knows, the Vanguard Sphinx kit is superb, and makes building a model ship a real pleasure.  The only tricky part I have run into is getting the gun deck settled into place, which took some sanding and swearing, but once it snapped into place I knew I had succeeded.  I've got some sanding to do now.....but I am pleased to have things moving in the right direction.  Here is a quick pic of where things stand at present.  I hope everyone is doing well and want to extend my thanks for stopping by and taking a look.  This community is an awesome positive reinforcer for beginner modelers like me and I appreciate that a lot.  Cheers all.


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