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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Nice, I havent decided if Ill just let my model be without it or have a go at sculping it. /Matti
  2. Mark, I think it could be in the new Vasa book soon to be released. Im not 100% sure if the rigging is in it though. Nice work on the canons! /Matti
  3. Haha, yeah. Well it's a... a... Well it's lying on a... hmm... With two purple fish dogs... /Matti
  4. Enjoy your new life. Building looks great! /Matti
  5. Cheers mobbsie, Erik and Lawrence! I found a pic of the 1:10 showing the sculpture youre wondering about. /Matti
  6. Thanks Michael! I prefer plastic as I can rework them easily. To make, say, the towers the way I wanted I needed to reshape the sculptures and to fit they all ended up different from each other. Plastic makes it easier to get the ship the way I want. I can tweak and reshape the wood construction and then shape the sculptures after what I made. /Matti
  7. Glad youre back, and hope everything is going well with the family! The update is looking so nice! /Matti
  8. Cheers mate! The one against the back looks like a triton. The one behind the head im not sure of yet. Looks like it could be two lying tritons or mermaids but hard to tell. They are not included in the kit and I haven't decided about what to do about that. /Matti
  9. Lawrence, I love snow, but at the same time I save a lot of money now as I dont have to use any wood to warm it. The galjon lion is finished except the Vasa heraldic shield its going to hold. The original figure are only done in two halves. The sides themselves are not bad and no doubt better then anything I could carve but it leaves just the wood between them and have no face and topside head. I decided to make the face and head out of putty. /Matti
  10. Lawrence, I'm having a really warm winter so far. I'm not complaining as the last ones were long and cold. Downside is that it's a lot of rain here. Mark, cheers. I'm moddding the original lion as it's pretty good from the side. I post an update later on. /Matti
  11. Thanks Jack, I'm glad you like it. When I started to look for a wood kit I found posts where Fred Hocker at the Vasa museum recommended Billing Boats. Its also the kit they sell (sold?) at the museum. I agree with this,it is the closest in shape and details at the stern, galleries and bow. The overall shape is close also. You "need" to make open gunports though, and that was a little tricky. The sculptures could be better I guess, but do their job and are based on the real ones or Landströms drawings. They are pretty easy to rework and be made to fit as they are made in plastic. I have no idea how many hours, the sculpture painting takes a lot of time if you do them polychrome. The gunports mod also took many hours to do. It's my first wood kit so it took some time to figure things out for me, if you are experienced you would be faster. The Revell is the best plastic model but idealized and the scale is rather small. /Matti
  12. Thanks Mark! Did you change the construction of the big lion in front? /Matti
  13. Cheers for the kind comments! Yeah, toilets are soon to be made. Its funny how different the bow makes her appear. Ive grown so used to see the model without it. /Matti
  14. Im sorry to hear about your loss Andy. Take care of yourself and your family. /Matti
  15. Cheers guys! Yeah It was a good feeling to put the soldering iron back Nigel. Good call on the colors Tony, polychrome is beautyful. If I can be of any help dont be afraid to ask. /Matti
  16. Thanks Lawrence, Ive built the basic bow structure. moving on to the ledges. Off topic trivia: yesterday was Gustav Adolf day here in Sweden. /Matti Edit: Added a few more pics, now with the ledges in place.
  17. Its nice to be able to leave one step of the build and start the next. Looking forward to see pics. /Matti
  18. Looking great Mark! It must be a relief to be done with so much painting. /Matti
  19. Your model is becoming a piece of art! Your style in modelling is great. /Matti
  20. Cheers mate, yeah I try to get the same feeling on the walls as te rest of the ship. I had to rework them a couple of times to get the finish I want. I dont like the scribed lines to be to black and obvious, but still visiable. After building the galleries and painting the figures it feels like lightspeed building the bow area. /Matti
  21. Thanks Mark, I think you did great with yours. /Matti
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