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    Flevoland, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    WWII planes, VOC ships, Clipper ships

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  1. Thanks to a member of the Dutch Modelbrouwers.nl forum, I now have the instructions and flags for this model. Hopefully I will be able to continue this build soon. I also added the instructions to Scalemates.com, so other builders can use them in the future.
  2. Made little progress last night. Painted the hull halves with copper. Also did a dryfit. It definitely is an old Revell kit. Loads of modifications and filling to make.
  3. Some little progress I made on the ratlines. Still need to cut the ropes off the upper ratlines. 4 down, 8 to go.....
  4. Just a little progress in this build. Primered the deck and hull parts. And tried to find some pictures of the manual, with very little results.
  5. Thanks for your reply. I already have this one. There are some differences between them. I will use the 1/220 manual as a guideline for the colours. It looks like the 1/220 version has more parts and detailing compared to it's bigger sister.
  6. The second project I will start next to the 1/225 Revell HMS Victory is the 24" Clipper Thermopylae. A simplified kit from the 60's. It is the same kit as the 24" Clipper Cutty Sark, with a few parts made for this model. It will not be a very accurate build, but I will make the best I can of it. A few pictures of the kit and it's content: The only things missing are the instructions and the paper sheet with the flags on it. Is there anyone who has this kit in his/her stash, who is able and willing to send these as a PDF or scans in A4 format to me?
  7. Had little to do yesterday, so picked up with this build. Placed all of the shrouds. Painted the bottom ones. After that i placed the upper masts with the shrouds. Next step will be the ratlines.
  8. Finaly some progress made. The anchors are placed, the rudders on the sloops are placed. Also the davits are removed, because they were added to the ship somewhere around 1822. My first ever attempt to do some rigging, so please go easy on me... I try to make it as realistic as I,m able to on this scale.
  9. Looks great! Such a beatiful ship. 🤩 Makes me want to start on my Revell Batavia. But I have to finish the Victory first, or else I have to many projects in progress.🤔
  10. I will follow your build. Good luck on it, especialy with the limited materials you have!
  11. Read and going to watch all you have managed thusfar! Great work and your weathering is a source of inspiration for me. I'm modelling for some years now, but never had the courage. Working on the Revell Victory I.m starting with tiny steps.
  12. Nice detailing! I hope to see some more progress on this beautiful ship! Like they say in dutch: Tot binnenkort!!!
  13. I found some ships on https://creativepark.canon/ and many other card models for free. Some are very basic, but ther are some worth a build I think like the Cutty Sark
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