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Posts posted by FlyingFish

  1. 13 hours ago, Wintergreen said:

    It is funny how you sometimes have to post pictures to see the imperfections

    Couldn't agree more! One of the great values of this forum is the introspection the photos and analysis gives us - and the comments they elicit. Well done for cracking the problem!

  2. Thanks to all for comments. 

    On 1/1/2022 at 8:33 PM, mtaylor said:

    I hope you'll put your finished build pics in the Gallery


    22 hours ago, KeithAug said:

    What next

    A pause to replenish the trout fly boxes; make a garden bird table in the shape of the Parthenon (yes really); and sundry household jobs. Then I have a shortlist of projects to select a candidate for the next build.... à bientôt!

  3. Well, I think this project is complete, although I will build a permanent display stand and clear case to display Orca eventually. 

    I think this could be the first ‘public’ Orca model to be built true to the traditional method for Novi lobster boat construction using frames; ribbands; ribs and planks, with a keel close to the original, and modelling the engine, and other below decks parts; pilot house as well as the lower trunk deck details, and all the film props. If I was to do this again there are still a few mistakes I would correct, as some dimensions and proportions had to be ‘guestimated’.

    It’s been an interesting project, and I have learnt a lot, with help from many members, of course. Including the research and plan drawing there are hundreds of hours in the build. If there had to be a pandemic lockdown, it was not a bad way to pass the time.


    Thanks for the 14K+ views and many thumbs up and comments, and the helpful information and advice - it is appreciated and has significantly improved the final model.

    So, here’s some final pictures of the complete boat including one showing the decks removed to reveal the interior. 




















    I have an idea for a fun follow-up build, which may appear in 2022. Watch this space.

    Until then, I’ve taken the actors back to their barge, filming is wrapped, and I’d better take this old girl back to Amity before she sinks.

    Farewell and adieu!




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