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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Time for working on "Trial" has been severely curtailed recently with another DIY project for the Admiral and a brush with some nasty Cold/flu/Covid thingy 🤢, but on the mend now. With the time I have had I have been experimenting with the dummy gun port I made and trying out rigging the little 3lb's, as the guns are pretty small I wasn't sure I would add more than the breeching rope, but I found some tiny printed blocks and thought I would have a go. Breeching ropes are 0.5mm which looking at the available tables seems to near enough scale, and the tackle is 0.1mm thread. I used a shim on the floor of dummy gun port to keep the muzzle about one foot (scale) inboard to measure the length of breeching rope I needed to make. After that I did a dry run for the traditional way I have seen breeching ropes done; gun run out and breeching rope loose on the deck and tackles rigged to their blocks and ready for the falls to be coiled on deck also. I think that will go okay, the purists among you will be horrified there are no hooks on these tiny blocks, but at the scale that is way beyond my skills, so I just tied the blocks to the rings - just make me walk the plank now! It has always been my intention to have the larboard battery in the "ready to fire" state with a few gun crew scattered among them and the starboard guns with the rig as stowed, I found this thread a very useful reference. So this is what I attempted, as the last couple of picture show. The ropes look a little "glossy" in the pictures as the matte medium I used to seal them was still drying. I also added a little lead patch for the touch hole on the stowed gun. - One down eleven to go! Thanks all for your comments and likes. Regarding the offending belay pins, I will have to look into how these could be replaced without damaging the model too much, if I can source/make something more acceptable, I certainly don't want to risk anyone's eyesight with my log! 🤓 With things as busy as they are at the moment it might be another two, three weeks before updates. Until then thanks all! Also waiting for the courier to deliver my VM HMS "Adder"! 😁
  2. Welcome to MSW Louise! The Great White eating Orcas made it on to the news here in the UK, like you say, there will always be a bigger fish somewhere! Looking forward to your log.
  3. Welcome MSW!
  4. Don’t worry about the invasion stripes not being perfect, the real ones were often very rough, applied in a rush on the eve of D-Day, there is plenty of archive footage of them being applied with yard brushes and even mops (on bigger aircraft admittedly). Even the thickness of the stripes; though defined in the instructions sent out to units was not always followed - as is the case of the ones on your Spitfire, these are narrower that the “standard” but Airfix are correct looking at images of 126 Squadron D-Day Spits. Regards the rudder trim tab, it is simple part, you might scratch make it if Airfix don’t supply a replacement.
  5. Good to see you posting again Bug and that your daughter and family have pulled through what must have been a really tough time. Wish you all well and looking forward to Pegasus updates when you can.
  6. That looks very sharp, good luck with the rudder trim tab hunt! 🫣
  7. Welcome to MSW Paul!
  8. That grass looks really good Andy, things have moved on since I used to chuck railway “green stuff” at some board coated in pva.
  9. Good luck for your 2024 releases Chris. Preorder in for “Adder”; though by decree of the Admiral mine will be called “Sparkler” from the 15 names available, as she likes that name better. 😁. At least that one was at Copenhagen….
  10. Looking very good David, I am suitably warned about the delicate anchors! Seems inevitable, given how clumsy I am, that I will be breaking them also! 😆
  11. Welcome to MsW!
  12. Welcome to MSW!
  13. Welcome to MSW
  14. Welcome to MSW Peter!
  15. Things have slowed up in the last week or so, the Admiral has got us doing another project in the house (decorating the kitchen) so modelling time at a premium! A few little bits have been completed:- I made some slightly larger stern knees and added belay pins for the aft braces I'm going to fit and the flag halliard. Assembled and fitted the catheads, I painted them to hide the parts construction but masked off the fine detailed etched into the sides; also added stopper cleats and cathead supporters as little extras. The tiller arm although assembled is not permanently fixed yet. Next up as and when I get time is to rig and fit the ordnance. To that end I have made a little dummy gun port for rigging up the cannon before fitting to the model. I now also need to get some supplies to continue the build, so that and DIY might slow me up for a while. Thanks for looking in
  16. Congratulations on your retirement Dan, hope you get more time for your models as you adjust to your new "normal" Your F104 is looking really good!
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