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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. That looks really good, an interesting subject and as you say, it does not take up much shelf space!
  2. Sorry to hear about Maggie, hope she makes a good recovery is home with you soon Keith.
  3. Hi Glenn, Thanks for sharing your tips on trying out snaking. I have only tried it once on a build and found it to be a torment. Hopefully one of our MSW Sages will come to the rescue. I think yours will look very good indeed when you have blacked them with ink.
  4. That looks outstanding David, really pleased you have blazed the trail for me and others to follow on this fine build. I also like clutter, looking at the contemporary models of Cutters like Trial & Hawke then they are very busy looking and cluttered with details like rope hanks anchor bouys and boats even. Are you hoisting a flag at all?
  5. That brings a smile to my face, like many I cut my wooden model boat building teeth on the Caldercraft Sherbourne, how kits have moved on!
  6. And then imagine the cost of filling her up for a spin! And don’t even mention insurance! 🫣
  7. Update to show the progress so far on the hull. I wanted to show someone looking at the model where the nominal waterline would be ( as the white goes up to the underside of the wale) and so wanted to add some indication of waterline fouling. This has been a bit of Trial and error! Weathering is always subjective in model kits and striking the right balance between realism and something that just isn't "nice" to look at is difficult. So having built up some washes and grunge/fouling, I have decided to knock it back and maybe with a bit of judicial sanding away of the top coat reveal a little more waterline fouling, but I'll take it steady. Once fully hardened it will need a flatting with very fine abrasive and old towelling to make the surface clean again, macro photography shows all that up nicely! 😣 Also added a few rudder details, like the rudder coat and ring as shown in the plans and rudder chain.
  8. I don’t know Chris, your rushed rigging in 5 days would make most of us very happy if we did it! 🤣
  9. I also have this Spitfire IXc in my stash, just not the time to do them; building a boat at them moment. But I will follow along and see what is involved in this kit for later.
  10. Updates for the last few days, the rudder assembly has been completed, the only changes to this I made was to add thickness to the pintle/gudgeon with some hemispherical plastic rod, as the PE parts looked a bit 2D. I'm playing around with some parts from the spares box to make a rudder coat frame, the part in the third picture is from a 1/48 aircraft canopy frame, think it might work! I've also added the sliding keels and the winches. I actually installed mine from the bottom upwards as the the white paint made them too thick to slide from the top down. This meant taping the lines to a thin knife and poking them them through the slot so I could pull the thread through and attach to the winch drums, a bit fiddly, but no dramas really. Final addition has been the Elm tree pumps. I'm now working on how to apply a little grunge and algae markings on the waterline and below, but not sharing that yet, as it looks terrible when the washes first applied, a bit like the multi coloured pre-shading planking I did before the final coats of white. Thanks for all the likes and kind comments. 😉
  11. I will be interested to see your work on the Hayling Hoy, I have that book and like you feel it will be the cause of much sawdust and cursing on my part! So it sits on the book shelf for now…
  12. Excellent work Jeremy and the display base and case really set it off.
  13. Well done Simon, Saucy Jack looks really good. 👍 That is a nice display you are building. You should have no trouble with “Nisha” another great kit from Vanguard.
  14. Hi Keith, good to see you back and making progress on your Erebus.
  15. A great looking model Richard, so delicate.
  16. Who needs an excuse to add a Hurricane to anything! 🤣 But you are right 1941 era, a tired Spit V maybe returning to any friendly airfield after meeting a new “Butcher bird” might make a more contemporary addition. Andy your models are definitely deserving of their own settings.
  17. The Kent history forum is a treasure trove of info for many things nautical. This link might be useful for anyone tempted by the Adder and her sisters. https://kenthistoryforum.com/index.php?topic=111.0
  18. Welcome to MSW!
  19. Yes, thanks for sharing all these great details. I will be trying to replicate them later this year hopefully on my Trial.
  20. Stopping by your website watching for Adder/Sherbourne updates and spotted you have a “Customers models” section, a nice touch. Are you actively wanting those sending or you approaching builders directly?
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