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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Evening All, I received a wonderful little package today - my next ship build! 😁 I'm starting a Build Log, more in wishful thinking as the house is still a bit upside down since our loft tank decided to spring a major leak back in May, but we are getting there and hope to have the house and workshop back to rights by September(ish.) Time this evening to do a little box opening and have a look through the well packed box. Lying on top a hefty instruction Manual and eleven sheet plans - much bigger than the "Nisha" ones of my last VM kit. When I get chance I will be drooling over these items and reading the plans/instructions between wallpapering and painting (the house). Won't replicate details of the Cutter itself, all explained in detail in Chris's Prototype build log:- The contents.
  2. Hi Mike, looking forward to seeing this take shape, I enjoyed following your Snake build. “Alert” has been on my radar for a while, then Chris went and released “Trial” and I couldn’t resist! 😊
  3. Ah, so that's what has been keeping you quiet Edward! Glad to hear you have been beavering away, looking forward to seeing your Winnie getting her teeth!
  4. Hi Jim, I hope you are well. I for one have been missing your beautiful artwork in recent months.
  5. Chris, I thought dealing with a plastic version of the Wildcat’s undercarriage was a challenge. I was wondering how the “card-side” would deal with that ! You have my admiration / sympathy!
  6. Oh My! Chris, if you do your best to live long enough to design them, we shall do our best to live long enough to build them! 🤣 That list is more than a life times work for many of us "slow coaches"! 👼
  7. Yeah, I'm a bit slow picking up on that and the size of the model on the cutting matt, @chris watton if it's in your favourite 1/64th scale I estimate it makes her under 100ft. long? Only thing in the RMG plans I have seen vaguely like this is for an unnamed 75ft Schooner-rigged gun Vessel with sliding keels. But then in post #93 through's me off the scent when you say it is Bristol! 😖 😆
  8. Beautiful work, the painting makes for a very "authentic" look to you build. Well done, I like the Alert and have hopes of building it one day, this log will be one of my references!
  9. Think you are correct Alan, there will have been an entire inner structure made of wood, long gone now. As for the wall seeming to fizzle out before the cliffs, the possibilities springing to mind (from what I know of my local Knaresborough Castle) are either it has been partially robbed for building stone, much of the centre of old Knaresborough town is built using the Castle masonry from the 17th century onwards. Either that or they simply didn't finish the castle construction. These things took decades to build and so maybe over that time the original reason for having the defences at all had gone and they just stopped building? Other possibilities maybe earthquake damage?
  10. Welcome to MSW Roger from nearby Knaresborough 👋 A very nice first model!
  11. No this is new to me, thank you for the heads up. I have had a quick look and it’s a huge site, thanks. 👍
  12. Thank you all, I’m all puffed up now with my supporting wingmen, should be fun. I have been doing research on R7752 and already 99% sure she was a pure “Strafer” and never carried bombs and definitely never Rockets, despite what some old box top art of older kits might suggest. The nearby museum of RAF Elvington I am lucky enough to visit often has the 609 Squadron Museum based there. Many great pieces of artwork and contemporary photos to look at, but P7752’s looks before her “Beaumont” photo op makeover are, as usual, up for debate.
  13. I plan to do one half all "buttoned-up" - probably the port side and the starboard side all open with the "giblets" showing, with the canopy door and roof open to show the cockpit as best I can. I did this with my last 1/24, a FAA Hellcat.
  14. That is a good shout and I did find making those plates look neat a pain when I built the bubble top version, but I am not aware of any AM replacement P.E.?
  15. Serials are:- Interior set 23022 Mask set LX002 Seatbelts(for car door) set 23025 Armament set 23021. I also got the resin Barracuda Studios Carb intake,BCR24202.
  16. Hi Andy, glad of another wingman! 😁 I have accumulated them over a space of time, some from eBay when the price is right, at recommended retail prices that lot would cost nearly as much as the kit!
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