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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Now I started rigging,wow is there ever a lot of ropes and knots lol I have to look at others builds to figure where they all go but making good progress I think, following the plan like I have seen here before.
  2. I would like to just thank everyone here at MSW for put up with my typoes and odd questions lol, My ship is coming along nicely and with a bit of luck will finish soon. To many people that I have to thank. Emmet and Lapinas I practically lived on those two build they are so good. Then I found Katsumoto log he helped with rat lines I did good for my first time also that's were I got the sail ideal from. Thanks so much . Then there is MLMossop build that I got the ideal for the life boat, and so on anon thanks everyone Very much. The people here have help me pull this off, can't thank you enough 🙏 THANKS lol
  3. The dowel and the eye hook is how I made the center dot , daped it in a color I mixed up from yellow and black the dab on a paper towel then on to the sail small sail is great larger one is off a bit but you won't see it blow in tw wind lol . Well that's my sails can't wait to put them on. But, rat lines ,standing rigging left to do. .
  4. Then she sewed the rope on, I put wire in on the sides of the sails only to make it look like in the wind hope it works lol Because it my first ship will stick with supplied sail next time will try something different, but these look good.
  5. Well this is how II made the sails, I have done some other work to but will post later this is just the sails hope I explain it right .First stained the sails ic coffee tried tea but I did not think it was enough color change.Soaked in coffee one minute then let dry over night. The little strip is the original color.
  6. Hello Andrew, very nice work , this will be my next model after I finish the Santa M. Lol take lots of pictures I'll be watching. Great work!!!!
  7. If I could write a better log I would but not that good on computer, pictures don't line up with the story but the picture tell a thousand stories lol. Great logs on MSW make it easier to see how it done . this is all I have done so far, made the dead eyes for the other side too it coming along well I am happy with it, Life boat was fun, rigging is hard to do with big hands but I am loving it thanks so much all for you inspiration.
  8. Was looking around MSW today welcoming new members. then looked at the dates they were from 5 years ago lol stick to what you know Bob lol, any way here are a few up dates I really have to thank MSW for all the help at first I thought you cant do this but people here have so much knowledge and skill that if I run into problems I can find a way to fix it here. Never thought this would be this fun, making a ship from a set of plans, planking ,rigging, sail making. I know I will be a builder of ships the rest of my life lol. So first, this is how I did my shroud lines and dead eyes i spaced the dead eyes for easy threading then double checked even triple checked to see if it the right distance for dead eyes
  9. Hi welcome, just pick one lol I stared the santa maria amatia, no clue what I was doing learn all here at MSW good building
  10. Well come.ifyou need to find it, it's on MSW, I have been here a year everyone has helped so much you ll see Great Modeling to you.
  11. the pictures go from last to first, not good on the pc , the story ,the log and the pictures don't line up, much like most of my ship LOL but I like my lifeboat, I think it was on MKMossop page. like his , now looking for sail pictures and how to make them look realistic.
  12. was looking on MSW for how to do the sails I need to look some more, on how to stain them make them look like they are in the wind. Deadeyes are coming along ,I tied them on, but will cut them off because after gluing them on they wont move and cant thread them. So cutting then off and putting back non with wire .
  13. was looking on MSW for how to do the sails I need to look some more, on how to stain them make them look like they are in the wind. Deadeyes are coming along ,I tied them on, but will cut them off because after gluing them on they wont move and cant thread them. So cutting then off and putting back on with wire .
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