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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Great start my man!! It's really a fun model to build Good luck on your journey . I will be following along to see you having so much fun
  2. Welcome back , good luck my friend.
  3. Welcome to MSW, the place to be for all your modeling questions.
  4. Nicely done my friend, Thank you for posting this log it was very instrumental in helping me finish my Santa Maria. You have done a great job, nice work.
  5. This is the place to be, you will get all the help you need to resume your modeling. Best of luck on your journey.
  6. Very nice work my friend, amazing details. I have been ill lately and still can't get back to the shipyard and outside work is piling as well. But I will check in tomorrow to see how she looks with the mast on, fine work.
  7. Wow that looks great, sorry I missed this entire build, just getting better myself, respiratory illness 🤒. But better now. Very nice work as always my friend.
  8. Wow your rope work looks realalistic, Happy belated birthday as well. Have you ever hear of a product call GAC 400 for stiffing sails I tried it, and seem like it works well and is real easy to use. Might want to look at it some time in the future. Anyway nice work on the sails and lines, you are a master
  9. Nice looking ship, are you making a case for it. Protect your keep sake, it's is awesome, well done.
  10. Good luck on your journey, with the names you have mentioned you are in good hands. Looking forward to seeing your log.
  11. Congratulations!!! It looks marvelous, the grandchild will love it. So glad you made the dead line on this ship, finally lol. Waiting to see what it looks like in the case. Well done my friend
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