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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. If you hadn’t fessed up before the fact… who would know? We’d all be making comments about the good looking crew. 😆. What’s next?
  2. Hi Kirby, All is well… the Rattlesnake is sitting about where I left her… dabbled with a card model airplane and then came summer in the PNW. Our weather has about 3 weeks left before it turns grey and wet and windy towards November. I’ll be back in the shipyard for sure. Thanks for asking. How’s your ship coming along?
  3. You guys and your software and expensive tools amaze me. You take modeling to a crazy higher level. My hat is off to you for your knowledge and engineering capabilities! In a prior life you might have been a shipbuilder? 😀
  4. Hi Gill, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  5. Supurb! I just got done building a plastic model with my 10 year old grandson, it was his first. Very nice Grandpa! 👍😀
  6. Doug, just found your build log. Beautiful work Sir. I am now a follower. 👍😀
  7. Oh yeah. Except when I have at least the basic airplane complete I’m flying it making coordinated turns along with sounds. 👍😁
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