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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. The standing rigging is getting closer to be completion. I think I can remember what I've finished so far! Both the Fore and main top mast backstays, top gallant shrouds, top gallant backstays and royal backstays. You will also notice that I put a temporary fore royal stay to help steady the fore mast royal while rigging the back stays. Also lines have been tied off but not completed and coils placed until I'm sure I won't have to re-tension them.
  2. I agree with Dirk and want all three too. That said the Pegasus is beautiful and would buy it in a heart beat but I chose the Chebacco as it is fun to do something a little different. No matter which one you choose I think you'll have a winner.
  3. Thanks Ben, That Syren Ship Model Company rope is great to work with. Now hopefully there wont be a third time! Also thanks for all the likes.
  4. Work continues, The main and fore top mast stays and preventer stays have been served and a simulated mouse created. The new main topgallant has been placed and the stays attached. Next up will be the main topgallant shrouds and backstays.
  5. I served the main and fore stays and preventer stays, created a simulated mouse on each and installed them. Next up will be the main topmast stays.
  6. Hi John, Keith has supplied some great information. Do you plan on making your masts and spars from square stick or dowels? Methods and tools can vary depending the type of stock you start with.
  7. Thanks Bob. Kinda fun revisiting this build. Hi Jon. Thanks for stopping by and your kind words.
  8. Ah its great to be back. Thanks to everyone for your hard work maintaining this site. I've made more forward progress. The flying Jabboom and dolphin striker have been replaced. I've now rigged the two bobstays and bowsprit shrouds. Next I added the inner martingale stays, the outer martingale backrope and outer martingale stays. Also the foot ropes for the jibboom and flying jibboom were completed. Next I have to serve the main stays and also create the mouse.
  9. Hi Floyd, It's been bothering me for a year and a half now. I could have left her be but I just couldn't bring myself to do that. I really wouldn't have done anything else differently except improve the quality of my work. Also the rope and blocks available from Syren Ship Model Company is much better then anything I used back then. For the deck furniture I mostly used pear. The main rail was boxwood and the capstan was cherry. Hi Ben, You were one of my inspirations for bucking up and fixing something that needed redoing. Thanks buddy!
  10. Forward progress continues. I've now made and installed the eight pin rails that were damaged and removed. I've also placed the main fife rail as well as the gallows and riding bitts. You'll also notice the ships boat was removed to give me more room to move about. Next I'll be starting the re-rigging of the bowsprite, jibboom and flying jibboom.
  11. Even with the busy pre-holiday activities I've been able to continue on. The Ridding and Gallows Bitts are done. There are made from pear. The main fife rail was made from 1/16" thick boxwood. I also needed to make six stanchions. I cut some boxwood 1/16" strips. I chucked them in the dremel just like making belaying pins. I sanded it round first, then using files I cut the profile on the stanchions. Once done the stanchions were added and the entire piece was coated with wipe on poly. On to the pin rails now.
  12. It seems that everything I've posted is going backwards. Well the trend continues. As I've continued on all of the running and standing rigging has been removed and just the original shrouds and ratlines remain. Now hopefully I can start moving forward instead of reverse! Ok here is some positive action. The Main Top Gallant, Flying Jibboom and Dolphin Striker have been remade. Next I'll start on redoing the pin rails. bitts etc.
  13. Hi Jim, As I dig further and further into this I think you are right. I've now found that the dolphin striker was cracked and an attempt to repair it was unsatisfactory so off it came and all the rigging on the bowsprite. I'm getting closer and closer.
  14. Hi Harley, Now that I've finally started motivation and patience shouldn't be an issue. I look at it as a build that is just in the rigging stage and not that I'm doing it for a second time. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Hi Joe, All of the running rigging was removed. I did it all because most of the main mast rigging needed replacement and the rope I used 10 years ago doesn't match the Syren rope I'm using now. Because of this I decided to replace all of the running rigging. Most of the standing rigging is good but I will determine what needs replacement after I finish making the replacement parts.
  15. Ok I've jumped in with both feet now. All the running rigging has been removed as well as 8 pin rails, fife rail, riding bitts and gallows bitts. The boom, main topgallant and the flying jibboom have all been removed and I'll start remaking them. The masts and yards are all in great shape and will be reused. And here's the pile of debris.
  16. Alright first confession of rookie/newbie mistakes on the original build. Not thinking ahead to future disasters I thought why not a drop or two of CA to the belaying pins to make sure that the lines and rope coils didn't come loose. Well they didn't come loose but I can't get the lines free. Thus I will be redoing numerous pin rails, removing the Fife Rail, Riding Bits and Gallows Bits and most likely remaking them too. If I'm not careful I may find myself all the way down to the keel!
  17. Great work Bob. I've often thought about rigging my Halifax. Hope you're keeping good records!
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