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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. What Ben! You can lend a hand. I don't remember there being any ratlines on the Confederacy!
  2. Hi Jim, Greg, Pete, Ben and Mario. Thanks a lot. I sure hope it’s fun. I’m still thinking it will be past the sweep and gunports before the pressure will be less and the fun more. The treenails will be made from boxwood. I have had good luck with it so far.
  3. Ok we have a minor milestone here. I've assembled all of the frames now. The next step will be to treenail all of the chocks and then hopefully start raising some frames.
  4. Augie, Yes you do now back to work or your rum rations will be restricted!
  5. Thanks Ron, Ben and Larry. The first successful knee took about an hour and a half. I’ve got it down to almost 45 minutes now. Five down and five to go.
  6. Beautiful work Maury. If you didn’t fess up I wouldn’t have known they weren’t real treenails.
  7. Popeye, Guillermo, Augie, Michael, Jeff, B.E., Greg, Christian. Thank you all for your continued support and assistance. It is appreciated more than you know. Jeff, with the great job you are doing on the Constitution I know you will build a wonderful Confederacy. Guillermo, Thanks. As with all builds I always look back and say oh I could have done a better job on this or that. But I think there is some of that in all of us. The only real change I would do is to not use Ebony. It might look good but it’s a bugger to work with and real messy.
  8. Hi Joss, I'll let you know. I still have 6 to go. So far they are on the top of my list as the least amount of fun. A good challenge but the fun level is a little low.
  9. Hi Ben, I would think that as long as it is big enough for the squares you will use for raising the frames and won’t warp or flex you’re good. I just used some stuff I had laying around. It is the same 8 ply plywood that I used for the Bomb cross section. Very rigid and flat.
  10. Thank you so much for your kind words. Popeye, That’s a first for me. Another neat design by Chuck. Andy I know you can do it! Augie, The plans are the best I’ve ever seen but it’s Chucks design and outstanding instructions that put it way over the top. John, It’s always nice to hear from you. Thanks Daniel, The wood is Holly and it simulates white paint really nice. Thanks. Well we have completed our trip down memory lane. It was a fun one. Thanks again to all of you who shared it with me. Here are some pictures of the finished model. Cheers!
  11. Thanks, Paddy Daniel and Bob. All of the hanging knee blanks are rough cut out with the one in the foreground cut and ready to be installed. Here are a couple of close ups to show the various angles etc that have to be cut into them to fit around the other knees and hull planking. After they are all done it will be time to add all the carlings and cut those pesky notches.
  12. Hi Snowmans. Just got time to catch up on your log. The oil really does make the wood look great. Very nice job.
  13. It's looking very nice Maury. Thanks for leading the way!
  14. Hi Pete, I love they way you are proceeding. Very well thought out and executed. For me I would treenail each frame as you go. That would assist in keeping them secure in case you should hit one while raising your other frames. I don’t see why you can’t use 2 treenails if there is enough room. As you said it should be much stronger.
  15. Thanks Pete. I'm glad it's coming out nicely. Here are the first of the knees in place. Still need to be sanded. Next it's on to the 10 hanging knees and all of those little notches to cut.
  16. Thank you all so very much. This walk with you down memory lane has been a lot of fun. Here are the ships boats.
  17. Hi Ron, Love the toothpick forest picture! I nipped the treenails as close to the planking as I could and then used some folded over150 grit sandpaper and carefully worked my way over the planks trying not to sand down the taller planks.
  18. Hi Maury. I just caught up and that's a wonderful job you've done. I can't wait to see how you are going to finish her off. Well done!
  19. Thank you all for your kind words. Augie you might have seen the light red cloth in some of the shots. That’s an old pillow case I cut up and used it to cover the parts of the model I wasn’t working on. Sure saved a lot of cleaning. Almost done now. Here are the mast stubs and the anchor.
  20. Thanks Joss, Larry, Runner63 and Grant. No lathe yet Grant. Hopefully some day I’ll get one. Well all of the gun deck beams are in place. And some light sanding has been done. Next I’ll be working on all of those knees. Then I’ll have to do all of the carlings and ledges. That’ll keep me busy for a while!
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