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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks all, Very observant. Those plans have shown up in many a picture over the years. The plans are for the OcCre Cazador Xebec which I have been tinkering with on and off over the last three years. The hull and deck are planked. I figure at the rate I’m going it will be done sometime in 2016! Hi Chris, Well it’s too early to tell. One thing I know is you don’t have to worry as much about snapping a frame when they are ½” thick and I swear you could stand on them. Cutting joints and chocks were a lot easier too but the scroll saw work to cut them out took three times as long and I went through a whole lot more blades. Another thing is if you make a mistake in a joint it is compounded by the size. What would be a paper thin gap on the Echo could be very wide on this build. I can see why people would like the larger scale though. We shall see.
  2. Hi Augie, It's funny you mentioned that. I just received several rolls from Tower Hobbies and have some the Great Planes hand sanders. Never built a plane but they work great on my ship models. Looking forward to more progress and pictures!
  3. Hey thanks to all of you for your interest and support. Yeah Ben, Gregs methods were a big help. Big Frames, Big treenails, Big piles of saw dust! Oh yeah and a big pile of frames too!
  4. Thanks druxey. When making the double frames the plans show a single treenail on each side of the joint at the chocks. The size came very close to 3/32”. I used a standard dowel that I had at that size for the treenail. And no I don’t have a drawplate that size. Almost done making frames!
  5. It looks like you are doing very well there Augie. The stern can be a pain if you don't take your time and double check. Well done! Bob, You can always order a Confederacy and build it with Augie while they straighten out the Essex.
  6. Thanks Daniel. A crane might not be a bad idea. I think I may get a hernia when it come to taking it out of the framing jig. Still plugging along here finishing and fitting frames.
  7. Well done Augie. I really like the depth of the color. Very nice!
  8. I’m still chugging along with assembling the frames. Slow but steady she goes. Here are a few more done and test fitted to the keel and framing jig.
  9. Hi Augie, Things are looking real good. I can't say anything more than Chuck and the others did so I'll just sit back and enjoy for now.
  10. I use it all the time too and love it. It's also great for converting back and forth from metric to US. You should be able to find multi packs of batteries at a craft store and they are much cheaper.
  11. Hi Ben, Thanks and it's great to hear you are back from your vacation.
  12. Hi Ben and welcome back! I look foward to seeing your updates.
  13. Moving on making frames here and I forgot to mention that when I added the chocks to the frames I left them a little proud. After that I used a spindle sander to clean them up. Here I’ve placed the bracing around the keel on the building board to hold it in place while I test fit the first of the frames. Here are the first two frames set temporarily on the keel in the jig.
  14. Hi Jim B, I have the same as Jim L and agree100% I also would buy your's, when you finish making it, tomorrow!
  15. Hi Chris, Very nice work on those rails. It is a fun area especially when you did such good work setting it up. It's important to remember that work very early in a build can have a major impact later on. I should know! Well done.
  16. Very nice job on the planking Augie. You are doing great and bringing back some fine memories. Thanks
  17. Hi Sjors, Looks like you will be doing another great build.
  18. Working on the frames here and there is an interesting way they designed the sweep and gun port openings. As you can see from the plans they are all cut out prior to installing the frames. I used the Byrnes table saw and disk sander to make the cuts. The nice thing is that if they are off a bit I can adjust them as the upper hull is planked inside and out.
  19. Thanks Paddy, You know you can always have the plans reduced to the Triton scale. It would save a lot on the wood costs and completed size. If I had to purchase the wood in 1/2" billets I don't think I would have done it at this scale either.
  20. Hi David and E&T, Thanks for looking in. Sorry for the delay but I missed your posts. Well I’ve finished the Triton cross section and she’s safely tucked away in her case. Now it’s time to get back to the “set up”. Now where was I had left off? Oh yes I had completed the keel and now it is time to cut out the pieces for the frames. There are a total 17 frames 5 of which are doubles so that’s 22 frames to make. I will take and cut up the frame plans and use temporary paper glue to adhere them to the cherry billets. Then I will use the scroll saw to cut them out, over lay them on the plans and then glue them up using wood glue. It doesn't show but remember the wood for the frames is 1/2" (12.7mm) thick. And here is a single and double frame all glue together and the chocks added. Two down and a whole bunch more to go.
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