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Everything posted by john46

  1. My ruined 3rd deck state-room. Or is this high tech weathering ? My stupid action dissolved the paint of the doors and windows and smeared over the planking. So a I have to redo the planking and painting, own fault. Anyway, it keeps me off the street.
  2. Congratulations Anja, hope that your new contract is to your satisfaction. Wish you all the luck in your new(old) career. Most important is that the atmosphere in your working environment will be as you are used to. Regards, John
  3. Your built looks great, will follow with interest. Regards, John
  4. Gentlemen thanks for the encouragement, that's probably the biggest value of this site, to support a member when he needed it most Regards, John
  5. Adrieke, sorry about that. How does it look if you overlap the window frame a bit with the shutter ? Grinding off 0.6 mm of each shutter will affect the appearence of the tapered side of the shutters for which reason two shutters can look as one (and there are a lot of shutters to grind off. . . ). Regards, John
  6. Hi Sjors, yes feeling really bad, but no beer at 11 in the morning. First the break and thereafter the beer. Rest assured there will be a stair so you donot have to make a split to enter the wheelhouse (a split can be very painfull and a one-off if you are not trained). Regards, John
  7. Wim and Adrieke, thanks for your confirmation. Thought I was doing all wrong. Problem is that I first glued the third deck state-saloon on the deck and next the ventilation windows all as per AL photosheets. Thats why the 3rd state-saloon is now a complete mess after having tried to bend the front and rear end in the curve needed. Thanks for your picture Wim, it is a nice solution. Have removed the state-saloon from the deck in order to restore it and it looks that I am now able to glue the 3rd deck with the ventilations window in the right curve. Think I will try that and add the saloon after restauration. Think I first take a break (and a beer) to recover from my frustration. Thanks Gents John
  8. Adrieke, before starting the restauration job, could you confirm that the second deck state-room is curved as per the picture below ? Otherwise I have to correct the third deck in to a straight line. Thanks your help.
  9. Hi "hawkeye" Adrieke, the answer is simple, I forgot the stove ! Have to restore that. Moreover, had problems to have the third deck a little bit curved sothat the ventilation windows fit to the third deck. At last I decided to do the trick with hot water and a bit of ammonia and forgot that the doors and windows are painted. The varnish was not able to protect the paint from the ammonia and now the third deck stateroom is ruined. These are really stupid actions by me leading to a building disaster. I am not feeling well last days, which proves you have to abstain modeling when you are not fit. Well a lot of restauration to do. Thanks and regards, John
  10. This will be an extraordaniry built. Very interesting. Regards, John
  11. Very nice planking Derek, well done. Will follow your built with great interest. Regards, John
  12. Finished the wheelhouse with the roof, hooter and stove stack. The stairs to the wheelhouse door have to wait till I finished the 3rd deck with the ventilation windows of the second deck stateroom. Regards, John
  13. What a delicate job Sarah, don't you have a desire for a pill that makes you temporarily smaller like Alice in Wonderland ? Curious to see further developments. Regards, John
  14. This will be very impressive with all the rigging. Looks nice Sjors. Regards, John
  15. Hi Robert, just looked at your build log. What a marvelous built. Will follow your log with interest. Regards, John
  16. Geoffrey, will follow your build on this interesting ship. Regards, John
  17. Great job. Will follow your (re)built with great interest. Regards, John
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