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Posts posted by marktiedens

  1. Thanks Greg & Don. Rigging is not my favorite thing to do - very slow at it.

     I don`t know why the rope looks a little fuzzy in the last picture - it`s Chuck`s rope & there is no fuzz on it. May be an artifact from my cheapo camera. The first two pictures are a little blurry - they were taken in my camera`s "no mans land". Too far for the close-up setting & too close for the normal setting:(.



  2. A little update - I was unhappy with the ratlines - line is a little too large & many of the knots did not look so good - especially near the top of the shrouds where they are very close together,so off they came. I am re-doing them with smaller line - about .018 inch. The clove hitches are now much tighter & neater looking as you can see in the picture. Gotta love re-do`s.





  3. Thanks Pete - I actually try to have a slight sag in the ratlines between the individual shrouds.


    To answer your questions - 1.only my eyes - I have done so many ratlines in the past that I have gotten fairly good at it

                                            2.I am using diluted Elmer`s white glue on the knots - about a 70 to 30 glue to water ratio. Any thinner than

                                               that & the knots will not stay put. It`s still thin enough to disappear when dry.




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