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Posts posted by marktiedens

  1. A little more progress - the foremast yards are all fully rigged(except for the braces which will be added later). I added 2 braces to the spritsail yard which were not shown on the plans - I don`t know how else they would keep it from swinging around without them. Also added the sheet lines to the spritsail yard & the tack lines to the fore yard. The foresail sheet lines will be added later also. That`s a lot of ropes coming down to the deck!













  2. Another small update - the topgallant & topsail yards are now mounted after fastening all those tiny blocks to the yards. The lifts are only done on the topgallant yards - the rest will be done after all the yards are mounted. The braces will be about the last thing done - with them in place it`s really hard to get my hands in to do other rigging. The topgallant halliards are belayed to deadeyes at the mast tops & the topmast yard halliards for the fore & main are belayed to the chain wales. For the ribs & parrels,I had some ribs left over from a previous build & the parrels are from the bead store(I never throw away leftover parts & wood). Thanks for looking in.













  3. Hi Ken - I know exactly what you mean. There are also a few lines that are only shown on the overall view on plan sheet 1 & it`s so congested it`s hard to follow them their full length. Pete has helped me a lot on these. The rigging plans seem to be pretty accurate,just hard to follow in places.



  4. Hi O.C. - what I did on my current build was I soaked the planks in household bleach for about 40 minutes,then rinsed them,then laid them out to dry. They turned a light grey when dry. The planks I used were kit supplied 1mm thick walnut,so I don`t know how that would come out using other types of wood - haven`t tried it on anything other than walnut. It didn`t seem to hurt the wood,either.



  5. Update - the footropes are finally done. I started by clamping a balsa board to my table & made two lines representing the length of the stirrups. The yard was then pinned down on the upper line. Then I bent a piece of 1mm brass wire into a u shape & pushed it into the board along the lower line. The stirrup ropes were tied around the yard & cut off long enough to wrap around the wire & with a small clamp holding a little tension on it,a seizing was made to make a small eye. Some diluted white glue  was applied to stiffen the ropes so they would hang straight. Lastly,the footropes were then ran through the eyes & tied off on the ends.









  6. Thanks Pete & Michael:D. I had thought of sanding down the outside  smooth,but after thinning down the inside,I was afraid it would be too thin to do that. The resin is much easier to work on  than plastic - it doesn`t melt when you grind on it. Sorry about the bad photos - I had to take about 20 pictures to get a few decent ones. Hard to get a good, sharp focus with my present camera.



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