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Posts posted by marktiedens

  1. Hi Mr.Pucko - you are off to a good start. I couldn`t help but notice the templates have the gun ports parallel to the frames. I am pretty sure they should be parallel to the planking & wales. If you look at a picture of the real ship in the museum you will see what I mean. I drew some lines on your picture to show you what I mean. It seems that none of the kit makers can get things right even though they have the real ship to look at. Just an observation.





  2. Hi Ken - before gluing the middle gun deck in place I dry fitted all the upper decks at the stern & made sure the holes for the mizzen mast lined up. Then with the mizzen mast in place I made a step for it on the lower gun deck. You can either use long strips or individual blocks for the dummy guns,whichever is easier for you. Whichever way you go,make them plenty wide & tall to give you a lot of leeway for positioning the gun ports. My middle row of gun ports is a little too low,which made everything at the bow a little off. I would say the middle gun deck could then be glued in place. Refer to Pete`s info too - he may have different thoughts than me.



  3. Hi Scott - you are doing a fine job with this kit. I built it many years ago. One thing I noticed when I built mine was the bottom row of dummy gun barrels stuck out way too far. I didn`t notice it until they were all glued in place - I should have shortened them or got shorter gun barrels. You might want to test fit them & see what you think. 



  4. Hi  Michael - the lantern glass is not painted. I painted the interior of the lanterns yellow with a touch of red to try & simulate a flame & filled the panes with liquid glass. what you see through the "glass" is the painted center of the lantern. Unfortunately,it did not turn out as I hoped it would. I may still try & do something with them,though. 



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