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Posts posted by marktiedens

  1. A small update - decided I might as well mount the stern lanterns,so I made some side braces from some .8mm brass rod & glued them all in place. Next ,I cut & shaped all the stunsail yards. The stunsail irons were made from some brass & copper tubing & they were fitted on the stunsail yard with .8mm brass rod. I made caps for the end of the yard out of thin copper strip. They were attached at a 45 degree angle from the center of the yard I only have the fore topsail yard completed,so 3 more to go. The irons around the yard was made from black card stock.












  2. Update - all the yards are now cut & shaped. Battens were added to the center portion of the appropriate yards,along with the cleats at the ends,& the sling cleats where needed. I found one error on the plans - the battens on the fore topmast yard were about 3mm off center,so I had to file off the previously installed battens on that yard & re-do them. All the other drawings were spot on.









  3. Michael -  the black painted tops were a normal feature on English ships of this era. Not sure exactly why they were painted black - maybe to slow down wood rot. Those flat tops would most likely have water sitting on them from time to time. All the yards are also painted black.

      Ahh,yes,the fids - hard to see in the pictures,but they are there. The bolsters are there also.



  4. Hi Greg - I have taken a bit of a break due to catching a cold a couple of weeks ago & feeling lousy. I am much better now & should be up to speed soon. I have made a little progress on the bowsprit. The dowels were tapered & shaped according to the plans,then the top was cut from the supplied 1mm plywood & planked on both sides with a 1x3mm strip glued around the outside edge.The trestle trees & cross trees were then cut & shaped to fit & glued in place. The whole top assy. was then painted black. The chainplates were made by bending some .8mm brass wire around the deadeyes & soldered shut. The lower end was flattened in a vice & holes were drilled for nails. The design of the bowsprit is a little different than I have seen before - the top is offset to one side & the jibboom goes through the top rather than under it.













  5. I have one of those & it is great for plank bending. It was made by Aeropiccola,which is no longer in business. I wouldn`t give mine up for anything. As far as getting one,keep searching ebay or maybe a site called Craigslist. It`s a great tool - I sometimes wonder why no one has continued to make one like it. Maybe the patent for the design is still in effect.



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