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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Nice work. Keep on. I like your style My ( daughter's) cat likes opera ?!?!? When it shows idea to climb to workbench, I just turn Requiem, and it sleeps at once. What will be medicine for Bobtail when it comes, we'll see
  2. As some people, Carl. In XXI century. Waiting for spring to take a bath/shower, and killing all around them in mean time.
  3. Thanks Mark for your input. Stupid Google translate and my English. I mean water-resistant and water-proof canvas/linen Jud, why you deleted your post ? Your words have significant sense, and helped me to clear things in my head !!!! After Jud`s input ( thank you !) things become clear to me. Gratings are, even they look nice as detail on model, out of question on any way. On war-ships gratings have sense. On trade ship - no. Most of Her working life as CS, She was carrying wool and tea, and water protection just had to be safe. So - as on C-plans +/- canvas to the half. And a booby hatch as it was presented on C-plans So, let me make some working drawings first BTW, can you imagine smelt under deck full of tea? Or full of wool ? People with sensitive nose can not be sailors those days Brrrrrr
  4. After front companionway, next on line is a little research about - hatches Campbell`s plans There are three of them, all on main deck: two „hatches“ – one fore, one central and one „booby hatch“ at back on aft deck Fore and central hatches are same look, central is a bit larger They have two rows with 10 coverings each Booby Hatch looks quite different – raised entrance Sergal Roma plans Here, things look quite different Fore and central hatch have gratings (!) and they are equal Booby hatch looks similar as on C-plan Revel and Airfix Too much simplification for my taste , not valuable to consider more Artesania Latina AL follows C-plans, quite right Fore and central hatch are similar as on C-plans, different size, same type of covering Bobby hatch is also similar Billing boats Fore and central are the same, with some kind of covering not seen on another plans Booby is something undefined with doors And Mantua Ok, let`s see what photos can tell us Fore hatch Fore hatch do not exist more, as a hatch. Now, this is visitor`s entrance with glass-steel construction But, on some photos (Thank you very much Lou, again !!! ) there existed different solution !!!! Central hatch This hatch is only which stayed as hatch. Structure and covering is unknown for me, because on all photos I can find of central hatch, it is covered with some kind of awning Except on only one interesting photo I found long ago You can se completely different covering (comparing to C-plans) – six panels with wire netting, and each has own cover !!!!! Hmmm Booby hatch Bobby hatch did not exist long time ago, and I can not find any photo of it Now, at place where booby hatch was, there is rear entrance under deck for visitors, similar as on fore hatch place So, what is purpose of this analyze ? Considering I plan to spread all sails, it sounds logical to set Her on state as She was on sea. That leads me to C-plans solution (with improvisations and imagination how Booby hatch was looking) But, couple questions stay opened: How to cover fore and central hatch – as on C-plans or with gratings? Or as upper photo with six gratings panels ? And, to cover them with awning or not ? Maybe is the best, but the more complicated solution – one with covering as on C-plans, another with gratings ( I`ll see in my scale what kind of gratings looks better, and is it possible at all, or it is possible to me to make classical gratings structure on classic way I had seen on MSW), and both covered with awning to half We`ll see ... on my scale, hatches had next dimension: Hmmm ... this will be really interesting and really challenge !
  5. My deepest symphaty to all of you. Two years ago, Obrenovac, town 9km from my place was covered with 2m of wather and mud, so I can imagine this kind of hell. Water system in whole Belgrade was unstabile and unsafe, and there were long periods without water. Terrible. Be strong and safe!
  6. Your Gibbs is legendary, Denis. Fortunately, cat did not even try to jump on my shipyard. Only on my desk in office. Better solution, I think
  7. So do I, Patrick. Many happy years are in front of us
  8. Whenever they sometimes get us angry, I can not imagine my life without pet. Better for my new dog to grow in peace all time it need for. I will be patience. I promiss ...
  9. Finished last detail of front companionway Tricky job, considering scale. To get idea how small it is, notice regular cigarette beside Temporary on place My back is ok now, my "sand production" is ... Let's say ... Ok ... But I lost another teeth and get doubled face for a couple of days with set of pills... That lead me to some prothetic works I didn't planed ... $$$$$$$€€€€€€
  10. I successfully avoided "construction roller method" and have got my first hole (1 of 3) to my back today, and it is much much better -I am considering option to mount couple of eye -bolts in my holes, it can be usefull - but ... office job suddenly expanded to Friday ( from 08-21h), Saturday and Sunday expected whole day, and her Majesty must be patience for a while Adrian, Prince of Persia Kingdom, and the undisputed lord of our house, (untill my new puppy arives ) has not patience, and do not decided to leave me to finish my work, he decided to sleep right between me and keyboard, and that lasts whole day ... And to solemnly publish great news - my new friend, Bobtail puppy is born couple of days before, and I just can not wait two months to take him to my place and his new home First photos of Her (female) with her sister on their mother - only two days old
  11. Thanks Jud. re-read of Viking`s is on line. Pain is still here this morning, combined with tooth pain . Misery never come alone Better Daeneris ... Hothead ( 195 cm and 115 kg) had similar ideas, but I do not intend to spend rest of my life as pancake. Rather agree with Princess idea to perforate some holes in me with injections ...
  12. No progress this days ... something that happen` to all of us with 55+ from time to time ... pain in my back - God only knows if it is "rolling sand" from my kidney (yes I have it, I was nice, but expected surprise on ultrasound scanning few days ago), or stiff back from unknown reason as a result of earlier sport injury (show off on the pool when I was 17. during water polo training) or who knows why Or I just have hardened/stiffened on a wrong body part . Princess gave me some pills and it comes better, but still not enough to sit couple of hours in front of bench. Fortunately I have no job in downtown tomorrow, so I can be calm and peaceful ... I hope
  13. Very nice ! My dream is to make model from natural wood, which require more skill than I have.
  14. Thanks Carl. They are made from 0,3 mm brass wire, and they were rather disobey until I glued them. Holder of bars is made from 0,5 mm veneer strips Thanks Nick and welcome to my journey. Interesting thing is that when you succesfully make something small, it not seem to you such a small as it is any more My working ants are not still back home, so I worked in office tonight, not in shipyard.
  15. Ugly duckling on it`s way to becom beatufull small swan Ants say hello to you !!!!
  16. Putty and sanding are powerfull way to fill gasps and to get her nice and smoth hull lines. Do you plan coopering and second layer planking on hull?
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