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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. Little thinking about next steps, and I concluded that at first I have to position mast holes, and to determine their diameters


    And then i run into problem ( not a long time ...)

    At first, to mention that I do not know exactly scale of my model: Three years ago, I started with TEHNODIDAKTA kit-plans (no scale noted anywhere !!!), and when i found *.pdf Campbell`s plans, (I was already making hull and run deep ino planking), and I re-sized them digitally as much precise I was able to do, to the size of TEHNODIDAKTA. From that time I use that resized C-plans as reference for measuring of details, and everything seems to be just in scale


    Re sizing C-plans from their scale (3/32"=1 Foot , I suppose it refers to 1:78 Scale) to appr. 1:100 Scale, results with enlarging the depth of drawing lines about 30%


    Here is how it looks in practice:


    On next picture you can see that depending of starting and ending point of measure, difference vary from 1-1,2 mm !!!! And this is a lot ! ;)




    Also you can notice that outer dia of masts are:  fore 7,7 mm main 7,5 mm and mizzen 6,5 mm, which means +/- 7mm and I can live with this.


    But, there is always devil here around ...


    Referring to second sheet of C-plans ( lower part of picture) if I read it well :( , there are dimensions:


    22" fore and main

    21" mizzen


    converting to cm that means:


    55,88 cm fore and main

    53,34 cm mizzen


    which means in scale 1:100:


    5,6 mm fore and main

    5,3 mm mizzen




    What it means ? One solution -  drawings are not precise


    On the other side, to me seems that masts will be very very very fragile if I started their dia with 5 mm narrowing to the top!!! To me also it seems that starting dia cca 7mm for all masts will not be over-sized on my model


    I know, I am captain of my ship and my building ...


    Any thoughts and ideas?


    Or more precise references?

  2. Cleaning and color correction - done.


    Making anything/something is, finaly, next on line. I think stairs to fore and after deck are next








    That craftman art was made from olive tree, by Greek monk Grigorie, making it 60 years, XIX/XX century ... Almost sure without, or almost without tools. During my visit I can not find custos to ask him more about (?)

  3. Thanks Rob, Denis and another who click like button


    I stole two days from myself and went to mini-vacation in Arandjelovac, small city 80 km from Belgrade, seeing interesting things:


    One of the most beautiful city park in Europe, full of high trees, flowers and sculptures




    Risovacha Cave, with founded remains of Cave Lion, Cave bear and Neanderthal man, also museum with remains






    Memorial center of the Serbian Royal family Karadjordjevic, situated in crypt under the Church of St.georgy, with 39 tomb places. Interesting is that inner decoration of church is made in mosaic technic, consists of 725 painted compositions (513 in the temple and 212 in the crypt), where the figure is 1,500. The total area of the mosaic is 3,500 square meters with 40 million multicolored glass cubes, which have 15,000 different shades of color









    Museum of royal family issues, where I found excellent piece of woodcut




    and so much more. 


    Came home today, planning to keep on cleaning Her Majesty tonight

  4. Thanks Carl and Mark

    Wider screen of situation in Serbia today need to be watched from historical angle for better understanding. More than 300 years under Otoman empire, almost to the end of XIX century, with feudal system and low agriculture economy until middle of XIX century (no industry, no democratic institutions, no own educated man ( first "college" opened at 1838 only 1200 students until 1850 !!!), which means - only 50-60 years of low industrialization process which was cuted during and after First world war, then only 20 years with raising from ash, , then WWII followed with 40 years of Comunizm ( topsy-turvy economy with enormous foreign debt), and then - final blow  - almost 10 years (1991-1999) of Civil war, hyper inflation never seen before, international sanctions and NATO bombing. All this leave huge political, economical and social impact and consequences, producing very poor country with mainly very poor people comparing with EU and USA, with average salary over net 300€ per month (my daughter as doctor of medicine has only close about net 450€ per month ?!?!?!?). This means that if you as attorney can earn 1000-2000€ (gross) per month, you are well-off. But most of clients are very poor and put their legal issues under carpet until better times, most of companies are on the edge of insolvency drowned with expensive credits, also put legal issues under carpet, and in this surrounding it is very very hard to be attorney here. Middle class do not exist any more. This I can describe and explain in a fat book. If somebody is interested more than Wiki can explain, there will be PM for this purpose

    But, I think I already cross over borders of main theme of this topic, so my next input will be about Her Majesty
    I hope soon

  5. Hey Carl! Thanks for your input.

    Theoretically, your approach is correct, and that was my starting idea. But, there were, as always, some limittations.

    After two years of crisis in legal system I wrote earlier, when courts didn't work and when Attorney bar was in strike, all my financial back-ups disappeared, and we get in pretty bad financicl situation ( tax debt grows ...) so we were forced to leave rented office in downtown we took more than 10 years, and to install office at home. At the same time, Hothead went for study in another town, which costs about 500€ every month. Add to that cca 500€ month for my taxes, and add fact that in Serbia is now very hard and rare to earn, even as attorney more than 2000€ per month (if you are not connected with politic or crime), add also death of my Admiral (attorney too), that was another life and financial hit.

    Damage is relatively amortized considering my main clients are companies, so if needed, I go to them to meet who I need, and having 7 years to retirement, I have no idea to make big office any more.

    And I am here where I am, living and working in house. My house has 130m2 flat + garage, heat room, attic and basement (which can not be turned to office), so - flat. Kitchen is out of question, living room (5,5*4,5 m) also, and there are four more rooms 3*3,5 as options. Two in attic are kid's caves, one is my bed room , so one 3x3,5 left. Small office just for me.

    And now, main point. My old dream is to have working room with library of my ... ok, more than 1000 books I collected during life. For that small office, put there my desk (I like it to be large) and equipment, books on walls, just no room for conference desk, only two seats with small table for clients ... and my dreams have to be cutted, because I realised (with hothead's help) that I do not want claustophobic work space. Some books have to be placed in living room, some space has to be left in office on that way that visitors feel well inside, all look of office has to be fluent and transparent, so that was only solution for work desk.

    And the last one look !!!! ;). No further reconstructions !!!!

    You just can not put 1 lit of wather in 2dl glass

  6. At 11 AM, I declared home revolution, with lion's roar get Him from bed (not gently), considering my patience dissapear, and Hothead capitulated, without big fight (?!?), admiting His mistakes (???). I immidietly took steering wheel, at same moment turned myself to slave-master, forced him strong to help me, and at 24h, after 12 continious working hours, only couple of jobs left ( mounting of one shelf and two lights, mounting my PC, filling furniture with books and my office stuff, and of course, cleaning). Finaly, I see the end


    Parent diplomacy ... I let him to show what he know, still thonk I have to, and let him to express himself, but when it last longer than it had to be, father sometimes just has to show his authority and to put things in order


    But ... his design of office is ... I dare to say ... Brilliant


    I hope we both learned something from this torture




  7. Ouch ... Still out of shipyard ... much harder than I thought ... my 30 years of making home furniture means - nothing ... On the other side, endless (statical.?!?) calculating as wood is concrete, and as furniture is building, unlogical and technicaly impossible connections of panels, wrong drawings and measuring of glass, drawers, etc etc ... result: more re-do than I can imagine, very very very slow progress and my vacation obviously goes to hell, so nervouse grows to sky, fight about every single step ... God give me strenght to be and keep calm few days more

  8. Hey Marc


    Rigging and sail rebus, yes? It seems to be more easier to solve the hardest Sudoku you can find than to decide about sail formation


    Did I mention that I am Sudoku fan, when I have half an hour to chill out ?  I was also chess fan, until my chess skills grow to the level I have to learn chess theory more seriously than I did, which is time demanding too much for measure of my love to chess


    I like ship building more than that


    I have saved anchors from my old "tehnodidakta" kit, but I am 99% sure I will make them from zero



  9. Hothead increased pressure, with idea that today all preparation has to be done, and to start with ordering furniture and accessories tomorrow, also to start painting walls of office tomorrow ... My vacation goes to ....

    I barely manage to steal some time to look at the forum and answer, and CS is silently sleeping downstairs ... She is on vacation too ;)  :D


    To protect them is alright, Nenad. It is also something natural to do for parents. It is not bad, but sometimes it is necessary they bump their heads ... You can't protect them always, and you will not be there to protect them all the time ... I still know NOTHING, and am willing to learn, although, sometimes me too I'm like hothead ... to often I crash against the wall when that happens(!)


    I bet you do a hell of good job on them, you sound like a wonderful father!!




    Thanks Carl. I also think we ( late admiral and me) have done god job with kids, and I am happy about that. Raise kids is meaning of life, and I am really satisfied with job good done. Little polish here and there is still needed ... but in main lines, it is all OK  :cheers:



    Good points all around.   Sometimes it's just best to let them hit the wall.  Then be there to help them off the floor.   We all learn, sometimes from words, other times from running into the wall.


    You are damn right Mark !!!!  :10_1_10:


    with me ,  it's my son's budgeting skills.........I try to give my 2 cents..........but I see no change ;)   one does what one can.......but when they leave,  you hope they come by for refreshers   ;)


    I agree Denis. We constantly forget that our kids have natural right to have their own mistakes :( . As we did :) . As we still do  :angry:



    Hothead's skills are superb!  I'ts good you have a wonderful architect and (Princess, budding Doctor) in your family;  I miss teasing the "old attorney";


    Hope you and your family are doing well,  It's been a pleasure to catch up to your fine work;  I still have more to go...


    Your Good Friend; 





    You have no idea Bob how much I am glad to see you back again, in spite of your life circumstances. Thanks for your nice words, and I really hope that things will go better with you, and that we can again go in hunt for runaway pig   :P

  10. Nenad, are you going to put sails on your Cutty. If so, which ones?




    Hey, Marc


    For now, my plan is to set ALL the rope lines and ALL the sails. From reason that I am not quite familiar with nautical terms and names in english, and that for mist of them there is not synonime and/or translation in Serbian, there is a looooong way in front of me to study learn research, and most imoortant - to understand all rigging elements and their function. Maybe somewhere in that process I'll change my mind, maybe not. Probably not. We'll see, when I face with thickness of lines and material for sails toward my ideas and thoughts how it have to look

  11. Nenad,


    Seems nice to me. Maybe you should instill into him the wisdom of listening to the 'client' (you or any other person), which will sell, as opposed to listening to yourself as a grand and well known architect ...

    Just yesterday we all (Princess, Hothead and me) had nice conversation about listening, and more important - hearing our clients/pacients. I shared my life/job three decades long experience, and it seems that they accept and consider this life lesson. We'll see today and another days.


    I think all of us can remember our own starts and first job steps, when after finishing school, wr start working, learned SOMETHING and think after some time that we know EVERYTHING but we still know NOTHING!


    Just want to protect them from rough and hard unwanted lessons which life and older much experienced co-workers can give to young, still yellow, starters, still flying between clouds, as I have got 32 years ago making my first serious contract in building industry ... God, that was a lesson ... two months after I didn't know where was my head and where was my back !!!


    Maybe I am wrong. Maybe is bettet to stop trying to protect them, and to let them go through the wall with head


    Who knows ...

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