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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. Looks pretty sturdy, Nenad. Like the artistic curl on the handle.


    Did you have a try yet !? :P:D :D


    I have idea to try it, Carl, but I could not . Buckets I made are glued, and I could not take them. And I do not like water on deck until I finished Her ;)


    Hi Nenad


    You know, it's often said that a model ship is built up of many tiny individual models, all of which come together to form the whole model. Your pump and WC cabinet are glorious models in their own right.








    There is a great  truth in your words, Patrick. I realized it when I started with details on hull, particularly when I started to fill fore deck 


    Great work Nenad!


    Thanks, Marc


    Idea for tonight is to try to make capstan bars on port side cabin - eight of them on surface only 8-9 mm wide, which means that particular bar has to be not more than 0,5 mm in diameter




    And I have sent my working ants to Patrick, and they do not want to come back - saying, that work conditions are best, food is best, salary is best, model is more interesting, and works go faster




    :im Not Worthy:  :im Not Worthy:

  2. Marc

    Having in mind function of this net, I believe that net was present always when She was on sails, or ready to sail.

    We do not want to feed anybody with our sailors, or working ants, aren't we?


    Portuguese re-rigged her, and I had not read anything of Her re-masting until Her return to London. Maybe somebody has additional knowledge about Her history

    Thanks Jud. It is obviously that there, as on any other sailing ship, there were many of, let's say "tool parts" with different more or less significant usage. When I was investigating outer contents of bulwarks, I found many different points with evidently purpose to tie something. Also, there is a huge number of rings on stanchions under main rail. I do not believe that anybody would put them there without any purpose. Long time passed, and only lads who sailed Her can know what for, any particular point can be used for at all.

    No progress those days, sometimes Nenad was just lazy, sometimes Nenad had to work in office, sometimes wanted to talk with kids. Hothead went to Novi Sad yesterday to have some exams, and a new (his last) school year starts in a few weeks.

  3. Mr. Sherlock and/or Dr.Watson in action. A few more old b/w photos with protective net on bowsprit. Ferriera state


    On next picture you can see specific, not usual way of rigging bowsprit ...


    And very very interesting b/w picture!


    All three boats from central cabin down, cranes mounted, and ...

    Look carefull direction of accomodation ladder.
    Final conclusion - one accomodation ladder for both sides.

    Also, there is something interesting abowe boat near bow ...

    And also, different design of front cabin - lower and wider
    My job trained me to watch and find details which are significant interesting and different

  4. I also want to win Lotto! Even I do not play Lotto




    Whole my life I asked myself, how much one must have, to have those toy, to pay all expences of using it couple of weeks at year? What kind of bussines allow you that kind of life? If you have big bussines, you do not have enough time. And where is the point if you can not use this beauty min 6 months at year. Believe me, I am not envy, just do not understand ... same thing: Have a car paid 70-100.000 $ and scratch it on parking?


    Just another galaxy. Or I am an Alien

  5. Jud, you are quite right. But ... why I always have some "but" ???


    There are some unanswered questions I pointed somewhere in a deep of my log considering particular details on deck


    Let`s say on this way ( all this is about question - what details to include, and how to make it on this scale)



    Pair of ladders which lead to fore deck


    There are not on C-plans




    C-plans show rounded pin-rails


    If I remember well, Bob (Rfolsom) Mark and couple of folks here were discussing about question - if there ladders when She was working ship, or ladders are pointed there when She was turned to museum. And, if there were pin-rails - which of lines ended there. We have not rich any answer.


    Probably I`ll put ladders there without rope net, because I do not know what that pin rails are for 




    Fore deck fence


    I agree with you that "lifelines" - protective net has purpose to avoid touching and falling down. On pictures, even on old one, you can see metal fence around deck






    same on C-plans




    But ( again) there is question about those fence ( red arrows on photo) - has it to be here ?






    Aft-deck is ... hmmm ... many questions


    On C-plans, same as I have seen on different kit models, there is a fence on edge of roof on aft cabin




    Now, it disappear !




    I assume that this fence has purpose during sailing, and now, when climbing on roof is forbidden, it has no point, and it is cute from CS in some stage of her ground life


    Fence which rounds after deck is present as on C-plans as now








    And life-line on ladders which lead to aft-deck. Has it`s point on sailing time, as now. Also presented in very old rare photos of Her






    It seems to me next:


    - rail fences over fore and aft deck  were there, are there and has to be here ( without rope protective net)

    - handrail on aftdeck ladders was there and has to be on model

    - fences on after deck cabin, considering I will make model with spread sails, will be there

    - fences beside front ship bell - it will be nice detail

    - ladders to fore deck - will be nice detail instead pin-rails, without life-line or protective net

    - all fences will have 2 horizontal lines with pillars and divided fields, without rope net


    And now, to return to my question to Patrick


    In my scale, height of fences has to be only 8 mm, so they just have to be fragile because 0,5 mm wire looks on that scale as wholesale tree !!!!


    Devil`s work it will be


    And question was - WHEN - in which stage of building to mount them ( if I succeed to make them anyhow)














  6. Hi Nenad


    Looking wonderful. Crowded, but nice!






    Hey Patrick ! My "detail overload" and "make a crowd" strategy of building seems to bears some fruit! Not even close to perfect model, but all slowly get on it`s place and nice look of decks appears. With my experience and skill, I am almost 100% satisfied with last year results. For now, I am very pleased how things go. Except all I make I have to make 2-3 times


    What do you think, having in mind your skill and experience with your miniature, and fragile work: when is right time to make and mount my, to devil small fences on rails? Just before rigging ? After rigging ? Now ? I am clumsy and impatient from time to time, and it is really hard decision





    you could take off the giant covered  bathtub at the back of the central cabin ... (2nd image, near the top) that would give some considerable space, ... besides a bucket full of water or under the pump would do it for a sailor ... at least, that's what the books tell us ...


    Nice idea Carl. I think that, if I do that,  I risk to be keel-hauled by captain, considering lack of fresh water for shower purpose. Also do not believe that sailors like salt water shower far out at sea :D, so it can be another reason to bath me under ship



  7. Second "Head" done






    Pretty crowded it become


    As you can see if careful watch photos, right cabin is bit taller than left cabin, because right inner bulwark is a bit higher than a left inner bulwark. But, it is not visible on a first look, and that was my idea how to mask grand building mistake I made in first days of my build. Particular when ladders, entrance, hatch and deck winch will be added in front of cabins, and chains will be lined up to chain pipes



    I can (have to) live with that

  8. Seats of ease in the days of sail were located at the bows,'head of the ship'.  The seats of ease became known as the Heads. Regardless of location, the afloat facilities for some time are known as Heads. Going to the Head means you are going to relieve yourself and you are going to the Head to do it. Your little cabins are Heads, may be others in Officers Country, they too would be heads.



    Thanks, Jud. From time to time I have a war with my English, so  ... And it is written on proper place to whom who are literate ( I am obviously - not)






    Looks good, even a fat man can sit in your fabulous constructed heads. You shouldn't make it to comfi, or your crew won't get out ;) It is also known as WC, toilet, sesspit, or whatever other name is called the space where you dump the content of your bowles, or bladder ...


    He, he ... fortunately in time when She was sailing, there were not cell phones, tablets, and another appropriate equipment and toys for this type of game room. And ... shared closets were never a fun places, no matter how they were made, no mather how they are cleaned. I think we, almost all were in army ? Or in a camp, concert,  etc etc



    Whatever you name them, Nenad, they look great.  You are putting a lot of detailwork into them.


    There are many names Mark ... in my family domestic words are: The Throne, The Temple of Relief, One Place, Resting Room, YOU ARE HERE AGAIN !!! or variant WILL YOU GET OUT TODAY !!! ... and some just untranslatable words which every language has for it. when I finis second ( I hope today) , real fun begins with pump and bars  

  9. I am glad to find your log. Wellcome to CS fleet


    If you become interested for particular detail, let me know, and I'll be glad to try to help you looking for it in my CS photo album, with near 500 photos I collected in last three years of my CS build. Some of them are attached to posts in my build log, some are not. I think I have catched all important details of hull and decks. Not the same about masts yards and rigging segments. It is not allowed to climb on museum exponats, so there are only a few photos on net



  10. More important ... would they have space to stock paperrolls ...!?

    Hmm 70-80 days lasting journey with no more than 30 members of crew, let us say, 20-30 paper pieces per man ... Not a significant volume. I think that paperrolls, when appear at free market at the end of XIX century were expensive, and it is more possible that they were using regular paper. Cheaper, need less space, and probably can be find in every harbour.

  11. Hi Nenad,


    always busy as usual,...... nice progress with the decks fitting out   :)

    do`nt forget a paperroll hanger inside the WC, and a water bucket  ready outside for flushing




    Thank you, Nils. 


    Your post interested me to make a quick research - did paperrools exist in XIX century.


    Quote for Wikipedia: " Modern commercial toilet paper originated in the 19th century, with a patent for roll-based dispensers being made in 1883"


    Very interesting article to read !!! we usually do not think about history of everyday trivially stuff


    Last time when I was thinking about was when, as youth, I have read book "The Life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel" written in XVI century by François Rabelais,l which I have in my library in edition "world classics". Tractate (treatrise) about ...


    So, it means that probably, paperrols  appear eventualy on CS in late XIX century or in XX century. Who knows, I do not believe that such a fact is written anywhere, because of it`s minor meaning

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