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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi Theo, You make from the ST a real masterpiece…... I'm proud of you!
  2. Can somebody please tell me about the groundhog???? I don't understand a thing about it!
  3. Hi Robbyn, So that's what they called pintles….. Mine are the same, I mean they are also large but that's what the drawing are saying. So when we do it wrong, blame the kit and not us Thanks for the pictures, you are spoiling me You go to work and I go to bed……. Early start tomorrow. Shift begins at 6.00 am Grrrrrrr [/url]
  4. Thanks Jim, I know what you mean but yes, mine you have to open and close ….. They are open and they stay that way! I have drilled a hole into the hull and put the wire in it, then a little knot and I pulled it back, Then a tiny hole into the lid and do the same thing. It works, only I'm gonna be crazy because a lot of hinges are coming loose…... It's almost impossible to glue them on to the lid. But i did the port side. There all there know…... Maybe someone else good do it better , but I'm happy with it! Tomorrow the final pictures of that because it's to dark at the moment. Robbyn, Yes finally pictures And tomorrow more! I'm happy that you not wait for nothing Now you can sleep peaceably again? [/url]
  5. Hi Augie & Wayne, @ Augie, we don't do a lot in the garden. Just removing the weed and then our neighbours invite us for coffee….. It was nice in the sunshine Good luck with the snow! @ Wayne, Thanks, how was your supper? A lot of Irish Beer? And now an headache?
  6. Thanks Wim, Andy ,John , Patrick and Grant, Thanks guy's @ Andy, I know it is much but can you handle it so many once at the time? If not please say so…... @ John, Gardening is all ready over We did the front garden and that is enough….. So maybe later a few more gun lids. @ Patrick, It looks impressive but with the cotton canon balls it looks like a lion without teeth…. @ Grant, You make me shy. We are hoping that you are not in a lot of pain. Take your time and when you are up to date, we see you back at the workshop. We are happy that we can see you some times at the forum...
  7. The first row of gunport lids are on the ship The first two pictures shows you the rope that goes into the lid. Then the other pictures shows you the chainplates and gun port lids on the port side. Now I have to go to the lower row…... I don't think that's gonna be today because the garden is shouting for me…..
  8. Hoi Derek, I think I have to do about 60 or something like that. I don't want to count them…. But it looks a lot different when they are on it.
  9. Hi Augie, I shall wait silence for pictures. And again snow?????? Man, you've got a lot of them. Today the temperature is rising till 20 degrees Celcius in the Netherlands this afternoon. So no building but work in the garden…...
  10. Thanks Grant and Popeye, @ Grant, Anja and I where talking about you last night, that you where not much on the forum. Glad to see you back! Hope everything is all right? And yes indeed, you can see clearly the difference between the wood @ Popeye, It's fiddly work but when you have one done, the rest goes easier…. 3 done and 40 to go…...
  11. Hi John, That looks very nice! Only one thing…..the wheelhouse looks so big! Or is that just the picture...
  12. Neat job Wim but I still see that green…….
  13. Hi Kevin, I see that we are doing the same. I'm also working on the chainplates. I like your stile. I just drill a hole 2 mm inside with a drill 0.3 mm and push the nail a little bit inside. Then with a sledgehammer a few hits and it works
  14. Mobbsie, I see pictures! Yippie yippie yeh. And you know what they are saying…..filler is the builders best friend Question….you paint the front blue or is that the colour of the planks? Nice to see that you started on the second planking! @Jim, Mobbsie is a ally …….
  15. 1 day left without a picture still 2 days to go……..
  16. Thanks Augie,Keith and Jim, @ Augie, Thanks, I feel a lot better I thought I was making a mistake. But when I look at other builds, a lot have those things that the shrouds are close by the canons. @ Keith, I was asking that question myself. Those canons are not in business right now, a kind of dummy canons @ Jim, Now you know why she has cotton canon balls……. I think that the builders are not concerned about weight but just ….how many canons can I put on a ship before she sinks……..
  17. Hi Danny, It looks like a Rubik's cube but it looks amazing! When you are boring you can make parts of them and fit them again...
  18. Very well Adrieke, Nice workspace! Enough space for all the builds…. Take your time with the Corch Fork, I'm just kidding.
  19. Hi Augie, It's the only way I can get them this way. I have to see how it works when I put the shrouds on. The other 2 chainplates are also at the ship. Now I have to figure out how I can put the gunport lids on….. I have two without a rope. There is no place anymore for that.
  20. Thanks John and Adrieke, You are really friends
  21. Because some people are complaining that they don't see pictures ,here is one. One chainplate with deadeyes and 3 gun port lids .
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