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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. He Bummer! I figure it out. But thanks :-) One question for you..... Why did you change your name? Sjors
  2. Thanks Mobbsie, It goes better because now I know how it works
  3. Hi Frank and Keith, @ Frank, No worries I'm glad you like it. Now to the other side…... @ Keith, I'm already working on the other side….. Maybe tomorrow they also will be placed….. ( If I get the time )
  4. Daniel, I think that a little fun keeps the forum alive but you also have to know when to stop. It is still a builders forum…... That's why I love this forum. We don't know each other then only by words. But there is a kind of chemistry between all of us. And yes, sometimes there is a side kick but the main thing will be building. When we are keeping that in mind. I think that MSW is going bigger then any other site! Augie, your build log is now yours again ( for the time being ) Now back to the shipyard.
  5. Hi fellow builders, Thank you all for your support and kind words Blush…….. I hope I now the difference when I'm on the bus……. Thanks Mark, and yes, those rat lines from Wayne are the top! I take my dog with me They make a nest from those cotton….. And thank you Popeye, still the left side has to be done…... No fear Daniel, When i fire them they are on fire! Janos, That's a good one! I'm gonna try that out. If it not works ,do you have an other solution for me?
  6. Sherry, I traint the pigeon to help me with the ratlines……and now he is asking if his wife can help me also……. When I'm finished, I'll send them to you P/A Blue Ridge Mountian!
  7. Ben, Does your boss need some new employers??????? Great news and what are you gonna buy? At the end of the month I'm also buying a few tools….from Proxxon!
  8. Augie, How is your rigging going? Can I help you with the ratlines? What is your next build? Or are you going to do some scratch build? And how high is the snow? Still 2 meters high? Can you find your front door? And is the milkman all ready bring some milk? You have enough food in the house? Don't forget to let the dog out. And you know…when de groundhog see his shadow ,it is not raining! Good luck with your build and your build log.
  9. Mobbsie, Don't blame me when the Admiral tell's you to clean the patio! But I know why you are doing it…. When we are coming, everything has to be spic & span
  10. I'm not that difficult Sherry. I share what I've got
  11. Thank you guys for telling me what they are and what they are doing. When I look at the weather forecast for the USA ,I think those guy's has drinking a lot of booze……. We have no groundhogs but the sun is shining and the temperature is rising…... I just put my nose outside to see what weather there is. I trust that instead of those creatures……. (Funny people those people on the other side of the ocean )
  12. Adrieke thank you! @ Andy, I know that I say something wrong but thank you for pointing me on that. STARBOARD SIDE!!!! Ratlines……I have look at the drawing and I stop counting till I'm at 1000 ratlines…... So maybe a few more HELP!
  13. All the lids are in place at the port side. Here are the promised pictures.
  14. Thanks Sherry, Ben, Jim and Popeye, The rigging is slowly coming closer…... A few more weeks I think @ Jim, I try everything but nothing works. One thing works fine…..take it easy when you are putting them on
  15. Sorry Augie, I never hear of that holiday….candlemas….. You see, I'm a real Neth-taler
  16. Great gratings Robbyn, You and Sherry can learn me something…... I think I go back to the paper ships I just feel myself like a novice what you both are showing! I don't want to say it but I will do it….let those pics coming!!!!!
  17. Hi Sherry, Nice to meet you to You are going to the dark side and wow, you make something about it. One kit and one scratch and a good scratch…..(and kit) It's hard to believe that you are doing this for the first time. I'm a little bit jealous….but enjoy what I'm seeing! Great progress. And for the ratlines…..send me the pigeon and I will help you
  18. I have send a package with good weather your way. I hope it is not broken when it comes to you….
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