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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi David, We are on the same stage Soon both of us will be rigging…..yippie! Looks great!
  2. You are right Augie, That was it! And no, it don't belongs that way I have to fix it….
  3. Thanks guy's I shall see what works. Otherwise break the hole mast and make a new one……..
  4. Hi Mick, You are not sitting still. Great progress! Your wall paper looks great. When I've got mine, the where to small and damaged. I send OcCre an E-mail and received new ones. I like what you've done with the planks on the wall. It looks real!
  5. Thank you Adrieke Next thing to do is to take a look of the frames are fitting!
  6. Augie, It's going the way that I was thinking….. She is on the I-pad ,reading and posting and what do you think? Sjors…..COFFEE!!!!!!! How about that!
  7. Andy, I have taken Anja out for dinner! But she don't want to tell you that so I will. We went to …….McD……... How about that! And yes, I'm a very lucky guy. I have Anja and you to remind me all the time
  8. Ok Grant, Then first the masts, shrouds, ratlines and then the rest…... Then a question for you all. I know I have read it somewhere but maybe someone can tell me it again. I have make a mistake on the mizzen mast ( Last one close to the stern..) I want to take it a part but it is glued yet. How can I remove the glue…... Don't say use a saw! It is wood glue….. Strange that nobody was seeing it! I thought it was with Aceton?
  9. I read that you have a lot to do before you are on the railings. Same as my ratlines But it looks great Adrieke. 2 kings on the road…..
  10. Now i see that I'm a little late I just came from my work and thought I can tell you something…. I better go to sleep! (16.00 hour)
  11. Sherry, Here it comes! Anja has the same problem with her Half Moon. She also had to break out the top of the bulkheads. She already plank it so now she makes a waterway ( I think ) But you know how Moderators are…doing there own job You can plank over the holes. Make sure that you not begin and end above a hole. Then when you are finished, you don't see a thing about it! You've got then a smooth deck planking. Make this sense?????
  12. Asking for pictures is a virus I believe……. But yes,…….PICTURES!
  13. Wow, You are saying that you are a rookie? What makes me then…... Fabulous build Ferit! Looks really great!
  14. Hi Aldo, We are going on 10 of May for a few days to Mobbsie . I shall give him your regards Me on a trip with a moderator…….wowie!
  15. Hi David, No I didn't. I just start planking…... I have the build log but not posted after the big bang. If you want it please let me know and I will post the pictures again. It's only pictures ,no text! That is lost in cyber space…... Sjors
  16. It's not John but me. Count that also? Then GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
  17. Is that mean that I'm that difficult???????? I'm the innocent himself…...
  18. It still looks great Jim, And I still enjoy your build!
  19. Not yet Patrick! First all the blocks and the mast in place and then the shrouds and then the running rigging and THEN…………I need a shrink! Do I have fans David? So I'am a little star…..
  20. David, You can be nervous….. 2 guy's are watching you over your shoulder!
  21. Hi Madam Moderator…... Congratulations! I wish you good luck with it. I know you can do it!
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