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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Guys, Keith, I have three types of CA, a Zap which is thin, Grip which is medium and Admiralty which is the thick, looking at the thick there is no mention of a gel. i dont have any debonder either so care is the word of the day. Augie, Thanks mate, now I know for sure that it is produced I will keep a weather eye open for it, do you know if the gel only come those tubes, and thanks very much for the link. Mark, Thanks for the tip mate, I have used both together before but I got into an awfull mess so tend to stay away from that combo, I got the two mixed and it was a nightmare. My planking has come to a short stop at the moment, what with pressure washing ( just finished ) and now a 2nd birthday party to go to, there doesnt seem much time but hopefully be back on it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks again for your input and tips gents. mobbsie
  2. Hi Grant, It's not easy mate, but if your new drugs are helping then thats great news, if you are able to sleep well at night then you are most certainly on the road to recovery. It's a good excuse to get into some serious ice cream noshing mate, just to ease the throat you understand. Dont worry about the build, she's not going anywhere and will be waiting for you when you are ready, no pressure. mobbsie
  3. Hi Demonborger I wasnt aware that there was a gel CA, I dont think I can get it from my hobby shop and I've never seen it advertised so I will just use PVA and thick CA, the thick CA does'nt bleed into the wood but it very quick to cure. Thanks for the tip and rest assured I will look out for it. mobbsie
  4. Hi Guys, To answer your question about the use of CA, I dont really know why, the instructions call for the use of thick CA and so I thought I would follow them, I dont know why as this instruction has never been given before. I must admit I do prefere to use PVA and will go back to using it, I may use CA on the bow section where I am unable to use clamps and require a strong & quick hold. Thanks for asking gents and I hope I have answered your question. mobbsie
  5. Hi Guys, My god Jim, if I had one that big I'd be well happy, and yes he who has 14 guns in a very small area is an ally. Sjors, to answer your question, yes the bulkhead is painted, French blue and then flattened down with matt varnish. Grant, Popeye, Kevin, Frank thanks for the kind words gents. 2nd planking continues though at a slow rate, domestic tasks have raised their heads, I blame Sjors, had to get the pressure washer out and do the patio, only the front to do now. I'm using CA to glue the planks on and though it is easier using scale planks the glue sticks like you know what to a blanket, you have to be so carefull to get it right first time, even with the thick stuff, very little time is given for corrections, fortunately I'm planking an area that will be covered up by the wales although it does'nt look to bad. I'll do a bit more planking before I post any pics. mobbsie
  6. Hi Sjors, She's looking great my friend, just be carefull when moving around her, they look prime candidates for knocking off. Now that Andy's put you right on port and starboard you'll be able to turn your bus in both directions. mobbsie
  7. Hi Grant, A bit belated my friend but I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and hope that the soreness and discomfort wont last long. I hope you dont look like you've been 12 rounds with Mike Tyson, nose and throat is renowned for bad bruising. Keep your pecker up mate though it must be difficult. Do what your told and I'm sure all will be well. Could be worse mate, Sjors could have driven you to and from the hospital !!!!!!!!!!! mobbsie
  8. Hi Guys, As promised a quick update on progress so-far. Quarter galleries are finished apart from a little bit of rubbing down, I didnt quite get the angles right so I've had to use a bit of filler but once she's rubbed down and painted up she will be good. Frames are still to go on after painting. Roundhouse bulkhead completed and painted but I dont want to fit it just yet. Started on the second planking, at least I have 1 plank at the stem on each side, not much but it's a start, I decided to go with the scale planks in the end. I know that there should be at least 3 planks between butt joints but I'm working on 2, I'm working on a plank length of 119mm and to get a 3 butt planking pattern I will have to cut 30mm planks at the stem and stern, that doesnt seem long enough to me, it's not too late to change so perhaps you could let me know what you think. Some Pics First gallery in place Part two fitted I'm glad I've still got some filler One complete roundhouse and the first 2 planks dry fitted Both quarter galleries Port gallery Floors were painted in a force 8 gale So there we are again, right up to date. mobbsie
  9. Hi Mark, Explosives are not something I can buy over the counter, if you have some spare that would be helpfull, not for the Aggie you understand but Keith may be able to help "A & A" spike you know who's guns mobbsie
  10. Hi Keith, The biggest hammer I have is a 9lb lump hammer, do you think that that might be up to the job. mobbsie
  11. Hi Mark, you are absolutely right mate, when I was looking her up I thought she bore a great resemblance to the Aggie so I assumed she was of the Ardent class of cruiser. Got that wrong didnt I, thanks for putting me right mate. mobbsie
  12. Just found you Derik, great planking. I'm waiting for Caldercraft's Surprise to come out, shant hold my breath so I'm gonna follow your build. Keep up your good work. mobbsie
  13. Good progress Wayne, Nice to see it all coming together. I bet you finish your ratlines before Sjors. mobbsie
  14. Dont take any rubbish from them upper class toffs Augie, us lower ranks will stick together. Andy will have to clean his own tanks, Marks still looking for a brig, Popeye's busy with umpteen builds and Sjors, well he is learning how to water ski !!!!!!! mobbsie
  15. Can you see what I'm doing here guys, thought I would try out Sjors method of gaining rank, individual replies, soon be up there. mobbsie
  16. Hi Ben, This is not a task I enjoy very much, she is such a big slab sided beast it seems to take forever but I cant put it off any longer, 2nd planking starts Saturday. mobbsie
  17. Sjors, If I worked every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week untill you arrived I'd miss you cos I would be asleep, and I still would'nt be finished. 2nd planking will start Saturday. I only just found out that your Spaniard was at Trafalger, does'nt bode well does it, I reckon you had cottonballs then as well. mobbsie
  18. Hi Augie, Plenty of that my friend, brute force and ignorance is my middle name. !!!!!!! mobbsie
  19. Your not wrong there Popeye, but as long as I've got me filler I'm happy. mobbsie
  20. Pack your bags guys, the men in white coats are on their way, you'r nuts. BUT FUN. :D mobbsie
  21. Hi Yves, I dont know the full range of kits from Amati but I think youll find that the Bellona is of the same class and design as HMS Agamemnon, this kit can be obtained from Caldercraft and is 1/64th scale, the slight differences can be changed and I'm sure you will be able to obtain the decorations for her. Hope this helps. mobbsie
  22. Hi Guys, Thank you all very much for the kind words and looking in. There was a good reason why the stern fascia would'nt fit right, I was sticking it in the wrong place, what an idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!, after a lot of deliberation I found out where it should go, a simple error like that seems to take an age to sort out but a big problem does'nt take long at all. Starboard side Gallery in fitted and the port side will be done tomorrow, it's taken me the best part of today to do just the one, fiddly little b----rs they are. I still have to put the window frames in but they are glazed. I will have some pics soon. mobbsie
  23. Hi Popeye, Thanks for letting us join you on two great builds, it has been a trip and a half with superb results. Very well done my friend. Be proud. mobbsie
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