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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Grant, This has turned out to be as complex as any full size ship but with the fragility of morning gossamer, very very impressive my friend. Fingers, best clamps in the world. mobbsie
  2. Hi Guys, Thank you all for your input and suggestions but in the end I decided to go with my instinct, I have put in one gore line which is 7 strakes up. I decided not to put any plates on the waterline just yet but to wait and see how things pan out. Eric, there are approximately 2500 plates to fit so it's not a quick half hour job, the manual reckons on 2 weeks of evening work, they got that wrong. OK, I have a few pics for Sjors, it's not the best coppering in the world but it's a start, my old school report comes to mind " must try harder". Every journey starts with the first step The first six strakes and the first gore line Overall side view So there we are, right up to date, tomorrow is another day. mobbsie
  3. Looking real good Hamilton, as Sjors would say we want more. mobbsie
  4. Wow, I didn't realise just how small that boat is, all credit to you my friend for the guts to take this task on. mobbsie
  5. Hey Robbyn, don't you have to take on the persona of your friend to ride a bike like that, somehow I cant imagine you with a beard. mobbsie
  6. Hi Guys, Thank you one and all for the very gracious words, I really do appreciate them. Sorry Augie, no low fly over, altitude restrictions mean no flying lower than 500ft, I live on top of a hill but it aint that high. I love the sound of that Rolls Royce Merlin engine, it's unmistakeable, a deep growl. Every time I see and hear one it brings a lump to my throat. I used the thickest CA I've got, done the job a treat, just down to trimming of the dead ends now. The Harriers take the cake Frank, message is short and sweet and to the point, love it. Mark, fortunately their in the past, but the local fishermen at the time didn't appreciate being shot up by a couple of Thunderbolts, and that was in our nearby river, sunk a boat but fortunately no loss of life. Pierre, your right, running up and down the stairs to gaze at the sky stopped the build quite a lot, mind you I was glad of the distraction. Adrieke, yep, a bit of blood letting, but the Aggy already carries my DNA from an earlier excursion with a blade. Keith, when Nelson saw the Aggy with Sir Edward Berry in command he is reported to have said " Here comes that damned fool Berry! now we shall have a fight". She was also nicknamed eggs and bacon by her crew. Keith, that'll teach him to wear a hard hat, perhaps Andy could lend him his. But boy that is low, no room for any error there. Andy, Grant, Wayne, Hamilton, John, Sjors thank you for your very kind words. PLEASE HELP I have one question for all you experienced copper platters, When and how do I use / draw a Gore line, I have a reference to it in some of my books but I don't understand the explanation, perhaps I'm being thick, I have completed 5 rows of plates on the bottom of the hull including the false keel and I'm not sure if I need to draw a gore line and if I do how do I lay the plates against it. I intend to lay 3 rows of plates at the waterline. I have checked out the u tube vids and there is no mention of one. Thank you for looking in mobbsie
  7. Makes no difference what he tries to fire Jim, his guns will be spiked. A word of warning my friend, careful who you ally yourself to, he who cannot be named changes like the weather. mobbsie
  8. Hi John, Everything about this little ship is very impressive, well done on the ratlines mate, like you I also enjoy the rigging, and each ship is slightly different, plenty of lessens to be learned. Soon be starting on your next one mate. mobbsie
  9. Hi Mark, Nice work on the pumps mate, she's all coming together very nicely. mobbsie
  10. Paul, this build really is very impressive, you must be so proud of your achievement so far. Very much enjoying this ride, thank you. mobbsie
  11. Nothing wrong with being diverse, as long as there is a build in there somewhere. mobbsie
  12. Hi Guys, Thank you so very much for the well wishes, all is well now, after the arm emptied of the red stuff and the bleeding stopped a good helping of CA sealed the cut. I have an update on the Aggy at long last. The first few shots are of the completed planking and the gun ports tidied up, also with the upper wale in place although it's difficult to see because of the colour of the timber but the filer is quite visible. The next set is the upper wale, main wale, and gun ports are painted with the waterline completed, next step is coppering. So there we are right up to date, as I say the next step is coppering, wish me luck. It's taken me over an hour to write this update, it's all the fault of the RAF, they keep flying over my house in a Spitfire, yesterday it was a Hurricane, how the hell do they expect anybody to get any work done. Be good mobbsie
  13. How's the repair coming along Peter, I trust your well on the way to sorting it, with all the cuts, blood and other ailments being suffered lately old Murphy's been having a field day. He's got a lot to answer for. Be good mobbsie
  14. It's very good of you give Augie his log back Sjors, your' not all bad are you. mobbsie
  15. Hi Sjors, I have never in all my life met such a blagger, Innocent, you don't know the meaning of the word, if your innocent then Augie is a saint. :D Special operations are going to organise a joint operation between the Marine's, SBS and Ausies to spike your guns as they come of the production line, we cant risk another Sjorgion "WHAT". You make em, we'll bust em. mobbsie
  16. I feel your pain Peter, hang in there mate and all will come good. mobbsie
  17. Never mind the pictures guys, keep on talking. Syren is looking great Augie, take your time mate mobbsie
  18. Hello Sjors, Do I hear the threat of war drums in the distance, cannonballs indeed, you'll be looking for some cannon to fire them soon. I hope Anja has given you permission to use those balls. She's coming along very nicely my friend. mobbsie
  19. Hi Grant, It's all coming together nicely my friend, precision work as usual, it's a joy to watch. mobbsie
  20. Hi Andy, Have a very Happy Birthday mate, it's a bummer you are heading back to work. Keep your chin up and stay safe, soon be home again. Peggy is looking absolutely superb, your really doing her justice. Well done. mobbsie
  21. Hi Grant, That's a great help, thank you very much, I like the look of that system and not many stealers being used, from what I can see none at the bow and very few at the stern. Keith, thanks for your input mate, it's all very helpful. Jim, It wont be long before it happens mate. Augie, I'm far to modest to comment my friend, but all are welcome, even "he who shall not be named". I don't give popcorn away but I do sell it. I cant eat the stuff cos all I do is chase it with my pickle chaser and that's frustrating. Rob, I've been following your build mate and it's looking extremely good, hope I can do mine as much justice. Frank, thanks mate. Wayne, The paint comes by the bucket load, all you need to do is break the crust and dip in, there is a serious amount required. Everythings big on this tub. Progress has slowed somewhat due to a cut on my left index finger, I don't wont the red stuff all over the Aggy. I was just finishing the second row of the upper wale and my knife slipped and sliced through the finger to the nail, lovely. Should be able to carry on on Monday, at least that's the plan. Stay good mobbsie
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