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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Now your scaring me Grant, that would be great if you could. My manual doesn't mention anything like that, in fact it says to paint the underside of the keel and rudder post copper, don't like that idea very much. I'm a little ways of coppering just yet, I was hoping to start it on Sunday but that's not looking realistic. I still have to complete the port upper planking, mark my waterline and paint the hull above the waterline. mobbsie
  2. You certainly have my admiration for your tenacity, as you rightly say working at that scale is no easy matter, but hey, who ever wanted this hobby to be easy. Good luck my friend. mobbsie
  3. This is very impressive work Grant, I have no idea what a Vibra saw is but it's obviously doing the job for you. Are you going to rebuild all your boats or just the launch. mobbsie
  4. Thanks Augie, I think I know which way I'm going to go, besides mad. I already have my false keel fitted, and it is to be coppered, so I will lay the plates along it's length and then work upwards. I will more than likely come screaming and be asking advice so please be warned. :mellow: mobbsie
  5. Thank you so much for that wonderful thought Eric. I'm a voyage of discovery as far as the coppering goes but I actually quite like doing the rigging, even the ratlines, mobbsie
  6. Hi Mark, Thanks for that mate, I will not be overlapping the plates so as you say the decision is mine. In the practicums that I have seen most start at the bottom and in the centre, working towards the Bow and Stern, also there seems to be a difference of opinion with the plates around the keel. :mellow: :mellow: Do I lay the plates along the length of the keel or are they laid across and wrapped around the keel. I never thought about it before but the more you look into coppering the more complex it becomes, either that or I'm looking at it too hard. mobbsie
  7. Mind if I sit in Popeye, I'll be very quite honest, unlike one who not only watches but want pics as well. Enjoy the journey my friend. mobbsie
  8. Hi Jim, That's the general idea mate, haven't started plating yet, I'm still planking the port side above the main wale, Should have that finished on Saturday so hopefully I will start plating on Sunday. I am still pondering whether to start at the top and work down or bottom and work up, perhaps those in the know can advise me on that, I've seen the u tube vids but still cant make my mind up. Thanks everybody for the vote of confidence and the good words. I'll have some pics very soon I hope, just to keep you know who happy. mobbsie
  9. Hi Jim, Thanks for the vote of confidence mate it's much appreciated. I do have some copper tape which I bought when I built my steam launch, for the copper kettle ect but I don't like using that to much. The kit comes with copper plates, the size is18mm x 6mm.I haven't counted them but the manual reckons there are over 2,500 plates, I just know I'm going to have a bit of trouble with a few of them. Hope that answers your question Jim. Patrick, Scott, Popeye, Aldo, Boris, ZyXuz & Carl, Thank you guys for your very kind words, I really do appreciate them. mobbsie
  10. We'll still be here you get back Andy, enjoying your build too much to go walkabout. Have a safe trip and a good course. mobbsie
  11. Well you cant have it, we have a bank holiday here and no shops are open. The best thing to do if it's all going pear shaped is to put it away for a while, your doing the right thing my friend. You can always throw cotton cannonballs at her, If Anja will lend you some. I still have my Bireme shoved in the loft, I'm trying to forget it but it calls out to me every now and again. My excuse is that I have my hands full at moment. Take heart and all will come good. ;) mobbsie
  12. Hi Andy, Your doing a Mk1 job my friend. The seizing on your shrouds is fantastic and I think will be copied by a lot of builders on this site, your deadeyes are neat and tidy and very well done. If I can do half as well I'll be a very happy man. Thanks again for the PM mobbsie
  13. Hi Marc, That's some nice work your doing there mate, it's the little bits that bring a ship to life and your Cutty is coming alive. Well done and keep it up. mobbsie
  14. Thank you all for the very kind words and encouragement. She really is a big slab sided beast but in the most part fun. I've never coppered anything before so its going to be a steep learning curve, cant say I'm looking forward to it at the moment, might be different when I make a start. Eric, the kit supplies 343.4 metres of line for the rigging, I don't know how that equates in weight but I know I wouldn't want to carry it for real. Planking continues with the gun port patterns which is proving to be quite a task in itself, but it's fiddly which is what I like. Hopefully I'll have a few more pics in the not too distant future. mobbsie
  15. Hi All, It's been so long I've forgotten what I have to do. It's been a while since my last update so here goes. The planking below the waterline is now complete, AT LAST, only planking left to do is above the wale and around the gunports, such fun. In one of my moments of insanity I wondered how much timber was used for the hull below the wale, the answer 63 metres of 1mm x 5mm. That equates to 488 individual planks at 119mm each, plus numerous shorter planks. I used quite a few stealers in the stern, perhaps more than I should have but it's worked out ok, it's going to be coppered anyway. I have given it a good sanding and in most places if were any smoother I would put a nappy or diaper on it, but still a little more sanding wouldn't hurt. Some pics So there we are, I have made a start on the remaining planking so hopefully it wont be this long again. mobbsie
  16. Hi Frank, You've had long enough away from your masterpiece my friend, were all champing at the bit here for a progress report and some pics mate. He who cannot be named is demanding some pics, and you know he cannot be denied, we are all in his power. mobbsie
  17. Hi Anja, Between you both you have made a wonderful fix, she is looking absolutely superb. Now you have your MoJo back there'll be no stopping you. Very well done mobbsie
  18. Hi Aldo, Your old Badger pal here mate, just found you and you are a braver man than me my friend. I'm going to follow you for sure so good luck although you wont need it I'm sure. mobbsie
  19. Popeye, I've just fallen off me bloomin chair, boy you really are traveling at a speed on this one. It was only yesterday I saw that kit in the box, now she's almost finished, well not really. Got my seat close by and am already waiting for a viewing position. Have fun buddy. mobbsie
  20. Hi Popeye, Beautiful Popeye well done. Going for the Half Moon now, she's a lovely ship, good choice. John, My apologies, like Frank I have deleted the post. mobbsie
  21. Hi Sjors, It's difficult to say whether it is to long or not because there is nothing to measure it by, all I will say is that it looks fine to me and if your happy with it then go for it. mobbsie
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