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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Pierre, Bet I make more mistakes than you though. This is turning out to be a very slow build for me, but to be fair she is the largest I've attempted so far. I'll be a very happy bunny when the planking is completed. Still onwards and upwards. mobbsie
  2. Hi Peter, That's some real progress there my friend, she's looking absolutely great. Well done. mobbsie
  3. Hi Aldo, Thanks for looking in my friend and your very kind comments. Progress has slowed right now as I'm in the middle of the 2nd planking, I haven't posted an update of that yet as it's all pretty mundane and boring stuff, well it is to me anyway. I hate planking, which is why it is taking so long, about 2/3 through below the wale, then I will post an update and carry on with the remainder above the wale. mobbsie
  4. Hi Martin, I wish I had followed Pierre's example and just painted mine, I actually cut them out before realising that the deck of the quarter galleries comes half way up, at least they do on my Aggy, I'm going to have to put a filler in and block half way up. With regard to the walnut bulwark pattern ( 61 & 62 ) I also glued mine on permanently, be careful if you do the same and don't glue them to the smaller of the upper deck bulkheads as these have to be removed at a later stage. Don't worry about the walnut pattern ( 61 & 62 ) as these will be covered up with the second planking, so if you want to pin them to the bulwarks go ahead. Hope that is a help to you my friend, good luck. mobbsie
  5. Well done on the weight loss mate, it can be hard at times. Treadmill, sounds like a nightmare to me. mobbsie
  6. Ditto regarding the build Augie, very neat work. If you fall out with the in-laws mate Popeye needs some bait for them lobsters. mobbsie
  7. Nicely caught there Kevin, the stern is looking nice and trim as well. mobbsie
  8. Hey we've all put symbols up as a sub, it lets others know of our annoyance and frustrations. We've worked and some still are and there isn't one person who hasn't used colourful language at some time. Better a symbol than a binned build. mobbsie
  9. Hi Andy, Tried looking up those expletives in the Oxford English Dictionary and couldn't find them, I shall have to look for an American or Canadian dictionary, but maybe not coz I might blush. Well done on your perseverance my friend. The new top masts look superb. mobbsie
  10. Hi Mark, I haven't visited for a while and was shocked to read about your mishap, I'm not going to wax lyrical but I do hope your hand repairs quickly and that your discomfort is short lived. Take care mate. mobbsie
  11. Hi John, Good fix on the deadeye my friend, she's looking a real lady. mobbsie
  12. Hadn't thought of that Popeye, I'm gonna have to do an inventory check now. mobbsie
  13. No worries mate, will you be using the dummy gun barrels supplied or getting some more 24lb'ers. Looking at my Aggy you will most definitely see the carriages although I doubt you will see any rigging unless you light her up. Going to these details this is going to be a great build, I cant wait. mobbsie
  14. Hi Martin, Never thought to fix the 1st planking with treenails, I doubt I will ever use that system but that's me. Your Aggy is looking great and the 1st planking really is very neat. I don't know how far you have looked into the instructions but I will refer you to page 12 the heading "Yards", 4th line up from the bottom of the chapter it reads and I quote " The foremast should be at 90deg. to the keel with the main mast having a 1deg. rake and the mizzen a 2deg. rake." unquote. It's just one of those small details that are lost until it's too late. mobbsie
  15. Hi Andy, Short sleeve shirts only from now mate, that pointed sticky out thing in the front is just made for catching a shirt sleeve or jumper. She's looking absolutely great mate, your doing a superb job, hope you know who has had his fix on the pics. mobbsie
  16. Hi Martin, You've made a good start there mate. In Pierre's log you asked if there was anything different he would do, I can only say yes to that, the kit is very good but there are a few problems. For one I fitted the stern post as per instructions and I later removed it, it wont go back on untill the 2nd planking. When you come to the gunports you have to be very carefull, there are 3 different sizes, main gundeck are all one size but on the upper gundeck there are 2 sizes, from the bow 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, & 13 are larger than 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Be carefull with the timber for the gunport linnings because there is only just enough, I tried a different system and it didnt work for me and I wasted a lot of the material and had to find a substute. I hope you dont mind me jumping in. mobbsie
  17. I can only echo other comments Popeye, She's looking an absolute dream. mobbsie
  18. Happy 32nd birthday Anja, Hope you bought loads in the shops and that Sjors is going to treat you to a nice meal out.( not Mcdonalds, KFC or Pizza Hut ) mobbsie
  19. Hi Sjors, Very nice my friend, well done, the new toys have fitted in nicely. One thing is missing mate and thats a bin for all your scrap timber. Plus a 1st aid kit. Have fun but be carefull, these things bite. mobbsie
  20. Please spare a thought for me, I'm hoping I can get some kip at some stage, anyone got any ear defenders. mobbsie
  21. Hi Andy, Following on with the hand drill lathe mate here is a pic of one from the old MSW, I cant remember who posted it, hope they dont mind. I keep meaning to build it myself but just hav'nt gotten round to it yet. I would make just one small modifiation which is to place a roller bearing to hold the dowel end, we dont want any fires do we. I hope you dont mind me posting this to you but I thought it might help. Have a great stay in the wild's mate and come back all refreshed and eager to get stuck in again. mobbsie
  22. Hi Mark, Pleased to read your all mended now and back building, you have made some nice changes there, well done. mobbsie
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