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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hey I just noticed, I got promoted to midshipman, not much to sing about but I like it. mobbsie
  2. Hi Guys, It's still Saturday and the pics are ready, not very inspiring but progress all the same. Gunports have been cut but are waiting to be lined. Sjors, you go easy on that beer, you know you cant take a lot, you keep putting on a clown suit and standing on your head. Mark, go easy with him, I'm holding you responsible. Anja, just use what every woman uses when she wants some space, your elbows, and please turn your Skype on. David, good to have you along and thanks for the kind words. Some pics She really is a slab sided beast Mark, as you can see, the centre waist has a dip on both sides, not too sure if it's my bulkheads or if she is supposed to be like this. Quite a lot of filler used. I had to use a fair bit of filler where the hull sides come into the stern counter, she was looking like a catamaran. The bow looks a bit rough but it's ok in real life Gunports are now cut Looking along the line I think No 6 port may be a little high. So there we go guys, as I say not very inspiring but it is progress, be nice to do something other than planking for a while. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Peter, She's looking very impressive my friend, you should be very pleased with her progress. Looking forward to further updates. mobbsie
  4. Hi Caroline, This is going to be an absolute dream ship, everything about her is great. I saw your log on the old forum and have just found you again. This is most definately one to follow. mobbsie
  5. Hi Guys, Thanks for the kind words and for looking in. Progress so far is that the first planking is now completed, filled and sanded down. I did have to remove the rudder post in order to get to the stern planking and I will leave it off untill completion of the 2nd planking. Next job is to cut out the portside gunports and line them all. Joshukr :- No this is not my first build, this is in fact my 7th start, my 6th a Greek Bireme is languishing in the background waiting for some inspiration. Ben :- It has taken me about 3 weeks to complete the 1st planking, this came as a surprise to me but I have never planked a ship this size before, we live and learn. Boris :- Your more than welcome and thanks for looking in. Augie :- Your not wrong about planking a gym, she is one big slab sided beast, one thing it does teach you is for the need to get the bulkheads right, mistakes really show up at this size. Andy :- Hopfully I'll get some pics out Saturday. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Rob, I'm enjoying this build immensly but I do have a few questions, my instructions just state to line the upper gundeck gunports, did you decide to line your main gundeck gunports or was it in the instructions, It does look better. When you lined the main gundeck gunports how far in did you put the lining, because the hull planking is only 1 plank thick and did you make the lining first and then position it into the gunport. I hope you dont think these are daft questions. Mobbsie
  7. Hi Augie, She's a lovely looking ship and your making a superb job on her, congrats on completing the standing rigging, it really does make a difference and is so satisfying. Enjoy the flying Mobbsie
  8. I'm gonna say "ditto" with all the other comments made so-far, great job Popeye. Mobbsie
  9. She looking a very accomplished vessel my friend, you've done a superb job on her, well done. Just 1 question Popeye, how many pots do expect to carry ?. Your deckspace is getting smaller all the time. I'm not familiar with this type of boat and so ask from a position of ignorance, as always. mobbsie
  10. Is there no end to your talents Popeye, a lovely build on the Goth and poetry as well, you really spoil us. She looking great my friend and thanks for the detailed update. Hope you get your deadeyes soon. Mobbsie
  11. Hi Sjors, She's looking real sweet my friend, well done. Now for the next instalment of Le Mirage, goody. mobbsie
  12. Hi Guys, I dont know about wearing flannel but you guys have it in spade fulls, why dont you chuck in some groundhog, rocky lobsters and a few oysters, with that lot and squeaky cheese curd who needs pizza. I'm feeling ill just thinking about it. mobbsie
  13. Hi Rob, Just found your log mate and I'm impressed, your planking is great. I take it you will not be painting her. My own Aggy is in the very early stages, just completed the first planking but still have to sand her down. I'm definately going to follow your log. Well done. Mobbsie
  14. Hi Popeye, Very well done on the pot door, it's often the little details that finish a model off and make it look that bit special, and you've done that superbly. Mobbsie
  15. Hi Grant, Thanks for the stats on the number of Ratlines tied, my heart just sank into my boots at the thought of tying roughly the same number on my Aggy, also the 2000 odd copper plates that need to be fitted. Victory is looking superb mate, always an inspiration. Mobbsie
  16. Hi Andy, Ditto to the previous post regarding your chains. Peg is looking really good. Love the banter, some brilliant remarks in there. Mobbsie
  17. Hi Pierre, Glad to have another Aggy build to follow. Nice work on the deck and 1st planking. To answer your question, if you still have it, re-use the gunport template issued, if you dont have it anymore you could drill out the 4 corners of each gunport. Failing that you could cut out the gunports and sand afterwards. Good luck. Mobbsie
  18. Hi Ray, Very impressive planking mate, I will be following your progress with interest. Good luck with the surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery. Mobbsie
  19. Just photo your breakfast Andy, that'll keep him quite. As long as it's Ham & Eggs. Mobbsie
  20. Hi Martin, When fitting your bulkheads be carefull with No 4, mine is a little smaller and it went unnoticed untill I started planking, the result is a small dip in the lines which will have to be taken out with filler on completion. She is a big slab sided beast and 1st planking seemed endless for me, I hope your experience is better. Good luck and keep those updates coming. Mobbsie
  21. Hi Frank, Ditto what Anja said, you must be so pleased. Well done my friend on making her your own. Mobbsie
  22. Hi Guys, I just hope the update is going to about a ship, but aircraft is good and I also like the ref to music, I also like the recipey section, so much to choose from and so little time. Keep it going guys , it's wonderfull. Mobbsie
  23. Hi Guys, Thanks for your patience, I now have a few pics I can post just to bring you up to date. Mark, I didnt realise that Sjors has cotton balls, I did wonder why his hair was the colour it is, or did you mean Cotton Cannon Balls. Patrick, The damage to the hull was'nt much but it was enough to warn me what might happen if I continued without protecting the wood. Andy, You know it's easier to give in to Sjors, he's like a terrier, never lets go. Jim, Nice to have you around buddy, like you I will also be sitting on the fence from now on, Sjors can fight his own battles without my help. Right, my progress with the 1st planking has been snails pace and it's still not quite finished, another 3 planks per side should see me done, for me this has been a real tedius task, she is one slab sided beast and planking just seemed to go on & on & on. I did start to fill in some of the rough stuff but decided to wait untill completion so it's a bit patchy with loads of push pins still in her. Enough chat some pics. Gunport pattern is fitted to the Starboard side and marked out I started to cut the gunports as a break from planking before I'd washed with diluted PVA, a bit of damage occurred which soon stopped me, lessen learned. This is me right up to date, should'nt be too long before 1st planking completion. So there we are guys, that should please at least one person but not a lot to show for several weeks work. Next steps will be to :- 1, Wash the hull with diluted PVA, 2, Fill with filler and sand down, 3, Cut out and line the gunports 4, Paint gunports and inside the bulwarks with red ochre 5, Mark out and fit the Main Wale That should keep me going for a while. Be Good Mobbsie
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