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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Pierre, Thank you for that information, and understand your pain as far as the build is concerned, you do have the skills to remedy those faults but in the end should you have to. I know you already have the kit and so are trapped but I will have to think long and hard before I take it on, I do have other kits in mind so may well leave this one alone. Thanks again for the info. mobbsie
  2. Hi Pierre, What a little stunner she is, do you know who she's made by. I may concider her for my next period build after I have renovated J Coustoe's Calypso ( not really my cup of tea ). I need to check on Caldercrafts HMS Surprise first. Calypso was given to me by a relative who didnt know what to do with her, she is carrying a fair bit of damage, a new track for me. mobbsie
  3. Hi Pierre, Thanks for the headsup mate, I have again measured the gunports and they are as follows, starting with the main gundeck Outside 17mm x 16mm inside 15mm x 13mm Upper gundeck gunports 1,2,10,11,12,13. Outside 17mm X 16mm inside 13mm x 11mm, the linings are a bit thicker. Upper gundeck Gunports 3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Outside 12mm x 12mm inside 10mm x 10mm I am satisfied that these gunports are correct and more to the point they look good so for me the issue is settled and can now be put to bed. I hope you find your solution soon. Love the crew member by the way. mobbsie
  4. Hi Grant, I take those blocks were provided with the kit and you've finishd them. What a difference. Thanks for posting such a good tutorial. mobbsie
  5. Hi Grant, Absolutely no chance of getting bored mate, excellant company will make sure of that. Thanks for the update on your tumbler, looks as though it should work a treat, do think the problem might be that the drive shaft is too long, I'm no engineer and dont pretend to understand the physics of it but it may be that the torque is too much. The only other thing that I can think of is the balance, it may be that the tube is not equal in all areas and the balance is out. Just a thought my friend, hope you dont mind. mobbsie
  6. Hi Sjors, Very well and diplomaticly put mate. Mirage is looking absolutely great and she is a credit to you, well done my friend. mobbsie
  7. Hi Popeye, The person who can decipher a Billings plan all the way through aint been born yet mate. The sails look great and when AmericA is dressed she's really going to look the part. Well done my friend. mobbsie
  8. Hi Grant, As Augie suggested I would ask for a second opinion, another week is'nt too much to ask is it. Seems you have your yard plans sorted mate, in a couple of weeks I am taking Anja and Sjors down to Portsmouth to have look at Victory so if you need any photo's just let me know what you want. Hope the block tumblers go well mate and I look forward to seeing how you made them. mobbsie
  9. Hi Grant, Welcome back to the shipyard my friend, take care and try not to over do it. Nice jig, did it take you long to knock up. Might give that a try myself, If I ever get that far. Mobbsie
  10. Hi Pierre, You set doubts in my mind with regard to the gunport sizes, I double checked again and found my initial findings are wrong. The main gundeck was correct at inside measurement 15mm x 14mm but the big difference was on the upper gundeck, I altered gunports 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 & 13 to the main gundeck gunport size and was happy to do it, I had a nagging doubt that these sizes were right, they looked far to big. I actually checked the gunport lids and found 3 different sizes, 26 @ 17mm x 15mm, Main gundeck 12 @ 15mm x 15mm, Upper gundeck gunports 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 & 13. 2 @ 15mm x 15mm for the stern chasers. 4 @ 13mm x 12mm. for the Poop deck port 5 & 6. I have changed these gunports again on the upper gundeck and am at last happy that they are correct. The information was obtained from the gunport lids and not the drawings. Hope this helps. mobbsie
  11. Hi Frank, Nice to hear from you buddy. Ya I have some rope from Morope, I cant get on his web site so Anja & Sjors kindly offered to get it for me and bring it over when they come. Sorry I missed you Anja / Sjors but I'm on line now. mobbsie
  12. Hi Ray She's coming along nicely mate, that hump you spoke of is not visible to my eye, but then I do wear glasses. mobbsie
  13. Hi Popeye, Nice job on the rings and deadeyes mate, she's looking real swish ( god knows where I got that word from ). I was looking at the stow of your anchors, have you any ideas on what your going to do. Will you be able to tie them down on the deck, also if they were thrown over the side of the boat they surely would have run through some kind of cleat, I didnt see one on the drawings. Hope you dont mind me asking. mobbsie
  14. Hi Eric, I moored up to close the Le Mirage or should I say " the Ark " It is now Augie Well due to those bl---y tubes I made for the gunport linings I've now gone and run out of 1 x 10mm strip for the rest of the linings. I've had to chop out 12 gunport linings because the gunports were the wrong size, made the adjustment and made up new linings and fitted them and now I've run out of strip. The new gunports are right for the lids but I'm not entirely convinced they are the correct size, they look far too big, still right or wrong I'm not altering them again. Gonna have to order some more strip so in the meantime planking continues using PVA and on the bends CA. No pics yet, but hopefully soon. mobbsie
  15. Hi Anja, I know I'm repeating myself but Hearty Congratulations on your new post, you are in good company and I'm sure you will look after us minions. mobbsie
  16. Hi Jim, Keep your chin up buddy, wont be long before your back into it, and Grant is right, it's nice to review the journey and keep an eye on the destination. mobbsie
  17. Hi Frank, Great idea, worked fine for me. You may have started a trend here, he who cannot be named has a video camara. mobbsie
  18. Hi Anja, By all means do and thank you. Please allow me to add my hearty congratulations you on your new post, I'm sure that with every bodies help you will prove to be a worthy member of a well respected team and will make a success of your new task. Just dont forget to build and post some progress soon. Again congrats mobbsie
  19. Superb John, she is the result of a very craftsman, and there's more to come. Goody. mobbsie
  20. Hi Sjors, She's looking very nice my friend. mobbsie
  21. Hi Pierre, I have only lined my gunports without lids so-far and still have to do the ports with lids. To answer your question on linning sizes, I made the tube using 10mm x 10mm to start with which proved to be wrong as this gave me an inside measurement of 10mm x 8mm. I then made a tube 10mm x 12mm, this gave the correct inside measurement of 10mm x 10mm. I found that the timber used was so dry and brittle that I was unable to cut the tube without splitting the wood so I abandoned that idea and made each lining seperately. Forget the tube, it was a good idea that didnt work for me with this timber. In order to get the 10mm x 10mm square on the upper gundeck, the verticle sides must a length of 12mm, when the top and bottom sills are in position which are 10mm the inside measurement will be correct. Not forgetting that there are 6 gunports with lids on the upper gundeck and these appear to have a inside measurement of 12mm x 12mm. These are from the bow No's 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 & 13. So these measurements are going to be 12mm x 14mm, I now need to open mine out to that size. On sheet plan 2 the measurements for the gunports with lids are not a consistant size but the material used is the same as for the gunports without lids, on sheet plan 4, the gunports with lid measurement are consistant and have a top and bottom sill inside measurement of 15mm with a verticle inside measurement of 14mm, this means the timber used must be cut to a measurement of 15mm x 16mm. This is the measurement I will be working to. The plans are not very clear so I think you just have to interpret them as you see fit, whichever you choose will not look out of place. I hope I have answered your question Pierre and that I have not confused the issue. mobbsie
  22. Hi Sjors, Starboard port lids look great my friend, if you do as good a job on the port side she'll look superb. Well done. mobbsie
  23. Hi Anja, Nice bit if repair work there my friend, and it's good to see you back on it. must be an omen cos I looked out my window last night and what did I see, A HALF MOON. mobbsie
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