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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Jaro, Please PM me when you start the tutorial, I wouldn't want to miss it. Bob
  2. I understand that. I also have a picture of a boat I want to build as my deck top. Bob
  3. Yes, it's things like the unplanned cabin that make the darkside so much fun. Bob
  4. Wish I had a cabin like that in my ship, it would be a very nice place to live. Bob
  5. Russ, It's my experience that if I don't fix it, whenever I look at that boat the error is all I see. Bob
  6. Ulises, Is the wood wet or dry? If wet, how long did you soak it? Bob
  7. Wonderful "cheating". I'll have to use that on one of my boats. Bob
  8. I see on the Delftship sight that you can design ship hulls, but I see nothing about using the program to develop frames, keels or other parts as 2D drawings. Is it possible with delftship or should I look for a different program? Bob
  9. Richard, Can't wait to see that nice deck furniture on the deck. Good work. Bob
  10. The cleats look good. I've just started noticing this type of cleat on ships. I suspect it was used more than we know. Bob
  11. Thanks, Looks like a good system. Now where is that tea kettle? Bob
  12. Looks like nice tight bends. How about some scale. What size it the wood and what dia. is the bend? Bob
  13. Michael and John, Thanks for stopping by and your encouragement. I always try to make my builds fun. Bob
  14. Thanks, Carl. Looking forward to an update on your lovely boats. Bob
  15. Oh Anja, Don't jinx me that way. No ! No ! I'll get it together. Thanks. It's all fun. Bob
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