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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Google "derelict boats" and go to images, you will get tons of pictures. Bob
  2. The framing is looking good. Sorry to hear of your medical problem but glad to hear it is better. Bob
  3. She will look good on the water. I like the groove to trap the water at the deck openings. I wish I had have thought of that when I was sailing RC. Bob
  4. Another member was kind enough to send me plans for the 24ft launch. It looks very much like the boats in the picture. Now all I have to do is build two at 3" (76mm). Bob
  5. Thanks for that last picture, what a beautiful shot, looking back past the boiler to the engine and doctor and then the wheels. I stopped and looked at it for several minutes dreaming of days past. Bob
  6. In the book, "The Western Rivers Engineroom Cyclopedium" By Alan Bates there are a couple of pictures and a sketch of doctor engines. I don't know that they would be the same as those on the USS CAIRO but they might help. Bob
  7. Live steam and radio, two of my favorites. Sounds like a fun build. Bob
  8. Thanks to all my friends for the birthday wishes. I had a fine time with family and friends. Too much cake and ice cream. Bob
  9. Hi Friends, I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new for a while. I'm trying to learn a new process and it has a steeper learning curve then I had expected. When I get good final product I'll show it. Hopefully It won't be too much longer. Bob
  10. Thanks Carl and welcome aboard. I hope you found a comfortable chair, there's still a long way to go. Bob
  11. The side shot showing the full length with the running gear really shows the beauty of the HEROINE and your workmanship. Bob
  12. I've been dreaming of something similar. I will continue dreaming while I watch you. bob
  13. As close as the frames are, how will you remove the pins holding the spalls? Bob
  14. I was wondering how you were going to hide all those pin holes. Well done, and a fine frame. Bob
  15. From what I've seen so far, you can get past, "troublesome mechanics". Bob
  16. Thanks for the info site. Lots of nice tricks. If you looked close you could see the blade move back and forth because of the short arms on top. Bob
  17. This should be a nice practice boat for your future schooner. But go all the way with it mast rigging sails and all. Bob
  18. You mention a tunnel for the propeller shaft. Will your boat be radio controlled? That should be fun. Bob
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