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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. That was the hardest part for me also. In looking back at my build of the Lettie G Howard I'm sorry I didn't have better pictures of how it went together or a better write-up but I hope these pictures might help. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4692-lettie-g-howard-schooner-by-capnbob-148-pob-complete/?p=158749 It really is a matter of throwing away the plans and just making it look right. Bob
  2. If I had a system like that on my workbench I'd have less room to build then I have now. And I would never remember what drawer I put things in and the search for what I need would be open drawer after drawer. I'm sure it is good for some but I'll stick with my mess. Bob
  3. We all live by the saying, “measure twice and cut once”. That should also go for research. Back on entry #117 I built the wheelhouse and thought it was good, and many of you agreed. Then more research. I found a picture of the Pequot showing paneling on the structures on the upper deck. After trying three or four methods of paneling I finally think I figured out how. Then I took these pictures. UUGH! I should be able to clean it up some, besides as everyone says, “pictures look worse than the real thing”. Anyway, here are the pictures. Bob
  4. Sorry about the lack of caffeine but the results speak for themselves. Bob
  5. Einstein once said, "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign of?" I think that goes for work stations also. Bob
  6. She's a fine looking boat all dressed up now. What glue did you use on the sails? Every time I try the glue wicks into the cloth and discolors it. Bob
  7. Thanks Walt. Nice to see you're still around. How are your builds coming? Bob
  8. The hull is a fine piece of art as it is. Just like a lovely leaf floating on the water. Bob
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