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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. The profile view shows what a lovely boat you're building and the ageing is just what I was hoping you would do. Bob
  2. As we build our models, the one we are working on should always be better than the ones we have finished. Bob
  3. That engine has seen many hours of use. I hope the rest of the boat looks the same. Bob
  4. Yes, I remember a repair job I was sent on. I figured out a wire was in the wrong place. It took 15 min. to get the union man to do a 30 sec. job. Bob
  5. Mario, thanks for reminding us. I just enjoyed your build all over again. Bob
  6. But I don't see anyplace for blocks and tackle or oil cans. Ah well. Bob
  7. My wife's uncle lives on a small inlet at the south end of Puget Sound, I'm sure you will find someplace just as nice. Bob
  8. Hope you finish skipjack before the move. After my last move it was four months before I got set up to build. May the seas be gentile and the wind at your back. Bob
  9. She's coming along so fine. Once she's all dressed up with sails and the jewelry of fittings she'll dazzle them all. Bob
  10. Hi All, I'm sorry for not having more entries in this log but I've been in one of those slumps when nothing goes right. You know the type, where you say I do this and then this and then this, and then you do number three first and have to tare it out to do one and two. then to build part one you got out the material and tools and half way through the part breaks and you have to start over, and over, and over, . . . I know this will pass and all will be well once again, but not yet. 'til then I will be around reading other entries and making comments. Good building to all. Bob
  11. Build it straight, Popeye. We don't want to see a Halloween theme Titanic. Bob
  12. Yes, Isopropyl Alcohol. A few year ago I said Alcohol and the response was "Vodka?" Another trick was to use nylon stockings instead of fiberglass in the epoxy. It's not as strong as glass but it's plenty strong enough for models. It is also lighter, more flexible and easier to work with. Bob
  13. You say, "what the heck........I muddled through". What I say is that's some mighty fine muddling. Bob
  14. I used to mix up the epoxy and then thin it 50 / 50 with rubbing alcohol. That would thin it to about like water and it would soak into the wood but as the alcohol evaporated it would leave a thin layer of epoxy. Bob
  15. Hope everything goes well, we all want to see pictures of her in the water with sails full. Bob
  16. That profile shot looks like a speedboat from the '30s. No wonder they're fast. Bob
  17. You say, ". . . somewhat tricky." We say, "How in the world did he do that"? Great job. Bob
  18. The spray as you built her is a fine boat, the story about Slocum is fun but the stopper takes the cake. Great job. Bob
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