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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Yes, been there done that. You think of all kinds of things when you're "in the zone". Bob
  2. Yes Michael, I'm with you. I drew on a board before AutoCad and then when 3d came along I switched to SolidWorks. And for most of that time the software developers have talked about designing a program that could do the conversion. Since I have been away from the industry for so long I was only wondering if a conversion program was ever perfected. Oh well. Bob
  3. Thanks Tom, that seems to be the problem with all I've seen. They vecrorize into pionts or short lines and the you still have a lot of work to do. Bob
  4. For years there has been talk of software that will convert raster (scanned) drawings to vector drawings so they can be used with cad software. Is there one on the market that works? It would be a lot easier than having to trace scanned plans. Bob
  5. When I built my Dragon Class, I built it so that everything that could move did just to see if I could. Even the sail slid up the mast in its groove. I will not do it again but it was nice to know I could. Bob
  6. So am I. I need to make the masts first. I only get to build about 4 or 5 hours a week and with having to make 60 hoops and 50 belaying pins things don't go that fast. Bob
  7. Restoations are tricky in that you don't want it to show what's new and what's old. You've done a great job. Bob
  8. I like natural wood, although I paint most of my boats. I am not familiar with carracks so I do not know what is correct I only know I like it as it is. Bob
  9. Thanks I would love to drive over and see her but living in Arizona that's kind of hard to do. Bob
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