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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. I love the work boats, and you have built a beauty. Thanks for sharing. Bob
  2. Glad you're keeping the wife happy so you can work on models and keep us happy. Bob
  3. Thank you all for your comments and “likes”. Just a couple of comments. Nils being built about the turn of the century, $0.20 an hour for labor was high wages. Michael I can hardly wait to see what’s next myself. Bob
  4. I believe he is asking about the 6 X 6 beams the hang from the boiler deck as in these pictures. I've always thought they were bumpers. Bob Here you can see them hanging along the side. Here they are pulled up so the ends are on deck.
  5. Nice looking start. I'm sure you will finish with a fine boat. Bob
  6. Lawrence, computers are a pain and sometimes I hate them but then I remember no matter how slow they are we wouldn’t have MSW to keep in touch and have that comradery I need to keep going with boat modeling. Julie, I love the way you think, It’s like me. Welcome aboard, Gerhard, I’ll try to keep you entertained. Now here is where I am now. The saw blade came yesterday so I need to mount that and cut wood for the other boat. For this one I’m moving right along. I built the walls for the saloon. They’re not finished yet but placing them in the hull helps clarify the finished boat. Bob
  7. Patrick, most of us would say it's just about finished, and a lovely boat she is. But I know that, for you, this is just the start and I can hardly wait to see all the minute details that are to come. Bob
  8. Julie, when you finish the Endeavor, build the, "I Shrunk the Kids", machine and run it in reverse. Works every time. Bob
  9. She'll be very similar, John. The roof will be different and I'm not sure about the awning. Bob
  10. Not much to show. The holiday took a lot of my time. But I did get the hull painted. And I'm told the saw blade has been shipped so maybe I can start on number two. Bob
  11. What a fun project. Will the case be clear plastic so you can watch the crank shaft turn? Bob
  12. Your other option is like Dee Dee did, re-plank the transom horizontally so the grain of the wood is not so confusing. Bob
  13. You know that once the boat is finished, no one will notice what you are worrying about now. Bob
  14. Thanks Julie, I'm glad to see you here. I average about an hour a day If nothing interrupts, like holidays. So I too find it hard to wait to see more. Bob
  15. Glad you're back and hope you mend well and soon. Can't wait to see the new drive system. Bob
  16. Well done. Now for the, as you called it, fun of furnishing the interior. Bob
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