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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. HOLY SMOKES. I had to go back 3 pages to see how THIS got started. One of the usual suspects. And now we've gone completely to the dogs. OK, it's gonna take me two days to stop laughing enough to get back to the rigging. Then we'll see about photos.
  2. Popeye will be pleased. Glad you clarified the 'door'. That would have brought a multitude of inquiries
  3. Happened to catch 'Moby Dick' (1956 version) last night. Tex might want to build some spares as a whaleboat's strong suit does not seem to be longevity
  4. Their lack of widespread popularity has nothing to do with the taste.....but rather their point of origin. I believe the following link will enlighten those not well versed in the culinary arts: http://whatscookingamerica.net/History/RockyMtnOyster.htm Royal yards are now aloft. Photos is a few days once the rigging is sorted out.
  5. Thought I'd refresh this post as poor Popeye is standing by waiting for a photo of the transom.
  6. Really nice. If you would have told me about the color combo beforehand I might have scratched my head for a bit. But now that I can see it, it looks spectacular.
  7. Sounds like a plan. Although I must admit that, with my finely honed manual dexterity, the closest I get to mine with a power tool is about 100 yards
  8. Very, VERY impressive. I can see you doing ship-in-a-bottle next ! DSiemens can tell you how to 'make' water. Thanks for the comments on the Optivisor.
  9. Don't panic......it's only a boatswain's whistle we use to announce his coming aboard.
  10. For what it's worth, I really like those honeycomb shaped windows. You can tell folks you brought in bees as consultants. Heck, I use spiders for rigging (as does Jim Lad).
  11. Well, I'm impressed. The quarter galleries and transom represent both your innovative thinking and craftsmanship. I'll wager that your eye will always be drawn to these features even many years from now. I SALUTE YOU!
  12. Nah. Let's let Mark off the hook. He's the only moderator who sends me musical accompaniment to my build.
  13. Yup ----- there it is. Now we know who to blame. Sjors was right. We now have 3 threads affected with the deadly 'spherical' virus.
  14. Ah, but in a strange twist, the Summer solstice actually came last night (6/20) @ 11:04PM here in the western US. Don't ask me to explain it (too dumb) but that's according to the Clark Planetarium. Now keep in mind that the 'supermoon' should be out 6/22, 23. Not sure if the moon shines beneath the Southern Cross but good luck
  15. At the rate he's going we may need higher ranks. Keep in mind the only reason I'm close behind is all the posts needed to keep him IN check
  16. I'd normally go with druxey on this. Natural if the model was done all in natural, otherwise black. I'm thinking you want to match the caprail/uppermost planking somehow. Thing is, I have a nagging feeling I've actually seen some (in real life) in some other color that complements the ship. So I'm not so sure. I'll keep watching, half expecting one of our most experienced to boom in something like 'According to Admiralty Rule # XXYY.........
  17. OK, the capstan bars have put me over the edge. Think I'll go spend my time watching that guy who's putting a Syren in an multi-dose injection vial......what was his name again ??? Stunning.
  18. Fear not, old friend. You may still sit at the table...... in fact at the HEAD of the table. This is where they usually deliver the check
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