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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hey There Folks ... I have been meaning to follow Dirks advice from earlier to revisit the Fore Mast Mouse.. well guess what Yup ! I got the Ballier off the shelf and in Dirk fashion I de-constructed the Fore Stay and rebuilt from the 'ground up' .. including serving the mouse (my nerves are only settling back to normal now, an hour later ) It's amazing how what became almost second nature before I put her on the shelf (work etc got in the way) ended up much more labour intensive a few months later, due to forgetting the basics (and having to relearn as I went) Anyhoo the final result is waaay better (I think) than what it replaced and sits well with the rest .. All The Very Best Eamonn @ Nerve Jangling Ship Yards Photo Time
  2. Hi Folks .. Just a quick post to let ye know I haven't forgotten about Ballier .. I have been back at work this past few months and been up to my neck.. I hope to be able to get back to her shortly though (She is on the window sill looking accusingly at me as we speak ) All The Very Best Eamonn
  3. Great to see you back Jonny ... Keep those Updates coming Oh and don't mind that 'clinkering' it should sand out nicely and give a decent surface for the 'proper' planking layer.. All The Best Eamonn
  4. Just catching you up .. Yup! as NovaStorm above said Great Work Mate! (Possibly a wee tidy up on that Hawse Hole though .. First Photo Above, Macro really shows things that aren't ordinarily visible to the eye) All The Very Best Bud Eamonn (Sorry for not commenting more often but hectic here at the moment, even Ballahoo has taken a back seat )
  5. Very real feel about this .. the cargo in the hold and the tarp pulled back really add to this, not to mention the partially stowed sail ! She should look great in the diorama.. All The Best Eamonn
  6. Good Morning Folks ... Just a quick update to show ye the situation with the Stand ... Well it's pretty much finished ! Woo Hoo... I put the finishing touches to it last night and gave it a 'Georgian Medium Oak' stain followed by some Wipe On Poly to seal the deal (both Literally and figuratively) As I expected the Uprights were the tricky bits to get right as each one had to be custom fit to the hull curves at the point of contact ... Don't mind admitting that I really like it All The Best Folks And Thanks For Looking In. Eamonn
  7. Hey There Richard .. I've slowed down a bit over here (back in work, but on a short week) The last thing I did on the Slipway was to create a template off the original stand (the bow part) and cut it out in thin wood sheet, glue it to a small base that slips nicely between the Slipway blocks (between the 2nd & 3rd set of blocks, the highest ones in the above photo.. Post #847 ) this supports the Ballahoo nicely, enabling the Keel to sit on all blocks as I begin to measure the distances and angles required for the 'Timber Uprights' that will stop her from falling over... 3 or 4 per side I'm thinking.. Bit more work to do on it before the next Photo Set Thanks For Looking In Richard, Always Appreciated ! And Thank You Also To The Likes.. Will Have To see If We Can Get Any More 'Father Ted' Quotes In Here Jason Can Never Have Enough 'Ted' All The Very Best Eamonn
  8. Hi Folks .. Not sure if it's a Site Glitch or an Eamonn's Computer Glitch, but all content I follow (and have read) for the past 3 years (ish) has come up as Un-Read (and showing all as new content from back then).. So I had to go to the 'Mark All Content As Read' tab on the bottom of the Main Forum Page and hit it ! Alas this means that I may have missed some very recent activity on your Logs (I will slowly have to locate the most recent stuff posted and go from there, prob from last Thursday) Just to let ye all know I'm not ignoring anyone Honest .. I just had to mark every thing as Read cos there was a LOT of stuff suddenly showing up ! Cheers Eamonn
  9. Hi Folks ... Quick Update .. This past week or so I have been properly examining the Stand situation, it was never my intention to display Ballahoo on the Kit stand but instead to build a kind of Launch Way of one type or another (very similar to Dirks in fact) So after a fair amount of browsing through various examples of 'Slip Way' Type Stands, I narrowed it down to the one below.. This is one I first saw on Dubz's Sherbourne build log and also on another Cutter (in a Museum I think) and it seemed perfect ! It isn't quiet finished yet but is about 90% there, all that's left is to fine tune the Keel supports and build the upright side Supports (4 per side) then stain the whole affair Medium Oak colour. The Base the stand is sitting on isn't the permanent one, the knots are a bit prominent (though that said I kinda like it ) All The Best Eamonn
  10. Hi Jonny .. I just took a quick looksie at my own log re the first few strips of planking and they seem to fit ok .. Could you take a photo from 'front on' before you go too much further, to check if the Bulwark Pattern is causing any issues.. there isn't anything that cant be 'de-constructed' And it could make life easier in the long run. If memory serves I had to push them firmly into place (re the Clinkering effect I mean) and there is more 'sanding room' than 1mm would suggest .. Nice work on the Guns BTW All The Best Eamonn
  11. Thanks Bob ... Jeez she is beautiful ! She will be a nice size even with the Bowsprit and Gaff. There really are some cracking looking wooden sailing yacht models on MSW , check out 'Victorian Racing Cutter Vanity by M.R.Field' for the classic Plank On Edge style popular in the mid to late 1800's Thanks Again Bob for going to the trouble, much appreciated! Eamonn
  12. Very Cool bit of work there Bud ! Brilliant use of Card Stock and the Off White looks the the part also.. Tis one of the first things I was strongly recommended (not) to do when painting the Ballier's hull 'Don't use 'white' white paint, dull it down a tad.. it will look better' Can't wait to see what's next .. All The Best Eamonn
  13. Yup .. Exquisite ! Bob, could you do me a favour ? would it be possible to pop something into the next photo that gives a sense of just how big your build is .. I hope you don't mind me asking .. It's just that at 1:28 and sizes in inches etc can be hard to visualise on such a deep hulled boat (just something like a Cup or a 12'' Ruler in the same kind of shot as above) am trying to get a feel of how much space she would tale up, as I too have a feeling that Pen Duick (Irish Built if memory serves) or an America's Cupper might be in my future (There is an Endeavour model that is simply huge out there) Cheers Eamonn
  14. That's Beautiful Bob ! Jeez that last photos shows the lines wonderfully. Eamonn
  15. Hey There Jonny .. Serious Clamping Style Going On Here Love It! You are spot on with the faring .. once you get that right the planks just sit better.. ( If you think of the part of the Bulkhead that has to be faired versus the part of the same bulkhead that has to be 'un'-faired, in the forward bulkheads the back part of each bulkhead is un-touched and the fairing is in the front parts only and vice versa for the aft set of bulkheads.. if that makes sense .. constantly checking the run with a strip of planking wood) 'Mild 5.2' Jeez we nearly have a heart attack if a big truck goes past the door All The Best Mate Eamonn
  16. Coming Along Nicely Jeff ... I too had the Planking inconsistency issue .. might only be fractions but they add up! and after a few runs you discover port & starboard aren't 'mirror' images of each other (thankfully I didn't have the thickness issue though, that is an issue indeedy as it makes a 'ripple/dip' in the smooth hull and reduces your ability to sand properly later) At least you identified the problem before it became a bigger issue, so bit of a result there All The Best Mate Cheers Eamonn
  17. Thanks Jeff ... That Tweezers and Clamp doodah from a couple of posts ago really helped here .. What didn't was the 'Bent Paper Clip' type thing I used to set the gap.. I would use something else next time around, I understand that different lengths was normal (in real world) but it kinda upsets the run (and I'm unwilling to deconstruct that far, as there are 'dabs' of glue on all the lashings and I really don't want to have to re-do the entire Shroud Pair ) I will try to get a better alignment when I adjust the tensions.. I see some folks use twisted wire to set the gap, where they have 2 lots of bent wire at each end to go into a pair of holes on each dead-eye as opposed to the single 'wire' version I used, where there was too much movement possible (even a couple of mm ruins the alignment and that's all it is here unfortunately) Thanks For Looking In and To All The Likes Also.. Cheers Eamonn
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