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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Jack those chainplates look really really good!! Such great work you are doing; love watching it take shape!!
  2. Well, checking the stats people are hitting the DB - so thank you all for the support and glad it is useful to folks so far! The holidays took me out of ciruculation, nothing major just a lot of traveling here there and everywhere (my wife has a very large family so seems like most of December was spent going to someones house =) ). I have started adding Billings boats to the list, those should be done shortly. Also, have added colums for length and height in mm so now both inches and mm are represented. New ships going in will auto convert whichever way needs being done, for those ships already in the system you will see blanks for the mm columns - I have yet whipped up a nice script to go back through and adjust everything; that is next on the plate =) Thanks again all! And happy building!!
  3. Chains and eyes look really good!! The sunlight pictures are great - love these ships photo'd under natural light, makes them look so nice!
  4. All caught up now.... some really nice progress my friend. Really clean - love clean! Really nice, and now you are spiling! (spilling?) I haven't got there yet, still going with the force a plank method Kudos to you!!
  5. Finally caught up a big Dennis! Looking good as always, and dollhouse parts - egads my friend, I have been trying to figure out what to use for some hinges on the willie for months.... DOLLHOUSE hinges (why the heck didn't I think of that!!) Excellent!
  6. Really nice work Wayne! Looks really good and YES, chuck's line really does make a difference! I havn't had a chance to use it, but when I pulled mine out and spooled them you could tell it was some good stuff! That finish line is getting closer my friend!
  7. Thank you Frank! Much appreciated. Merry Christmas to you as well!!
  8. Outstanding planking!!! How you all do it is still beyond me. Even at the bow - nice clean lines.... envy envy envy =) Looking really good sir, really good!
  9. Nice to see the triplets are coming along - really cool watching them grow together like that! Blinking LED's... niiiiice... rear admiral?? Congrats!! Man I have to keep up more, so much goes on when I am out of touch a few days..sheesh!!
  10. Ships, ships, EVERYWHERE! Love it! Keeps reminding me I am not crazy nor am I working on "too many" I just point to popeye and say see! In good company!
  11. Really well done Popeye, the addition of the hatch ropes nicely rounds it out...AND you have answered how my internal question of how to do it on the mayflower Thanks!!
  12. hehe John, it is funny that you mention that. I think 90% of wooden ship building is scratch building although people don't look at it that way because it is in a kit and like you said there are plans and instructions and what not. So, ship builders are scratch builders to some degree. But man, that oven!! THAT is a new level of scratch building -
  13. Good Morning All, So sorry for the delayed response! Thank you for the incredible amount of support for the project, it is really appreciated and WOW have I been getting some great ideas from so many of you! I will be sorting out the ideas and putting together a "wish" list of sorts and updating here in this thread. Thank you Anja, appreciate the support tremendously! That would be a great thing to add, but yeah the copyright issues are just muddy enough that I will probobly stay away from that rabbit hole for now. I will definately be including scratch projects, I just havn't figured out the best way to present them yet. Well, here is where my nautical ignorance is going to show a bit. I have heard those terms, but only now know what they mean because I had to go look them up . Not a bad idea, I am an information junky and love as much info as I can ... I am just not sure if it applies to all ships or only certain sihps and where I would put it. However, it is on the wish list! Hehe popeye, I gave up having free time years ago - I just do what I can with what I have and when I get it! I actually started doing some billings over the weekend (I have the pictures downloaded and test ship on the site now). Will be flushing that one out next! Again all, keep the suggestions coming. I may not be able to do them all but will take anything under consideration!
  14. You are right Popeye, i hadn't even though of waterways over the deck edges. I have slowly started building up the bulwarks; will have an update with this one once the bulwarks take some shape!
  15. Thanks all, Getting little bits and pieces done as time allows, just when I think I found some time - POOF it's gone! The mayflower is still moving, but more in "clean up" stages at the moment, Getting some light sanding done, some staining, getting the hull and bulwarks just like i would like them before the trim goes on. The trim is painted and ready to go once the stain is just right and dry!!
  16. The Goth is back! Still blown away by the colors and the overall look of it! Rope ladders: Looking good sir!!
  17. Great looking mast so far - really doing justice to the movie boat. You are getting the details in there which can be painstaking but wow what results!
  18. Augie the planking looks fantastic and no signs of the "incident" ! Nice recovery!
  19. John, John, John.... leapt RIGHT over to the darkside, did not pass go.... NICELY done though. Nicely done. can see it really shaping up and should look outstanding once it is on!!
  20. Artesania Latina all entered; just some blanks to be filled. A.J Fisher: Data not started Artesania Latina: Data Complete Billings: Data not started Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete Caldecraft:Data not started Corel:Data not started Constructo:Data not started Dusek:Data not started Mamonli:Data started, test entries only Mantua Models UK:Data not started Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete Model Shipways:Data Complete OcCre: Data started, test entries only. Have already received some PMs with more companies, thank you very much! Will update them to this list once I get them in the DB and have a source I can farm the data from!
  21. Thanks all! Ron: I plan to include the Timber sets and plan providers, just not sure how to present them quite yet. They are on my radar though Thank you for mentioning them.
  22. Well Augie, just want to echo the sentiment of you sticking around - very glad to hear it!! And that document maker you mentioned sounds like an awesome idea!!!
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