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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Whew, all these logs to get caught up on!! I LOVE The merging of worlds! The plastic ship with the wooden deck is awesome! and looks great! Your creativity man, love it and always look forward to what will come from the popeye shop next!! never disappoints!
  2. Augie, this is looking awesome!! The windows really came out nice and the overall look of the ship is really coming together! I picked up some window maker myself - but I have been away from the bench so long I can't remember why I picked it up!!! hahahaha... oh my. Wonderful work!!
  3. Frank... WOW!!!! What a beautiful and fantastic job! The weathering really gives it some life of it's own and it is a testament to your craftsmanship. Just love it!!
  4. Great to see you back at work, at the new place, and back on the boards!! Everything else will fall into place - congratulations sir!
  5. Sjors, I know I am late and playing catch up but my friend, that is an amazing looking vessel. those ratlines look spectacular!!! Such a great job!!!
  6. Really good idea, and it is something I thought about while formulating this plan. Unfortunately I think that would be a fair bit daunting a task for me to take on at the moment. That would certainly be valuable I agree, but the list I think would be quite larger than I could manage =( Not off the table, just definately on a back back burner =) Hehe, thanks Floyd - greatly apprecaite it! Am very glad my crazy helps out some folks - that makes it all worth it!! Thank you Danny! Means a lot! Regarding sorting names, right now you should be able to click the headers on the columns and it will sort by that column. So if you wanted to sort by names just click the kit column and it will sort the current returned set. I will be adding a free form search box where you can type in a kit name or part of a kit name and it will only show those kits so folks who only want to see Constitutions can get a succinct list of them as well as those folks who can remember only a part of a name (like me hehe) can hopefull find kits easier. And big thanks for the ship types - some of them are easy to find and figure out, others are a bit confusing. Even doing a search on the ship sometimes comes back with several different ones. Will update those this week!!
  7. Thanks all! Augie, is really good to be back at it again! Hopefully I can make it stick for a while! I agree Chuck and Russ - a little time on this and it felt great!!! Have been so wrapped up in stuff kind of forgot how much fun it was - and it actually "chilled me out" for a little bit. I really really need to find a way to squeeze it in at the end of the night again!!
  8. Such control and mastery over the medium!! The parts themselves are works in and of themselves - continues to be inspiring sir!!!
  9. Love watching you scratchbuilders do your thing! I live vicariously through you you realize, since I can barely scratch build a square box at this point!! Just terrific to watch... enjoying it very much!!! NICE!!
  10. I have broken free!!! At least for tonight, so will be trying to make the most of it First order of business...... give some love to the Mayflower. She has been patient over there on the workbench, although I could feel the judging, condemning glares from time to time. So - gave 'er a littel bit of attention. I went ahead and just added the white trim pieces along the railings and sides. Not a great deal of progress, but considering the last update was from March - it is something!! The trim was painted using artists acrylics, which I am starting to get an affinity for. It covers nicely and with a little bit of leveling agent added seems to go on nice and smooth! They were glued into place, trimmed, sanded just a little to give them a bit of a worn look and then sit waiting for the next step. Which is the other pieces of molding as well as the green stripes and detail work. Ahhhh. SO GOOD to work with the wood and paint and get something done!!! Am now going to head on in and watch a little TV with the Admiral as she goes to bed much earlier than I do and then I will be back and catch up on the nearly 400 updates (according to that little notifier up there in the corner) Thank you all for being patient! I will be making the most of my new found time until it gets snatched away again!!! Enjoy and happy modeling!!!
  11. Okay - so, my shipyard continues to stare at me nightly casting accusing glares of neglect, I still havn't even found time to go through the VASSSSST list of post updates that is up in the corner there on MSW. HOWEVER, I did squeeze out some time to go through and adjust/correct the existing measurements on the site. I think I got all the ones I could do at the moment and they should be aligned with the correct system. So at least that update is done =) My sincere apologies for the lenghty updates, hopefully next semester will be a little lighter than the last!! Enjoy and Happy Building all!!
  12. I can't see why not =) Will add it to the list to get to. Thank you!!
  13. Thanks guys! Appreciate that, the gap gave me some serious stress!!! glad it isn't to noticeable. And great tip on the brittle wood, will soak them a bit more ! Thanks Frank!
  14. Evening all - just popping in to let ya'll know I have not disappeared =) Still working on the database and my ship models - just VERY slowly as time permits, this particular semester is a bit more involved and sucking up a lot more of my time than I expected (Really wish I had done this back when I was a youngster ). Anywho.... Will add them =) Thank you! WOW thank you Karl, Looking into how I can edit all of these easily, AND figuring out what happened with my stored proc - will fix those as soon as I can. As for the nation, I had originally put the country (e.g Sweden) but then moved to nationality (e.g Swiss, although Swedish will fit better with the others.). I have them in there as American, Danish, German, French so Swiss (or Swedish) just fit better with the other convention. Will put it up to those using it though, better the ships country? (England, United States, France etc etc) or as is now (British, American, French etc etc) ? I can accomodate. I do see there are a couple I missed in there (a United States or two). The only conditions right now are a brand or company who is on the up and up providing original kits and plans, any companies who are believed to be involved in copyright infringements, pirating, etc etc will not be considered for the list. Should any get on there (as I am not an expert by any means) anyone can let me know and it will be pulled.
  15. Heh, I wish it was my full time job - this stuff is fun to me. Sadly my full time job and full time school get in the way of my full time fun :D :D :D :D Thanks for the kind words, glad folks like it!
  16. Good evening ladies and gentleman! Quick update - Dusek Models is now added to the database. With that we currently have 225 kits listed with 8 of currently 25 companies planned. Have been getting great suggestions and really appreciate it! Remember no suggestion is ignored, they are all added to the list - it is just a matter of when they can be gotten to. And, so far averaging just shy of a 1000 visits a month - some great support coming from the MSW crew. Thank you!! Here is the current list with added kit manufacturers based on your input and where they stand. Will start working on the next one soon as well as polish up the "detail" page for the kits. Aeronaut: Data not started A.J Fisher: Data not started Amati: Data Not Started Artesania Latina: Data Complete Billings: Data Complete Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete Caldercraft:Data not started Constructo:Data Complete Corel:Data not started Dumas: Data not started Dusek:Data not started Euromodel: Data not started Krick: Data not started Graupner: Data not started Mamoli:Data started, test entries only Mantua Models UK:Data not started Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete Model Shipways:Data Complete New Maquettes: Data not started OcCre: Data started, test entries only. Panart: Data not started Robbe: Data not started Sergal: Data not started Victory Models: Data not started
  17. Sjors, so far and so much! The rigging all brings it together so nicely - such a wonderful piece of work!
  18. Thank you very much. I actually was surprised how well it turned out - purely an experiment and a hope!
  19. Very nice Wayne. And yes yes yes - Chucks lines look so much better than the kit supplied stuff, I have them and can't wait to get to that part!
  20. Pumps, Capstans, Crows Nests and Crows Feet - Moving right along my friend, moving right along. And boy, wish I had seen this before i did my trim, that masking job you did sure would have been a smart way for me to do it - had I thought of it!!
  21. Very nicely done! I had a crew once, but they kept complaining so I had them walk the plank - then I turned around one day and realized it was just me - all by my little lonesome. Gotta find me a new crew!
  22. Hi Bob, glad you like it so far, it really is a fun one to work on. Well, ya got me =) I didn't too much (hardly any) detail on the planking because quite honestly it is a lot of magic under there. I am HORRIBLE at planking. What you see is a great attempt at getting the planks somewhat where they are supposed to be and then filled, and sanded, and filled some more and sanded some more, and filled and yup - you guessed it, sanded. Since most of the hull is painted I had the luxury of not having to stress on it too too much. The planks that can be seen are not bad at all to lay in as they are for the most part just parallels and straigth with some simple bending at the bow to get them to lay in well. =) Planking is something I am working on improving my self as I do each build. The other ones I am working on I am not going to be able to fake it in any way - so this will be interesting!
  23. Your delving into painting figures looks like it is working out for you quite well!!
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