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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I agree with you Greg.......I find the controversy interesting though. I have never heard of the Navy straying away from the official camo colors. the swatch I came up with looks about right......I may gray it up a bit more. I still think that the two factors I mentioned are the root of the controversy. I want to get both of these models {Vendetta & Nordzee} before I start on it. what made this particularly interesting Carl, was the updated information came from Pearl Harbor {Arizona} survivors. but I'm still under the impression that given time, they too may have been slightly off. I've heard of that........color field vs optics
  2. the Piper looks sweet! you did a superb job on her! big plane.....I like that! I've only done the Guillow's rubber powered planes....along with a few by Comet {old company}. hope your getting some glorious fly time
  3. if you saw how I did the camo on the Vendetta......... the method your using though is producing some really good results airbrush is by far, the best way to do camo......no tell tale paint lines. blending is a lot easier too. she's look'in awesome
  4. is he using a hosting site for his pictures? I get that happening every once in a while when I view.
  5. chances are, if the control room isn't part of the crane's main body, then it's likely operated remotely. very nice work KP........really like the way it looks
  6. pretty neat process Greg...never heard of chipping fluid. the hull looks really good I see you tidied up your PE........good kitty
  7. after posting this last update.....I ended up over at the table. sizing up the last two sails, I found that the gaff top sail is going to need to be higher on the mast. the cut of the sail...I will have a tough time terminating the aft corner of the sail to the main sail gaff. looking at the jib sail, it doesn't need any hardware adjustments at all. I hung the sheet! rigging the top corner.........then the bottom through the traveler.........adjust the length of the traveler rigging.......until I had the stay sail and the jib lined up with one another. the rigging through the traveler........which is simply a ring with an eye bolt fastened to it. the belaying pins were installed....I used four of them. the lines were run through the holes and then fitted the pins to hold them in place. a tiny bit of white glue was used here as well. the sheet lines were terminated at the posts...one starboard, and one fastened port. I shaped the sail with my fingers.........it will pass muster. it can be seen how I billowed out the main sail. I should be able to put some in the gaff top sail too. I'm waiting for the eye bolt to dry, so I can tie on another block........then I can string that one up
  8. glad you didn't throw the fox in there.........you'd end up with no chickens! I think that's a special kind of insanity Kevin........depends how nutz you wanna get this model would definitely be a good for suggestions as for how far you can go.
  9. glad your not going to change this........I think it looks just right along with what Greg mentioned, fading is also a factor. not all parts age the same. not only that, you've still got the surrounding areas to weather. once you do that, it will look a whole lot better! wonderful job your doing...... I could never achieve this kind of finish.......I'm too much of a clean freak!
  10. inching closer to the finish line. the yard that yields the gaff top sail is now fully painted, after being held in a clothes pin for it's initial painting. in correction.......what I called the jib earlier, is actually called the stay sail on a gaff rigger. the one I will be adding is called the jib........and if I was adding another sail, it would be called the flying jib. the jib was fastened to the running rigging before it will be added to the model. ....and the gaff top sail was lashed to the gaff. now.....to get them on the model. thanks all for look'in in.....update soon
  11. thanks Pat and Mark........if I ever do walk away, it won't be the hobby or home......I can tell ya that "I may not be rich, but I'm happy!" I hear ya on the research Greg........I'm browsing here.....the model is in front of me........but what am I doing?????.........I'm looking at paint swatches . I'm keeping in mind that fading and water reflection might be clouding people's perception of what the actual color may be. I've centered around model master's french dark blue gray {2105} and french light blue gray {2109}........both are not carried by any store around here. I even mixed up some matt aircraft blue and gunship gray......I got this: the tops call for haze gray, but I think light ghost gray will suffice.
  12. thanks John........hope your doing OK. thanks EJ.......they can be. it's more the type of material thats used.......scale wise and such. the best sail job I've done so far, was the Susan A. with these last two models, I kinda sluffed off, not making them the way I normally do. I added some white glue to the edge of the main sail and let it hang for a while......it didn't quite billow out the way I would have liked, but it will do. thanks for the good word!
  13. even that color gray would be good. I think one thing that has to be taken into consideration, is fading and reflection from the water. likely the reason why folks have the idea about the blue. after my reply, I was off again looking through paint colors. I even mixed up some to try out......I took matt aircraft blue {billings} and mixed in some gunship gray {model master}. it came out to a medium gray / intermediate blue. good enough to use, I think. I do pretty much the same......I use photos for reference. I have a folder full of 'em....mostly trawlers and fishing vessels. I love wartime vessels, but I just don't do enough of them.....not since I've gotten into wooden ships. I usually come up with a paint scheme of my own and go with it. your colors are spot on
  14. I thought so on the darker gray I have been doing research on the U.S.S. Arizona. most camo paint during that time was various grays. it has been quite an effort to find out just what these battleships were painted in at the time of Pearl Harbor. a recent claim is that they were painted in a Mediterranean blue, or a sea blue......but I just don't buy it. there is a gray quality there.......looking at a forum site the other day confirms what I've been thinking. they made a reference to a French dark blue gray #2105 , Model Master........there is also a French light blue gray #2109, which looks more like it, in my opinion. Humbrol has a few colors that seem to work too, but of course, they have different names for them. I just saw that color and it intrigued the heck out of me........I was going to try and mix paints as well. but if I can find one that will work, it will save the last few hairs on my head
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