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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I've been working through it so far....one more day to go. supposed to be 107 degrees tomorrow........I hear it's supposed to last through Friday!. sub's looking good OC...paint work looks great
  2. thanks gents...and thanks for the likes get through the work week, and I can do more. we're in the beginnings of our first heat wave here....supposed to last through Weds or Thurs.
  3. thanks gents........and thanks for the likes. I'm generally fairly mild........frustration goes with getting the part in the right place.......then I'm all smiles if I recall, I've thrown in the towel on one model, through my entire model building life. it was a Russian model - ICM....a Bomber. to laughable to even consider assembling. I have considered buying another one.......just can't live with the defeat........dunno, maybe some day so far, I haven't lost any parts.......ruined a few bits of PE, but I have the hood PE to fall back onto we're in for our first heat wave.......I've made it through the first day.......hope I don't turn into a bowl of mush by the end of the work week! I'm OK Carl.......did you catch my humor?
  4. daughter had a bye..?......do you mean baby? busy man .......you should go for track! model's look'in good!
  5. well folks......it's the end of my mini vacation. I had an extra two days off this past week........I wish I had more. with all this prep to hang the sheets, I felt I owed it to yuns {I could go New Yorker,,,,,yous}........errr..that I should show you where I am with the main sail {?}......{sure....works for me}. it's hung and lashed to the gaff. the boom 'vang' has been rigged......now I'll have to tie another block for rigging the upper sail {I'll look up the name for it} I need to add two more cleats for the vang and the upper sail rope. it's lashed at the lower left corner......and I adjusted the halyard, so it takes up the slack. this model probably could have benefited with some hoops.......man, I hate after thoughts. the gap is a bit wide along the mast....but I have an idea. I'll bind it a few times with thread, last it together.......so it will look like this I'll dab it with some white glue and bunch it together, so it looks like a single rope......I figure I'll make three more down the mast. that should do the trick. I also lashed it at the lower right hand corner too. you can see I already added one cleat on the port side.......I'll do another on the starboard side. the rest of the time spent on her, I've been making up more blocks for the jibs. that should make her look right smartly thanks for look'in
  6. I'm gonna try and push this along.......you two are flying! Greg's ship chop shop is in business, and Carl is off planning to build his steel armada. so I did as much trimming as I could on the machine gun platform........said that's it and painted it. according to the instructions, the machine gun and the pivot is supposed to sit on this cone like part. in cementing it in place, I saw that it was too high...grrrrr. it wasn't dry.....I had just done it, so I took it off and chopped off the cone. fits much better now. the camera make the platform look terrible, but to the naked eye {weird phrase}.....it looks OK. the aft structure had two rod like parts cemented through it. bit of trouble, but of no consequence, they are in place. I did the camo for the structure, but of course I'm dyslexic.....I did the wrong side. I made the correction and left it at that. there are some ladders that will go on next. in the pictures, you can see the start of the main mast. I still have to cement on the yards, so it's a work in progress..........gee, just like the model I would have had the search light and tower in place too......but I spent a lot of time locating the search light. yup.......popped out of the tweezers while trying to cement on the PE bracket. fearing the worst, since I didn't find it right away, I expanded the search, covering most of the computer room carpet. I was near giving up........thinking about the diameter of the kit sprue...when I saw it. it had never left the table........int landed on the tape that I have the ship's boats stuck to! I felt like an idiot! meanwhile, the admiral is shaking her head. so the search light is back in the tweezers............I know what your think'in........not to worry, in cementing the stand to it, CA got on the tweezers {it's glued to the tweezers} I'm using one of the yards from the mast, since they will not be used. kind of a odd picture that don't show much, other than to let you know that I have the part. won't lose it again >icky mae< thanks for look'in in
  7. not gonna hit the like button on that note..........think'in of ya good buddy
  8. state of the world......hear ya. no soapbox....against the rules I'm known for pick'in up little things like that.......I usually find them after the camera does myself. lordy..........if that's the case, I'd better be look'in at me finished ones........
  9. they look great Michael.........another milestone reached rigging will be the fun part for you........you probably have it all figured out
  10. oh...oh.......I think you knocked one of your posts loose the other bow decoration.....carving madness continues
  11. I do that even with the larger kits as well Lou........easier to hold if there are more than a couple of colors I'm painting some of the parts in gunship gray.....that's a good idea Carl, for when I do the structures. yea......I went with the plastic pedestal parts....I thought it would be easier. I have them trimmed fairly well, but broke a few in the process. I just glued them back on. now for the masts, I will do them in rod......I started to work with the plastic parts and saw how flimsy they were. Am I correct in my assumption of the davits and the ship's boats? anyway.......did a little bit this morning.......splitting time with the Nordzee. got to run errands......but I'll be back thanks Carl, Lou, and CDW for the good word....thanks to all who hit the like button as well
  12. I've seen them.......figured I could get the complete set in one fal swoop if you saw the kit......that's exactly what you would think......cheap. most model manufacturers put their logo on the inside of parts {like the hull}........the kit was produced in China........they have it on the outside of the stern >YECH<....so I will need to remove it....... but this will b covered in the log, when I get to it I will do my best not to make visits here 'in vain' Carl........getting through these sub assemblies and detailing them is taking an amazing amount of time. once I get them all together, putting them all on at once will fast forward the project. I started way later than you guys too....that didn't help. I cemented the pedestal legs on the machine gun platform.....I figured I'd wait to trim the sprue marks, until the glue has set. now that the torpedo launchers are painted and done, they were cemented on the ship. I noticed the forward one is a little off.....it was adjusted after the picture was taken the hood-like top was also cemented in place......to be painted after it dries. the stand was painted and the name plate was attached during a prior session. I have been painting some of the other parts, like the ship's boats and deck tops. ....even the deck top of the machine gun platform. the boats and the paravanes were painted.......the bottoms of the boats first, and then stuck on sticky tape to paint the rest of them. I notice that there are more davits, than shown in the booklet..........since there were two 'C' sprue panels, I'm sure that these are extras. not all the ship's boats will be used either. in the case of car models, I usually relish saving spare parts {for customizing other car models}....... I will likely save these parts too. they are painted as well now to trim the platform........if need be, I can reinforce the pedestals with gussets or a form of bracing.........I have quite a bit of spare PE to work with. looks like I'll have to straighten the gun barrel on the machine gun again........painted a light gray.
  13. I'm painting up parts and working more on the sub assemblies. I do have one small ray of progress though.......I'll post it in a bit
  14. looking at the picture again.......hard to tell, but I see it now. I jumped the gun.....wishful thinking
  15. I was a fan of Patrick MacNee and Diana Riggs...now they were the real Avengers! I've seen The Saint and a lot of those other shows. I was a fan of Sky King too Lou
  16. thanks Michael.......I had no idea! I usually get updates on the shows I watch, but for some reason, news on American Gods never showed up. too bad about Gillian Anderson........glad to hear some news on it .....thanks again
  17. catching up on your progress Kees......nice job with the bulwark partitions deck framing looks super!
  18. just catching up John........finding it to be very hard to visit in here, since I'm currently not working on anything scratch at the moment. I hope you are well......I read that you had a visit to the hospital of late. the hull frame is coming along........a little here, a little there........it's still progress here's hoping you get more time to work on her....look'in forward to seeing her planked.
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