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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I'm sure they did.........likely to be very dark down there. they probably would be shielded though.......prevent any ignition of grain dust.........etc there were likely more lights as well..........but the single one would give enough insight, I think
  2. pretty ingenious to hide the wires inside the beams.......good use of the structure lighting looks good! very nice progress.
  3. I just grab a beer and get on my B cycle {been do'in that a lot lately}. the ship's look'in too good, to be the focus of anger nice work on the other hull too.....great job on both!
  4. I didn't know you had this project in the works! you gotten off to a very nice start so far glad to see your continuing the build.......very interested in following along BTW......my vote is for the Iowa.........I'm a sucker for a gorgeous battleship
  5. I really need to get one of my scratch builds going again, so I will visit the scratch build forum more often good to see you've brought the Cutter back to the table Michael........such a wonderful project {and eye catching vessel}. looking forward in seeing more progress on her
  6. considering what happened to this hull, I think it came out great I agree that most of the nuances you speak of aren't really visible in the photos. the pin striping didn't come out too bad.......perhaps a different method might have produced something more to your liking. perhaps a different type of tape? they also sell pin striping by the roll......different widths and thicknesses. then there are decals and programs out there to make them....I have one....done a lot of neat things with it so far personally, I think you've done well for a first try........no one says you can't do another. don't be too hard on yourself
  7. hello Klas.......glad to see you started a build log the hull frame has a really nice shape to her.......faring the frame is really important, so to give the hull a smooth contour. as mentioned, I chose not to use the supplied planking. I'm not a huge fan of double planking, so I used 1.5 mm planking. it insured that there was plenty of skin for sanding. the stern came out very good....deck planking came out equally as well looking forward to see your next batch of pictures
  8. thanks Carl after I posted, I began play'in with her.........there will be a bit more progress after all
  9. those masts are going to be the crown on the Seydlitz creation Greg, should you pull the trigger on them. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you haven't already! seeing your latest post on Carl's log......compels me to post the few pictures I have on Vendetta's progress. it isn't much. I did do most of the touch ups that I've needed to do.......need to do a bit more. I've added the squarish bit of PE to the four of the paravane's fins..........the other two flew off into never never land. I've painted the top of them......but still need to flip them over and do the other side. I only need the four anyway........the two at the stern, and the other two near the funnel. the aft mast is painted now........if I've neglected to mention it, it has been partially assembled as well. most of the progress went towards the fore structure, adding railings to the deck wings, on each side of the main structure section. ladders were added too.....also the gun for this deck as well. the structure is only dry fitted for the moment..........I want to add the railings and ladders on the fore deck. there are some touch ups to be done too. that's where she is at the moment folks..........hopefully I can get back to her.....but it's Friday. errands and a birthday party for one of my grand kids will eat up most of the afternoon. the week end kicks off my work week.......very slim chance I'll get to the table with that 'noise' going on. thanks for look'in in.........I'll post anything I get done today
  10. I appreciate that Greg........but you needn't wait for me. while I've done a little on Vendetta, there is little to write home about. it's been very hot here, and I've had so many 'distractions'.......I just feel like I'd be holding you folks back. these group builds are a very good idea.......I would encourage anyone who has the time to participate. the Seydlitz build is going to be a spectacular project....sad, but I will likely be watching from the side lines. I have other projects that I really need to focus on...bad enough that I have a 'what if' in my head that is goading me to pull the trigger. the pull is so great.....worse I feel than when I did the Andrea Gail.....and we all know what happened when I finally gave in. you and Carl have unique projects going on ........I'll look forward for the next group build
  11. look'in good Bob.......very nice work with the cannon rigging...neatly done. kudos to Rusty for help'in ya out!
  12. hey!......don't get used to that! some of us are hav'in the DT's wait'in to see the big finish on that Connie of yours glad your hav'in fun in your new place.......you ARE there......are you?!?!?! I'm so green right now........I'll be 62 the end of August. just knowing I still have a wait really fries my eggs! look'in forward in seeing you put the finishing touches on that beautiful ship of yours
  13. MAN!!! you really have been busy you've made quite a bit of progress on the rigging...she's look'in great! good to see your back
  14. your moving right along with the progress Greg.......looking at the pictures , it's hard to believe that the model is 1:350 scale. very nice work with the PE and paint....she looks awesome!
  15. sounds to me like your paint was drying right out of the air brush. it happens when all of the variables are right.....temp of the paint, air temp, vs how much thinner {in your case, reducer}.......great way to make spatter paint. are you thinning with water...or something else? I've been having that problem with my billing's paint.......but that's because the paint is old......can't wait to use it up! it's an enamel......I'm used to the nuances I sometimes get. is your air brush a gravity or siphon feed........might also be a factor. nice paint work on the hull.....the darker tinting really looks nice. about tying the aircraft down on deck?.......I think that's what all the deck circles are for. when the aircraft are brought out on deck, they are lashed in place with short lanyards.....removed before take off.
  16. I'm sure I'm not alone........all the while your making these carvings, I tend to forget that your lighting the model too. so it's an added treat to see her lit up she's look'in very good EJ.
  17. hey there! very nice start on your project...this is gonna be a really neat model when done I'll be follow'in along too.
  18. your making some great progress OC......the bot deck is coming together. keep up the good work!
  19. nice progress Andy is there a reason for the rope and chain? did the kit supply eyelets or something for the hawse holes. I have a bunch of those darn things. you can find them in a craft store....it would make the holes look better. sorry if I sound picky, but you've done such a super job on her so far, I find it hard that you've settled on mere holes drilled through the bulwarks. I have a bunch of 'em........I can send you some if you'd like PM me with your addy
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