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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I have an update on the Goth......the lower fore shrouds are finished and waiting for the ratlines. I'd like to get the others done before I get to them though, so it will be a while. I picked up where I left off, tying on more dead eyes. painting the individual dead eyes does have it's own drawbacks. the assembled shrouds aren't all the same height.......and that's OK, I feel........it looks more natural this way. much the same respect as the gun port lids........I think they could practice ten times a day, and in the heat of battle, could never open them all to the same amount. I also took the time to look at the yards......just like the bow spirit yards, I want them to have some movement. they will be suspended by block pulley assemblies and fastened to the mast with rope strung with perrels. holes were drilled to thread the blocks and lashings, and wound to hide the attachment points. I was going to do three rows of perrels, but I think they are a bit too large. I had bought these beads a while ago, to do this. I settled on two rows. now I didn't make those little deviders that go between the perrels.....too small to even mess with, so I tied them together in a couple of places and painted them flat black to kill the sheen {and the white thread.....should have used black} I went back to work on the shrouds starboard side is complete......the back stay riggind is all that's left. now to complete the port side. the second stay has been added to the bow spirit. this is the first of the two that will support the boom portion of the spirit assembly. I also added the last of the upper main mast stays.........it did cause a bit of slack in the lower stays. it's not much......I will see what the back stays will do to take it up. if it don't, well I'll just fix it then. the port side shrouds are complete the outer boom stay is now in place blocks are added to the lower fore mast yard and the spanker yard of the mizzen mast which brings me to where I am now. I had run out of that type of thread for the dead eyes and running rigging. I was hoping I could find it.......and I finally did.....in a dollar store, no less. of course, I had to buy the kite in order to get it........the admiral told me to get two of them....they were only $2.50 so, I figure there's still time to introduce the grand sons to kite flying....I have other string to substitute. the bundle of thread {it's too small to be called string........although it is what one would percieve it is}...with what I had before, I was able to do a couple of builds before this one. these are larger.......should last me a long time! so now, I'm laying the first pairs of shroud lines for the main and mizzen masts
  2. sorry to hear you've gotta get back to work so soon......doesn't seem that long. really doing a nice job with the rigging.
  3. looking good Sjors.........a few more lines, and then she will start to look busy!
  4. I looked....I looked.....looked all around found all this text, but no ship to be found a perilous thought, I thought with a frown the Mirage is in peril, the Aggie's in town to build these three ships, a huge feat to be sure to show it can be done, we'll leave it to Sjors to watch him build cannons, 64 the score only to pause and wonder, which one were they for we're all taking bets......the numbers they say on how many times by Sjors, the box opens in a day to gaze at the beauty, the pieces and parts bright shiny brass, dead eyes and hearts to celebrate the coming of this wild new build I'll run to the fridge, where I keep the beer chilled and raise one to you, on your new feat I'll get off my soapbox....and take my 'saved' seat yes.........I found your build.........I couldn't believe that I missed it. I know I have been lax in my poetry.......so I thought I'd whip this one up for you. I have muliple builds.....tis true.........but not like these! these are big-a** ships! you didn't fool me for a moment with those pictures.......you don't have a model of the thames........and look at the cannons........they have Mobbsie's signature muzzles thanks for saving me a seat....I wouldn't miss this for the world. the admiral tells me that I'm infatuated with two girls......Itaka bow and Kissimyae stern....I had a laugh when she came out with that very nice of Mobbsie to send you that plaque.....going to be a special touch to the stand. I'm sure that if you do try and fit something together........you'll post some pictures for us to see
  5. don't be sorry........that's what summer is for I'll be here when you pick up where you left off. you know......I was thinking the same thing.........had to take a double looky at his post ! how ya doing J.P. summer must have yanked you right out of your seat!
  6. hee.....hee.......would make for some great excercise though found some string like it, but it's like the next size up. I'll save it for larger builds. I think I'll have better luck at the dollar stores........I mentioned the string on my Goth build thanks for looking in and the good word....I hope to have some progress soon
  7. thanks Adam......I should be back at it shortly. I still haven't found the string I've been using for the dead eyes and running rigging on the Goth.....I'm hoping soon........before the hobby stores switch gears. who ever heard of flying a kite in a snowstorm?
  8. I was graced with his presence a while ago........I was very glad he left. lately though, I've been working on getting the toyota inspected, I did a bunch of work......but apparently, the garage wasn't happy with it. it's only a couple of small details, so I let him do it. I only want the car to last 1 more year {my son is driving it}.........I just shake my head. then I think........I could get as much as three hundred bucks for the car at the junk yard..........and I believe i've put that much into it at this point ....go figure. it boils down to my not being at the table as much as well.........don't feel bad. I'm sure you'll have an update soon........I'll be here
  9. just as there are progressions to a build, there must also be improvements to the room that houses it......look forward in see what you've been up to
  10. I'm waiting patiently.....again, I'm sorry to hear that your redoing the rigging, but if your not happy with it.......then you must do what you can to make it right. good to know your back up and about........hope things improve even more for you!
  11. ohhhh.......you know, I have been thinking about bringing the deck parts out and doing that. the build has been dormant for a while now, as I have been trying to make progress on the Goth. that's the United States build........I think I need to order more of the 0.7 x 3 mm Annegre planking for it.......I think I'll have just enough for the gun deck. I'll try and find some time for it........I am rather curious how those grates I made, will work.......I may have to sand them thinner. the Half Moon is on the other table......I still have the last two bulkheads to do yet. once that is done, I need to finish the sanding, and then I can see about staining the hull and getting the bottom painted {I'm going to use the dark drab}. then I can work on the wales and rub rails for her..........then the task of the cap rails. stay tuned my friend.....thanks for your interest in these builds
  12. thanks Aldo...this is the most repeditive part of the build. I've done a few so far.........small ones, these are much larger. I dealt with the pre formed ratlines in most of my plastic kits. I like doing them......didn't think I would, but it's like the old saying .......try it, you'll like it! when I was doing the Cutty Sark build, I had sent in a missing parts request for the sails, ratlines , and a decal sheet. I got everything, but one sheet of sails. I had a plan for the ratlines on another build........I did it.....and bagged the rest of them and put them away. well, I am a moderator on another site.......and one day I viewed a post asking for preformed ratlines, for a build this fellow was doing. he mentioned that he was in his 70's, and was having a hard time doing them. I packed them up and sent them to him, with a note telling him how he could trim them to fit. I also plan to do them on my United States build, so that means that I'll have another set kicking around. not a big deal........I'll just wait till there is a call for them......there's a home for them somewhere.
  13. detail........detail........what to include in a model? this is a bit of detail that is rarely done, given the scale-down between the cap rails and the pin rails. more detail is shown to be structual, rather that decorative. I do agree that it would be a cool thing to do mock-ups of different aspects ........then of course, to scale it down for the build. it is a cool bit of detail though......if you can see it, then it should be shown
  14. I have to agree with Mick..........I like that style of deck planking. like to try it with a future build....it looks cool! you'll be a master electrician when this is done
  15. interesting way to solve a problem.........it reminds me of when I was hanging pictures. the brads I was using were too small for my big fingers, so I had the admiral hold them in place for me. it was going well, until she saw the hammer........she pulled her hand back off the wall. I asked her if she trusted me..........before we knew it all the pictures were hung. you didn't just 'let' him hold your ship........you trusted him, and between the two of you, you got the job done! I'd say.....a job well done at that as well your progress looks great........shrouds and dead eyes....nicely done! great repair!
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