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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. hello Egilman.........why of course I plan to mobilize it! I wouldn't dream of denying everyone the opportunity of watching me fall on my own sword! it's like telling a Samurai to 'spill his guts' on the old model kits site, there is a surge of these kits showing up by different manufacturers. the big push was today..........the wires was connected to the motor to fasten the drive carriage to the chassis is with a screw..........a nut was pushed into the hole provided for it. it was later capped by a round cover and glued into place. the drive boggies were pushed onto the drive axle, which has a gear on it already. it is preset into place. the rest of the gears were set in place, in connection to one another. to keep one of the gear axles from shifting, a small piece of rubber was pushed on the other end.......later though, I saw that it had split, telling me that the life expectancy of the material was probably past its end. I'll have to leave it in the lap of the gods, that the shifting doesn't impede the action of the gears. assembled, the drive assembly looks like this.. the axle arrangement was arrested in place by the black part you see in the upper left hand of the picture.........the round tube you see in the picture is what I cut the gear axle stop from. I won't be using it since seeing that the stuff is useless.
  2. it starts with the tank and assembling the leading wheel assembly. they press on the axle with a little effort......certain that they will not to come off any time soon for the boggie rollers, there are these rubberized caps that hold them in place. they go through the holes of the rollers and fit onto the pins along the bottom of the tank chassis. the top surface of the tank body has some really good detail. for the kit being molded so well, there is quite a bit of flash. I'm doing quite a bit of trimming. the plastic cuts like barbed wire and sanding produces some really grainy dust. the perfect plastic to make putty from......but I'm not going there all of the boggies need to be sanded around the circumferences to lose the molded tool lines. I didn't do that to the leading and drive boggies though.......as you can see from the picture above, they possess some sort of tread design. one wonders if this will deter track wandering........I guess it would depend on how exact the model really is.
  3. hello all.......a very happy New Years to you! we had a quiet one here.......had the young one and his girlfriend over, but shuffled them out early and finished the evening with just the three of us. I watched the first two ' Die Hards' with Gibbs, and the admiral read her books. the after Christmas fun began with this model kit, which is the smallest tank I've ever built. this is the model that I asked for after submitting my wish list.........the admiral told me sure.........but I'll need to put it under the tree. I can't have it until Christmas. so I did....... the big draw to this model was the fact that it is motorized, which I thought would be something different here on the site I did do a contents overview........but not much. the remote control need to be assembled........ it had all the hardware.......even the motor. I have a couple of other models that don't supply the motor.......just the hardware. I have these motors in my inventory.......taken from one of those animated Christmas stuffed figures. of course, it has pre-connected rubber track, and all that........and of course, the tank needs to be assembled as well. it made from a really strange plastic.......something I've not felt before. should be a relatively quick model to build
  4. can't do that Patrick......... we're on the same side now if'n you were do'in British armor..........that would be a hoss of a diffr'nt color thanks for look'in in and the likes
  5. on some, when the bumpers and such are added, they have tabs that the chassis will sit on. you haven't added the windshields either, and that will set up the interior to sit in its proper place.
  6. this one has hung around long enough.........I put the finishes to it before Christmas......then thing got too busy 🎅 I dunno........I like it, but I don't think its my best work. I was hoping to put the closure on a few other projects as well. as mentioned, there was a fit problem with the canopy......comes in two parts. hope you enjoy.......definitely one subject that I want to revisit in a larger scale these two were with flash........the rest are without flash. thanks for look'in in.........I really appreciate yas follow'in along
  7. great looking cockpit.....the detail set does wonders for it hope to see more soon!
  8. nice model Jack........your becoming a rotor head.......could be contagious! now you need to do an assault chopper.......plenty of fire power!
  9. I saw those 3D items....and in my mind, I started clapping! ....they are just SO cool! the carts.....the boats....awwww hell....the whole ensemble are gonna look nice! buy your friend a brew for me will ya!?!?!
  10. read my mind Mark............can you say 'bird strike'....holy cow! yea.....nasty glad your gonna try to save it......next time, white glue
  11. soaking them in hot water should soften them enough to flex the warp out.......direct heat will deform them. I hope you can fix 'em.......the model is coming along nicely........great job!
  12. good look'in body.........the paint looks great! shaping up to be a super stock car
  13. kool kit........I bought the grandkids {Chase and Tripp} each one of those rubber band guns. the boys had them together in no time!
  14. sounds like you all had a great Christmas! on the eve, I had a tussle with one of those mini kegs of Heineken.......I didn't win, but I almost drained that sucker! I still got a second one to tussle with for New Years! a couple years ago, I was gonna party hearty.......bought a pint of Southern comfort, along with a couple of snifters {single servers}. they are still in the cupboard.....haven't touched them. don't drink like I used to, but don't mind diving into the froth! great start on this one Jav........it's not a bad thing having so many active projects.........the bright side is that you'll never be at a loss for something to do
  15. very nice start looks really good!
  16. really nice progress Kevin........the church came out awesome.......and the mill is starting out very nice
  17. sorry to hear about Max.......I have one on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge too....... condolences....... good to see your making progress.......
  18. when I saw the JD picture, I thought that you were gonna need a bigger bottle! looks like a neat dio plan.......if your gonna have that large of a 'guest list', you may need to expand the 'playing field' a bit more though a larger entrance 'door' wouldn't hurt either.
  19. those two darlings are looking sweet! what are you doing in the background......getting the rest of the regiment together? I saw a tank............I saw a tank!!!!!!!
  20. well! after quite a chase the USPS gave me, the conversion kit is finally here! it should have been here the week of Christmas....... a huge thanks to Lou for pointing me in the right direction! this sprue comes from the Accurate Miniatures kit of the B 25. I will need to alter the nacelles to fit the flap/firewall part. I will likely use both of them so they will look matched....as mentioned, I downloaded a copy of the Accurate miniatures kit instructions, to see if there are other parts I can use. I need to do a few things first before I can get back to her, but it's a good feeling to know there is light at the end of this tunnel
  21. they had some of those planes in the squadron........there is only one Dr 1 shown though. the DML kits are nice........they come with two small sheets of PE and the parts are really detailed.......produced in the early 90's. the boxes are pristine, so these kits were stored well. the MPC kit has some wear....I had to tape up part of the box........quite a few parts are off the sprues. the bag was sealed, so I know the kit is complete. more on it when I get to it yes Lou.......the Missouri is nice......really good shape, box and all. there is still one of my presents that is still out there though......when the admiral told me about it, I didn't want to know what it was. today was spent undecorating the house........during the day she asked me again. I had the IJN Akagi on my list.......she got me the Shokaku instead. I'm not disappointed.....they are both aircraft carriers
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