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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. ailerons were added to the wings and stabilizer. the engines were assembled and adjusted so they would line up to the nacelles. had to do some cleaning up around the nacelle wing roots. the interior was adjusted to fit better in the fuselage. more parts were cleaned up....to either be assembled, or readied to paint.
  2. I remember these kits back in the 70's....... MPC wasn't known for their military kits...mainly cars and stuff. these kits are from airfix molds......I got it for Christmas. the box was a bit beaten up......the parts were still in the bag, but many of them were off the sprues. there is a lot of flash and poorly molded.....so bad in fact, that I was hesitant about doing a log on it. since I don't have too many models in this scale, I decided to build it....who knows....I might be able to salvage it the stabilizer fin was a little warped as well......hoping that when in place, it might straighten itself out. pardon the picture 'bluing'...... the wings were assembled and checked for fit.......a nice feature that they fit into a 'well', rather than fitted with the usual tabs the rudders were assembled....... ...and began to assemble the interior bulkheads and floor through all this, a lot of trimming and sculpting was going on, in an effort to fit the parts together at least halfway decent. fitting the model together to this degree gave me a good idea of how it would look. it does show some promise the stabilizer does straighten out alright.......so, I added more to the interior. the turret does turn, so that's a plus. three different planes can be built from this kit, as seen on the box.
  3. the build continues.......been doing a lot more painting since spraying the overall color. I had painted the parts that make up the tail gunner position earlier.........the guns were assembled so they could move up and down....glad I did it. with the assembly together, cementing on the 'canvas' tail cap would have been a trial. the part below is from the Accurate Miniatures set that I received, and of no consequence. I have been at my desk as well, tinkering with another B 25 kit {I'll get into that later }........but I was also working on one of my brainpharts when I build what I did of this kit. I had assembled the gun turret complete with the glass......I forgot I needed to paint the framework. so using my method with the strip tape, I got that task done without having to take it off. I think it was Ed that built this kit.......I liked the way he painted the control sticks, so I did mine the same way. the bombs were painted too here's a shot of the tail gunner's position interior........ ...and a somewhat revealing shot of the cockpit the cockpit in place, in the fuselage..... ...more to come
  4. I've done that.........can't say that I liked it either I'm sure that dealing with paper, it would have been much worse.......glad you caught it early enough. looks really good so far!
  5. superb looking build so far........the PE work is very well done also, a fine selection of ships for the stash.......you have the Yamato....I have the Shokaku
  6. extra basswood sheet is always good........every time I go to Hobby Lobby, I always buy at least a couple sheets. I used a simple box cutter to trim the sheeting to shape, leaving a tiny bit for sanding. it's one of my go to tools for wood modeling.
  7. with my luck spraying over paints....I try to stay away from doing it. I'm currently out of micro sol.........but I have the set, and I do use it. I use warm water to soak the decals in, but I think they tend to cool off too fast......this house is a bear to heat. yes....decals have no problem sticking to gloss paint, but not painting over them, it would leave shiny areas, so I don't apply decals that way. I've tried the floor shine method, as well as the washer fluid method, and didn't like either one. the admiral has been hinting about going to Barnes and Noble.......it's a book store and it's close to Hobby Lobby. perhaps a stop there too is in order
  8. thank you gents....and those who hit the like button yea, the decals were really hard to 'stick'. there are a couple of them I actually used the window maker to affix them. that worked out quite well....believe it or not.........I just used a damp paper towel to wipe the excess. flat paints are sometimes not very friendly to decals, I find. thanks again
  9. OHHHHHHHHHH! you'll have FUN with this one! hope the 'boys' don't get jealous.......
  10. I was just looking at he frame again.........I'm counting backwards than the instructions {I saw the number of some of the bulkheads. you can always do this too......... if the bow looks too daunting, you can always sheet the aft section up to the the turn to the bow, and then plank the rest. I will say this though.......don't use the balsa and use narrower planking....what is that.....5 to 7 mm wide balsa strip? yea, that's too wide...5 would be max I think bee sure to fare the bow bulkheads.......the aft bulkheads aren't that critical. be sure to secure the plank to each bulkhead until it dries
  11. that's why I did it in sections. the plastic sheeting supplied in the PT kit are quite long, roughly half the length of the hull. I chose to sheet it two sections at a time. working on the port side first...... your first cut will be along the edge you will lay at the keel.......line the edge to the left to the transom bulkhead, but give it a tiny bit extra for sanding purposes. I notice that the plank you have along the gunwale is slotted to fit there, so you can use it as the line to trim the bottom. wrapping the piece around the bulkheads, you can mark that line to trim off, and get a sense of where the third bulkhead is. the number plan might not be that way......I may be backwards, but I don't have the plans in front of me. if using that gunwale plank is a bother, you can always remove it and replace it later when the hull is sheeted. all this will depend on you gluing it back on the board though......I hope you did that. you can do two sections at a time until the hull begins to narrow to the bow......then you may need to cover only one section at a time, until the last section........you might be able to do two sections then. there is a picture of the plastic sheeting in the PT log.......using it would have meant a lot of extra work. it will take some measuring and fitting, but it can be done
  12. c'mon Lou.........I did a botch job on the interior! close molded stuff like that is not my strong suit. I'm beginning to think I should have gone with a different camo.........one of the decals fell off and now I can't find it! I'll have to order one of those letter sheets as I did for the B 17 builds....gonna have to be in black though {although I could just print the decals.....nothing fancy about letters}. so the fuel tube is painted and I touched up the stripes on the props....not like it mattered.......one would have to look under there to see them I'm calling her done! she takes up a good amount of room on the table......missing letters on the rudder fin thanks for following along........glad that you found it interesting
  13. back then, it was all about how many one could fit in the car I think back to the happy Days era, even though I was a 60's / 70's child. it was back in the day when cars had curves.......they had style. love the color
  14. they are Ken...........white and red are as well! they definitely need to be sprayed...light coats and in layers you pulled the rabbit out Jack...that's what counts! tedious decal work.....especially between the windows......super job Jack! congratz! so....what's next?
  15. I'm a roller coaster nut........one thing I have learned, is never have an open bag of M&M's in your pocket
  16. very nice start in putting all this together.........awesome!
  17. glad to see your back in action OC.......the troops are looking really good looking forward in seeing the field come together
  18. superb looking model..........you really did a great job with the paint nicely done! hope you can get back to her Kurt.......I did see a kit some time ago I'd pull up a chair in a heartbeat!
  19. I do a lot of fiberglass patching on small scales { patching trailer roofs}. I'll lay down a layer of resin and then spread out the cloth patch. another coat goes over it and either with spatula or brush, it is smoothed out. with the few model boats I've done, I don't usually use the cloth. the resin is more than sufficient in sealing the hull so it won't leak.......but then again, I've not done an R/C boat yet, so I haven't been able to prove my theory. the resin give me the smooth hull I'm looking for, and with what I've seen, I really don't want the cloth texture to ruin it. for a large scale job such as yours, it would likely call for some type of roller to smooth out the cloth before the second coat is applied. for the second coat, it would probably be good to wait till the initial application has had some time to set.....the second coat would also serve as a leveling effect. in any case........I'm glad it's working better for you
  20. sounds as bad as I am........I never write down measurements I take it for granted concerning the scale I'm working on and try to stay with the scale. as you've done, it's always best to start at the bottom and work your way to the top it does appear that your working from text, so at least you have something to work with. very nice detail work! I just noticed it.......but it appears that your missing a tooth on one of the track sections on the front of the body {left one}. looks easy to add one I'm not nit picking, but I can see your a man of perfection
  21. thanks Ken and OC, and thanks to all the likes I'm relieved that the gear thing was that quick a fix........still up to you Lou for the perfect model the wing was a quick fix....just trim off some of the dried glue and re-cement it back on. with the undercarriage work done, it was super glued on the base. small parts around the nose was added.....antennas , wipers and such........ I'm working on the props, finishing them up....the next pictures should be gallery pictures the refueling tube was added.......still needs painting. it's nice when I can get a good picture....I miss the focus ability of the old camera. I'll be sure to do the finish pictures in some good lighting
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