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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. hi there Ed I'd have probably been better to have bought up a bunch of those throw away cameras ....I'd have likely gotten better pictures I can't see myself buying one of those fancy cameras.......I probably wouldn't use half the functions....that's why I prefer the cheap cameras. I want to get back to wood........I kinda miss it {slight lean towards the semantics of it all}. there is another wood project to throw on the pile........I think this bugs the current Mrs. Wenzel more, than my want of a new camera .........lemme take the puppy out.........I'll be back so.........yea, I felt bad that there are no pictures to show, so I used the admiral's phone and took some. .......just a few to test the theory out. if I go this route, I will need to be mindful of the camera angle........it creates odd shots. the bottom paint is copper........the upper hull is painted with Billing's flat black. I should have left it as it was........the first coat looked to be similar to dark walnut stain. but instead, I gave it a second coat and will leave it at that. very little wood grain shows through, but it gives the hull a worn look, which I kinda find appealing. after all, it's an older vessel, and I'm sure maintenance wasn't a priority I also added the chock to give the bow spirit that upward sweep. the inner bulward color is a medium green. taking the pictures, I wasn't seeing the color and was afraid that it might not show in the pictures. I'm glad it does the 'tool' you see in the foreground is how I'm going to gauge the rub rails. the deck will be planked and I will need to make a grate for the hold. I will likely go up another 4 mm for the aft deck.....giving more height to the cabin. I might add some port holes.
  2. sorry to all who posted........the big change here........the virus........and my shift from wood to plastic, has distracted me somewhat. worse is the focus issue i've been experiencing..........but I think I found redemption by using my own #13 boot to help me along not having a suitable camera has also been a thorn..........I hope to remedy that soon as well. the last picture showed a bare hull.....the gun ports have been established along with the aft cabin, which will be capped with the aft decking. there has been some progress.....the outer hull has been painted, upper and lower, as well as the inner bulwarks. I'm looking towards an open bow with the usual windlass set up, to make it easier I think. next will be to plank the deck and add the rub rail along the outer hull...........then the cap rails. naturally, the progress will move forward once I can get a decent camera, I can show you what I've done so far. to be continued....... I haven't looked at the Billing's Cutty Kevin.........do you already have the kit? I used photoshop to enlarge the parts panel diagrams for the Danmark, to fit the odd parts that I have for the model. I basically enlarged the diagrams to around 150%.........to be more exact would have been about 153%. this brought me to around a 1/8th difference in the numbers and size of the bulkhead parts....they were all I was interested with.......I can scratch build the rest, since all corresponding measurements now will be different {once started, it will snowball from there ). of course, this one is not a priority, considering that I probably got somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 or so active projects going on, I won't be getting back to it any time soon so be assured that the Clotilda and this brigg is still in the works....given the condition of the kit that I'm building them from, they are coming along surprisingly well. JCT was able to create a decent model from the box.....it inspires me to press on
  3. it took a bit of effort, but as you can see, I've found where this build fell in the phylum I know......I haven't updated in a while, but being distracted with everything going on around me, I haven't been able to focus......sucks to be sure but these last few days have been somewhat of a breakthrough........I managed to get a little done on this model. sadly, I still don't have a camera good enough to show you what I've accomplished, but I hope to have a remedy for this soon. it not much.........cemented the grates in place on the deck........drilled the holes and grommeted the anchor hawse holes on the deck. I plan to add the cap rails and cement the rest of the parts I have ready on the deck........put some progress on this 'ole girl! 👍 ....to be continued
  4. when getting 'round to the end of the build.......it's like walk'in on eggshells. .....so afraid to knock something off!
  5. she's a sweet looking model.......great subject count me in too OC!
  6. fantastic job on the Harrier OC........super looking base as well good that the little nuances towards the end of the build didn't take away from the finished results
  7. I think you should Tom.........obviously, you have untapped talent flaunt it!
  8. superb work on the stencils..interesting you did the blue background last the cockpit looks awesome!
  9. cockpit and wings look really good did you pre curve the leading edges?
  10. I haven't finished the other two guys yet. then again........I still haven't painted the rudder. I cut the cabane cables too short on Kempf's plane, so I need to figure out what to do with that plane.
  11. you've got a really nice collection..........and a good eye for 'battle' paint. they look like they've been taken right off the battlefield! truly great job!
  12. I'm look'in too Mike ......just a bit late to the party. gonna be a neat bit of surgery on the wings to get them to fold. nice find! even the B 17 had life rafts on board
  13. getting a good feel of fall up here...........this morning was the coldest day.........34 degrees! stinks that I didn't get any real paint time in the garage
  14. thanks Kevin for the concern........but no one is missing much. I haven't been very busy of late. there is so much going on around me, that I'm having a hard time focusing on things. the camera on the other hand, has so far been a failure...........no matter what I adjust, it just won't give me a clear picture. I wish the darn thing had auto adjust like the other camera. the admiral's phone gives better pictures for cry'in out loud! I was chatting with my older son, and he has an old phone that can't be used anymore, due to being obsolete......he's gonna find it and give it to me to try. I don't need a complicated camera, so it might be an option. I've been looking in stores, the simple point and shoot camera has been scant at best. I hope to have something for you all soon........sorry for the procrastination
  15. it's quite a model you have there James the basic construction looks to be the sturdiest I've ever seen! really nice progress thus far
  16. sorry to hear about your fall...........hope you are recovering nicely get well soon!
  17. railings can be a problem. I use Ca for my railings, but all my models are static. if you intend to paint the railings, you'll be better able to hide the solder and give them a more uniform look. did you clear coat over the rest of the decals too? looking very good
  18. mak'in some great progress on this one OC..........decaling and the cockpit glass look awesome!
  19. quite a collection...............the cabinet looks super!
  20. gonna look awesome when you pull it all together nice!
  21. thanks Man! ...you know, I still haven't painted the rudder yet.............yea, I know...... "what the hell are you waiting for?" been kinda busy.....an a bout of 'da funk'. I'd go to the table to get something done, but I'd end up doing something else.....sometimes not modeling related. the camera has been an issue too........can't seem to get this darn thing to take a good picture........piece of junk I'll get there......don't give up there were problems with the kit itself.........subject being off.......decals......etc. this is probably the best way to make sense of an ill fated model kit.........just change the kit subject!
  22. that would depend on what your going for. museum planes have been basically 'polished'.....they made them look good. a plane on a carrier deck, or on a runway in the field is another.....they look weather worn, beaten and abused. the wethered model looks super........some are so life like.
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